Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing


What is better: live on the upper or lower floors? Or maybe you need a golden middle? We have prepared a material that will help to understand this issue.

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_1

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing

What floors are best suited for life:

Where is it better to live for health

  • Psychological
  • Physical

Advantages and disadvantages of all options

  • First
  • Second
  • Third-seventh
  • Eighth and above
  • Last
  • Last in new buildings

Several tips for choosing

Immediately let's say, there is no unambiguous answer. Each option has its pros and cons. In addition, it is important to take into account the features of the house in which you buy housing. Apartments at the top in the old and modern build can be very different from each other. And even new buildings are different in this regard. We will tell about all this. Let's start with what floor it is better to live for health: the first or last, and that it affects it.

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_3

Features of life on the height of a bird'scape and in the earth

Consider this issue from two points of view: the psychological and physical condition of a person.

Psychological aspect

Accommodation in such premises causes ambiguous opinions. On the one hand, the urban person is not adapted to life at an altitude, below he closer to nature, which favorably affects the mood. On the other hand, psychologists note that there are people who feel the entire cargo of furniture and reinforced concrete above their heads - they will be uncomfortable. If we are talking about old building, you need to take into account that in the summer there may be little light in the room because of too closely planted trees. It negatively affects many people.

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_4
Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_5

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_6

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_7

To choose housing at the very top and above the middle of the building is not recommended for people with depression, fear of height and claustrophobia (a trip to the elevator in this case turns into torment). Permanent finding at height causes phobias, apathy and other psychological disorders. Also worth paying attention to the way opens from the window. If you do not like closed spaces, then the scenery of the yard can depress, and sunsets under the roof - on the contrary, inspire.

  • Is it worth buying an apartment on the first or last floor: expert opinion

Physical health

What is bad to live on the first floor

  • In old houses, daylight overlaps more and the grille. This negatively affects not only a psychological state, but also for vision.
  • Noise, exhaust gases, vibration from the road if the building is near the carriageway. Reducing hearing, allergies, respiratory diseases and nervous system.
  • Damp, cold, fungus and mold from the basement, smell from the garbage tree, the neighborhood with insects and rats. In new buildings it is practically absent.
  • Electromagnetic radiation from power cables in the technical room. Headache, circulatory disruption.

New homes are built more comfortable and such a location is no longer considered hopelessly bad, as twenty years ago. For example, according to standards, trees are much further and therefore the first problem is not relevant. There are mosquitoes and flies. But they, contrary to the established opinion, come to any height. In general, on this, the disadvantages of such housing end and remains plus - it is easy to raise people with those or other health restrictions.

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Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_10

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_11

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_12

Why top apartments are bad

  • All elevators can break in any building. In a high structure, this will become a torment, or even a hopeless situation for residents with cardiovascular or other limiting opportunities, diseases.
  • Noise. Even in the largest house itself, you are not protected from the sounds of the track. Of course, under the roof you will not hear how the neighbors speak on a bench or unload the goods to the store, but often it is compensated by the wind whistle.
  • Smog. The exhaust gases from the road will not be terrible to you, but here harmful substances from enterprises can negatively affect health if you live in an industrial or big city.
  • Electromagnetic radiation. If you have a technical room.

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_13

Where will it be good to live? In terms of psychological and physical health, experts advise the purchase of housing at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8th. At the first two more easier to get, and if the closed room outside the closed courtyard, and there are no tracks nearby - there is access to clean air. There are no such problems with garbage chute. Until the last three, there are no contamination, the noise level is less, and the daily light into the room enters more.

  • How to choose the right apartment: detailed guide for buyers

What floor it is better to choose when buying an apartment

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of all options and make conclusions, what floor is the most comfortable for living.


First of good. This is the safest location of housing. In case of fire, earthquake or other emergency, the tenants of the lower apartments are easiest to leave the building.

