7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness


Agree, to clean the house after the working day - so-so at the idea. Always lacking forces on this necessary routine. We have found a solution and offer 7 super simple cases that are not difficult to perform in the morning.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_1

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness

1 Put in order the roof of the refrigerator while coffee is boiled

If you do not know how to do while coffee is boiled on the stove, and you are afraid to go to another room so that it does not break on the stove from the Turkka - Lifehak for sure for you. Just a few minutes it is necessary in order to conduct a revision of the refrigerator, throw away the remnants that no one can do, and overdue products.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_3

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2 Collect garbage

In the continuation of the previous hack, it is convenient if the discharged food remains will not "fuck" in the garbage - just take the package in the morning and throw away in the installed location. And you definitely won't feel the unpleasant smell of old garbage after returning home.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_5

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3 fold things in the closet smoothly while we dress

Do not postpone the general cleaning in the closet for the period when seasonal things need to be removed. You can fold the stack of jeans or T-shirts literally for 5-10 minutes while you choose what to wear.

Hausmann Linen Storage Organizer

Hausmann Linen Storage Organizer

By the way, if you use organizers for storage, cleaning will become much faster and easier. It can be said even more - cleaning may not need if you get used to put things in organizers and will use them.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_8
7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_9

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_10

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_11

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4 Clean the shelves in the bathroom

It is enough to throw away at least one bottle, a tube, a jar for at least one bottle, a tube - and the shelves in your bathroom will immediately become cleaner. And in general, find the opportunity to hide all household trivia so that they do not spoil the interior chaos. Then, most likely, it will be not so often to be cleared - you will simply get used to fold everything at once in the basket and closed shelves.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_13
7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_14

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_15

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_16

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5 Collect the laundry in the wash in front of the shower

Now in the age of technology has long been a function in washing machines "Deferred Start". Therefore, you can easily collect things for washing in the morning, throw them into the drum of a washing machine and set the evening. You will only have to come and rave things on the dryer. And if you have a machine with drying function, consider it done - and in the closet already clean things and linen.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_18

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6 Remove the dinner table

Did not wash the dishes from the evening? Or left some products on the table after dinner? Fold them into suitable containers and remove into the refrigerator. Or throw into the trash. Then proceed according to plan from paragraph 2.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_20
7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_21

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_22

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_23

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7 Stop bed immediately after waking up

And although the negligent bed is relevant today, but only in the picture. More often she creates visual chaos and does not adorganize the room at all. Especially if you have a bed even, but a folding sofa.

Karna Karna set Beatrice

Karna Karna set Beatrice

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The decomposed sofa with pillows and bed linen - in the top of the anti-jewelry of the room. Spend a few minutes to bring your dwelling in order.

7 simple cases that can be done every morning so that the house is sparkling from cleanliness 9079_27

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