For and against: PVC tile


We understand what a polyvinyl chloride coating is, and we tell what your advantages and disadvantages have.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_1

For and against: PVC tile

What is PVC tile?

PVC tile is a relatively new finish option, mainly used as an outdoor coating. In terms of its external characteristics and composition, it is closest to the linoleum (actually, in the spaciousness, you can hear the names "Linoletic tile", "Linoleum tile"), and on the installation method resembles a laminate.

There is a polyvinyl chloride coating designed for different mounting methods:

  • tile on self-adhesive basis;
  • material requiring laying on glue;
  • Options with lock connections (already familiar to us in laminate).

For and against: PVC tile 9047_3

Benefits of material

1. acceptable price

In the price segment, the material makes a worthy competition of linoleum and laminate, which is one of his key advantages.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_4

2. Easy mounting

With the installation of PVC tiles, even a man in the street will cope, especially considering the existence of an option with a self-adhesive basis.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_5

3. Moisture resistance

Thanks to its moisture-proof properties, the material is suitable for use in "wet zones" - in the kitchen, in the bathroom.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_6

4. Convenience of mounting

Stop such a coating - not just just, but also quite convenient. Unlike linoleum, you do not need to free everything from the furniture, it is quite realistic to put part of the tile, move the things in the room and furniture - and continue to work.

5. Easy care

Caring for the PVC-tile floor differs little from the care of any other floor. The only thing that is afraid of such a surface is acetone and other similar aggressive funds.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_7

6. Decent appearance

Modern producers offer high-quality, beautifully looking material, decently imitating drawing and texture of wood, stone, etc. An important moment for those who fear that the floor will look cheap.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_8

7. Child manifold

Modern manufacturers offer PVC tiles in a variety of colors, forms and sizes, problems with the choice will not make sure.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_9

8. Easy to embody designer ideas

As already noted, the polyvinyl chloride coating exists in different sizes and forms, which greatly simplifies the imitation of parquet or ceramic masonry and other designer ideas.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_10

9. Easy to repair coverage

If you lose the floor of the floor, the repair will be pretty simple: just replace one or more spoiled tiles.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_11

10. Increase in heat and sound insulation of the floor

The material made by proven manufacturers, after laying, increases the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the room.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_12

11. Fixed Size

This material will not definitely not swell from high humidity, will not increase in size from the heat and will not fuse with time.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_13

Disadvantages of PVC tile

1. Not natural material

To call the polyvinyl chloride tile with eco-material, of course, it is impossible: the coating synthetic, and the proportion of natural finish will not fit.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_14

2. Requires a rather flat flooring

Before laying a polyvinyl chloride coating, the floors are recommended to align. To creak the material laid on the uneven floor, of course, will not, but it will not look quite aesthetic.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_15

3. Deformation with serious mechanical impacts

The floor of the polyvinyl chloride tile will be quite resistant to small household troubles - light mechanical effects will not leave scratches, and pollution without problems will disperse.

However, more serious impacts will not pass without a trace: heavy items will leave dents, and when moving on the floor of furniture with very sharp legs, the risk will scratch the tile.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_16

4. controversial tactile properties

High-quality PVC-tile - warm and textured, so many call it quite pleasant to the touch (relevant to lovers to walk barefoot). Nevertheless, tactile properties, of course, differ significantly from the tree, parquet or even laminate.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_17


If you are looking for an acceptable price, convenient in laying and caring, the PVC tile will be suitable for you. But if you are an adherent of eco-materials and appreciate the tactile properties of the tree, it makes sense to stop on another coating.

For and against: PVC tile 9047_18

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