Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects


Is it possible to ride a plot on your own? Sure! We have prepared a material that will help you do it right and inspire to create a project.

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_1

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects

How to rode the countryside:

Preparatory work

  • How to determine the type of soil
  • How to determine the level of groundwater

Options for landscaping

  • Design of fence
  • Design of buildings
  • Registration area
  • Lawns
  • Flowers and flower beds
  • Trees and shrubs

Sequence and rules of landscaping

Stock Foto Objects with different design

Let's tell me where to start greening a section of a country house, which options are possible, and show photos of beautiful projects. Often, enthusiasm causes land owners randomly buy and disembark everything that is like. Usually it leads to the fact that part does not take root, and the other looks inhartic. So that this does not happen, you need to make a plan of action.

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Where to start refining a private object

In the preparatory program The minimum is the definition of the type of soil and lighting, the level of groundwater, climatic features. The last item concerns not only air temperature, but also wind. With strong thinking, trees are simply necessary or at least shrubs to protect the flower and your convenience. In addition, you will need a draft planning, decorated on paper or in the design program - it is necessary in order to visually appreciate the features of your possessions and planned landings.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_5

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_6

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_7

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How to determine the type of soil

So that all the flowers, trees and shrubs feel good, they need a sufficient amount of water, heat, food and air. Soil is warm and cold, in some water is delayed for a long time, others will dry quickly. Most often, gardeners face three types of soil.

  • Lightweight (sandy and sandy). Quickly warm and also quickly cooled at night, dry and moisturized, without problems are processed.
  • Medium-heavy (drum). It is easy to process, contain a sufficient amount of beneficial substances, simply green them.
  • Heavy (clay). Slowly warm up in the spring, they delay moisture longer, the air is worse. The landing has to start later, the root system of plants suffers from the convergence and shortage of nutrition.

The easiest way to garden drifting and sampling soils. To maintain fertility in them, the organic is mounted, the seedrates are sown. The situation with heavy soil can be corrected - for this, bass materials make it. Usually these are sawdust (added in autumn), sand (add in spring and autumn), Siderats. Light soil is torn by sapropel (treated pondl or clay. In all soils, you can even add humus.

  • 5 steps to the perfect landscape in front of the house

Take a handful of land, evenly moisten it and roll it into the sausage. Try turning it into the ring.

  • It turned out easily and the form holds - the soil is clay.
  • It turned out, but the cracks appear on the ring - loam.
  • It did not work out to form a ring - sand or sampling.

Siderates are fast-growing plants that plant soil saturation with nutrients and disintegration, weed suppression, some pests. These include Rye Ozimaya, Belaya mustard, Oats, Facelium, Rape, etc.

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How to determine the level of groundwater

Groundwater is a liquid that accumulates in the upper layer of the soil. The depth of their find depends on the presence of a reservoir near and relief. If they are too high, the plants will become weak and perished. And in some cases it can start the destruction of the foundation of the house.

Not all sections need drainage. In some soils, on the contrary, you need to delay moisture. If the groundwater does not fit closer than 1.5 meters and flooding is not delayed longer than three days - you can do without it.

There are three ways to figure out the level of groundwater.

  • On plants. If hygrofitis (reed, rustic, lingonberry) are growing - high level. Mesophytes (meadow flowers and herbs) - medium. Xerophytes (wormwood, obscenities, palm, nick, lichen) - low.
  • The drilling of the hole or the spray of the pit is 1.5-2 m. If there is a lot of water - per day, the well will be filled, you can measure the distance. It is better to watch a few days - to understand how fast water leaves.
  • Soil cut. If the sizo-gray, sticky and oily layer and with an unpleasant smell are high - the fluid level is high.

Also in front of the selection of plants, consider where you want them to position them. Is it enough for them enough? Some colors require at least four hours of direct sunlight per day. Some of it, on the contrary, hurts.

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Varieties of garden objects in the design of a section of a country house

Works on landscape design can be divided into three parts: at the input zone (fence), the local area (gazebo and other buildings) and the places that offer an overview of these buildings. Let's tell about them in order.

How to arrange an external part of the object

Country The fence on the part of the road and the neighbors is very decorated with living hedges from decorative, fruit trees and shrubs. It looks well and protected from dust, noise, wind.

  • Hawthorn, Spirea (well tolerate haircut).
  • Blood-red currant.
  • Lilac.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Black-tree rowan (very quickly and greatly grows).
  • Bubbler.
  • Bloodroot.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Irga.
  • Kalina.
  • Linden.
  • Devichi grapes (the wickets, braided by the branches of the plant, look picturesquely.
  • Conifers: cedar, pine, juniper, fir, thuja.
  • Fruit: apple trees, plum, mulberry, red cherry.