Other pluses

  • When moving or repair it is easier to carry heavy things.
  • Due to the prejudice of buyers, prices for objects may be lower by 10-20%.
  • There are no problems with water pressure.
  • In some homes there is a separate way out of a fenced mini-garden.
  • There are no neighbors below, and therefore noise will not disturb anyone and do not have to pay for the repair if the pipe breaks.
  • The possibility of completing the balcony if it is not.


  • The smell of dampness from the basement in the old building.
  • Noise from people, cars located at the bottom of stores or institutions.
  • The probability of insect distribution, if at the bottom of the grocery store or cafe. True, this item concerns the whole house.
  • Trash under the windows. In the spring, instead of a green lawn, you can see a unpleasant picture.
  • Elevator fee. It is considered to be general aware and even if you do not use them - you need to pay.
  • Increased chance of theft. It is believed that the apartments located closer to the ground are easier to penetrate.
  • Possible discomfort from constantly dressed curtains. In the windows, passersby often peek.
  • Allergy. If the bottom is equipped with a parisade, allergies in the spring-summer season will not be easy.


It has almost all the mines of the first, but they are less pronounced. Of the advantages there is accessibility for low-friendly people, easy delivery of large things, good water pressure (usually).

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_15

Third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh

So he is, one of the most frequent answers to the question: what floor is it better to buy an apartment? Such a location of housing is considered the most comfortable - especially the first option.
  • It is still at a fairly safe and convenient distance to exit.
  • There are no problems with water and almost all of the minuses listed above: noise, unpleasant odors, ugly view from the window, dimming from trees and grilles on the window.

Usually, the sale of more expensive objects begins. The farther - the cleaner, the air, quieter and lighter indoors. There is still no acroophobia. The minuses include complicated delivery of overall objects and difficulty movement for the elderly and mothers with strollers in the event of a breakdown of elevators. Another drawback is bad sound insulation. Hear you and hear you. This is especially noticeable in panel new buildings.

Eighth and above

The crowns of trees do not get to this height, which means the sunshine does not interfere. The noise of the road is less noticeable, and the unloading of trucks and the appearance at the entrance is not heard. A serious problem is the evacuation from the building during a fire or another incident.

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Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_17

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_18

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_19


Complete with beautiful views and lack of neighbors from above are several flaws.
  • This is the most unsafe location of housing in the house at various emergency.
  • In the old building in winter, in the fall and in the spring often roofing.
  • In the summer she can crack and in the room becomes very stuffy.
  • Sometimes there are water interruptions. The problem is not in all objects. If the middle of the building is the technical room - the pressure will be good at all levels.

Last floor in a new building: pros and cons

In the new buildings under the roof there is a technical room that lens part of the minuses. In particular, overheated roof. Often, developers set panoramic or simply wide windows, which makes landscapes even more impressive. By minuses include the elevator waiting time - in general, go down not as fast as it seems.

At night, the sound of the elevator is very well heard - it bothers a full-fledged rest. In addition, according to reviews, in budget facilities, the roof is often flowing as in Khrushchev, the mold appears on the windows on rainy weather.

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Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_21

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_22

Which floor is better to choose when buying an apartment, so as not to be disappointed in housing 9013_23

Several advice on the choice of housing

What is better: first or last floor? Unambiguously say it is impossible. As you can see, each option has its pros and cons. BUY on the first apartment risky and you must first write down all the circumstances that have a value personally for you. Here are some tips to which you can also navigate.

  • If there is the same high-rise buildings around the building, the need for height disappears, since there will most likely not be a beautiful panorama.
  • Find out the environmental situation in the acquisition area. The absence in the immediate vicinity of a busy road, enterprises increases the choice of housing.
  • It is important that in the house there were two elevators, in case of breakdowns of one of them. Even better when the cargo and passenger work.
  • Specify the evacuation scheme from the building and the way of ensuring water. If the pump is at the bottom - there may be problems with pressure in an hour-peak.

During the acceptance of the apartment, pay attention to all possible problem areas. It should also be noted that some of them are easily eliminated. For example, the smell from the garbage tree and the noise on the site is not afraid if you install a good door.

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