Do not forget that other plants on the plot may not have enough sun due to high trees.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_13
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_14
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_15
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_16
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_17
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_18
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_19

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_26

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_27

At the bottom, the second nearby can land an astilba, strawberry, calendula, velvets, ameratum, nasturtium and other unpretentious flowers. The gap between Rabatka and Dear ideally, you need to burn with a narrow embankment of stones. It happens that the fence has already thickets of wild bushes - in this case, they can simply periodically cut and plant the plants listed above at the bottom.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_29

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_30

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_31

Another good one The design option, which is difficult, but can be made with your own hands - an elevation of a green wall, supplemented with woven from the vine inserts or a gabion (vertical design of stones and a construction grid).

  • Landscape design at the cottage: secrets that will help to work perfectly

How to ennoble Inner Garden

For the area near the house And other buildings fit vertical and horizontal gardening. You can proper walls with various liaans or grape vines. Is there a horrowstroke, not happy with his appearance? Slabs will turn her into a beautiful and a little fabulous house. Arbors also only won from the neighborhood with the basins. And if the plot is very small - It may be the only available design.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_35

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_38

Unusual and so far not very common with us option - a green roof. Make it yourself not easy, but you can. First, several layers of insulation, base, drainage, and then soil with seeds or a rolled lawn are laid on the roof.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_40
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_41
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_42

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_44

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_45

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_46

When there is a place, before The building is arranged a parisade. It is usually located on the road side. In order for the flower garden to please the whole spring, summer and autumn, it is recommended to plant annual and perennial plants with different flowering timing. Such a flower garden is called a mixture.

It is easier to care for him. Selection searches depends on the type of soil, lighting, personal preferences.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_48

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_49

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_50

  • How to arrange a beautiful garden and save: 5 budget ways

Along the wall, the porch can equip any floweruba. On the house itself - hang ampel flowers in Kashpo. They can be made with their own hands from plastic tanks or wires.

The common reception is zoning the places of recreation and a residential building with the help of alive hedges, blooming arches. This is appropriate not only on large areas, but also with an extended, narrow layout.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_53
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_54

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_57

  • 10 simple and spectacular ideas for decorating a country area

Registration of the intermediate part of the object

The design of the household plot in a private house is the most time-consuming, since this territory is most extensive. It is necessary to take care not only by planting plants, but also by creating a watering system, drainage.


You can search for different types of lawns on one territory. If it will only fulfill a decorative role - select the ground mixture of fruits, oatmeal, fields. These herbs do not require careful care, but need fertile soil and regular fertilizer.

Other species of lawns.

  • Sports. Withstand heavy loads. You can walk animals on it, play sports games.
  • Garden park. Also resistant to pulling and attractively looks.
  • Mauritanian. Includes wildflowers and cereal crops. It can bloom from early spring to frosts, depending on the quantity and set of seeds in the mixture. It is undemanding in care, but can be harmful for allergies. Attracts a lot of insects into the territory.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_61

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_64

  • Practical and beautiful ideas of garden design and cottages with their own hands (57 photos)

Flowers and flower beds

Another design element of a private house. Some of them can be equipped even on a small area in one or two hundred. If this is your case, make a floral curb along the track. Choose unpretentious, low-spirited flowers, if there is little space and there is no desire to care for landings.

Other types of flower:

  • Rocarium and mountaineering. Such objects imitate a mountain or rock landscape.
  • Mixboro. Complex multi-tiered flower garden without a clear geometric shape. Perennials and annuals are planted in it.
  • Rabatka. Rectangular flowering bed, located along the path, fence or structure.
  • Homemade. In old stumps, logs, chest, car tires.
  • Floating. For medium or large reservoirs.
  • Vertical. Give the charm to a small land Plot.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_67
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_68
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_69
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_70
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_71
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_72
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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_80

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_81

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Trees and shrubs

They are planted next to the buildings that need to be hidden, as well as opposite the neighbors and near the resting places. If you decide to sharpen the house, do not place the seedlings too close to it - over time they will grow strongly. It is best for landscaping suitable solid coniferous and decorative shrubs. For example: Thuja, Kalina, Maple, Honey, Cherry.

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_84

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  • How to arrange a beautiful garden at an unsuitable area: Simple solutions of 4 problems

How to improve the site near the house with your own hands: Basic rules

First you need to find out all the characteristics of the country The object we wrote about at the beginning of the article. The next step is to create a plan where all the buildings and garden forms are marked that you want to create. It can be drawn from hand schematically.

If you are planning to grow vegetables - leave the southern side for beds. For the children's zone, pick up plants without barriers and poisonous leaves, colors. In general, when selecting trees, shrubs, flower beds need to be repelled from the square. If this is one or two weaves - high limes and poplar will be inappropriate, like bulk rocaria.

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Next, if there is one house on Earth and nothing else - laid the tracks. The optimal width of the path is 1-1.5 meters. In the middle there should be no sludge so that the water does not accumulate after the rain. Then you can proceed to other gardening.

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Bonus: 20 photos of the best landscaped designs and planners of country houses

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_101
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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_103
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_104
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_105
Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_106
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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_114

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_131

Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_132

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Design of the household plot in a private house: Useful tips and 50 photos of real objects 9063_134

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