Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples


Explain how to place in the children's abundance of toys and help children become organized and attentive.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_1

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples

In the modern children's room there is a large number of toys. The choice in stores is so great and diverse that children want to try everything, especially various new items. How to store this manifold so as not to litter the room?

A couple of years ago, the Council sounded - buy a large container and keep all the toys together in it. It was believed that the children were difficult to place items on the shelves, it is easier to rotate the parts into a bunch and throw in one container. In stores while the many different variants of large multi-colored containers and toys boxes were offered.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_3

However, time is coming, and gradually the understanding has come that such storage does not have a useful impact on the development of the child. Toys subnob do not create orders. And to find in one container all the details for the planned game, you need to spend a lot of time.

The attention of the preschooler is involuntary in nature, the child constantly switches from one activity to another. The time of sustainable attention in children is limited, and they spend it on the search and selection of classes in the box, and not on a useful game.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_4

In order to help the child use their time and attention to high quality and organize convenient storage of toys in the nursery, you need to follow the rules.

  • 12 ways to maintain order in children's

1 Limit the number of toys

Choose toys that are now interesting to the child. The rest are removed into the box and hide outside the children's room. After a month or two, change the habitual set to a new one of the accumulated box. So you get rid of the room from the abundance of toys and create a novelty effect without acquiring new entertainment. Your child will spend time on the game, and not to find classes, which means it will spend a qualitative time.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_6

2 Purchase Stellazh

The rack must comply with the growth of the child so that the baby does not have to substitute the chair or climb up, using the shelves as a step. It is dangerous injury and overturning rack. Attach the design to the wall and ensure the right height of the shelves, the child must be safe and unattended adults. You can make a design from a pair of mounted shelves and a pair of outdoor boxes in color.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_7
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_8
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_9
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_10
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_11
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_12
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_13

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Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_15

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_16

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_17

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_18

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_19

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_20

  • Children 0-3 years old love to dump everything on the floor, the rack with boxes will help to respect the order. He will also help the child to develop, because At this age it is more useful to open covers, boxes and doors, and not take objects from the shelf.
  • At the age of 3-6 years, the division of toys is useful in the category: transport, dishes, vegetables, etc. In this again, boxes and boxes on the rack will be helped. They organize space and teach a child to the accommodation system. At this age, children begin to read and count, they will be interested in recalculate the contents of containers and read the inscriptions on them.
  • Children 7-9 years old play less and already go to school. Toys should not distract from lessons. Rack with boxes will hide toys from eyes, and they will not interfere with concentrations on training activities.
  • Older children will prefer an adult full-size rack, which will be closed on the lock compartments.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_21

So the storage system may vary and continue serving the child and organizing his room.

3 Replace one large container into several small

It can be colored boxes, baskets, plastic containers. There are options for racks where containers are included. Well, if you sign the box with printed letters by their content. It will be the first words that will learn to read the child.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_22
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_23
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_24
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_25
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_26
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_27
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_28
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_29
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_30

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Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_38

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_39

4 Compile kits

From the left toys, make up minimal sets by age and interest: 3-5 machines, 3-5 animals, 2-3 dolls, 3-5 books, 1 set of cubes, 1 set of constructor, 2 board games and favorite soft toys. Spread these sets through containers and arrange the shelves. Now the child does not need to spend time searching for classes, he knows exactly where and what he lies.

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Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_41
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_42
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Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_44
Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_45

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Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_48

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_49

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_50

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_51

If children are singular or they have a big difference in age, but they live in the same room, consider the interests of both, divide the shelves and containers between them. In extreme cases, divide the storage location and make two small racks.

5 take into account exceptions

Designers LEGO.

Unlike the rest of the toys, Lego is better stored in one large container. If the child will assemble the same set according to the instructions, it will not learn to design yourself. And the LEGO designer gives great opportunities for the creative approach. For the details enough for all ideas, mix the LEGO sets in one container.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_52

Educational benefits

Developing games in which children play together with adults, performing any instruction, it is better to store separately from other toys. Psychologists advise to remove them from children's access and get when it comes to a new lesson. So the child will have a ritual of joint useful action with adults.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_53

  • Useful "horror stories" that you can tell children if they don't want to get out

The pencils

Pencils and markers are better to store not in boxes, but in cups on a children's table or rack. So children will not spend time on pulling out pencils out of the boxes, which sometimes stops them before creative impulse, and they will immediately begin drawing.

Convenient storage of toys in nursery: 5 rules and visual examples 9083_55

Placing toys in the nursery, following the advice given, you will create a comfortable and free space for the child. He will lead order himself, because it is easy to remove the minimum of items on containers. Children's will be free from the abundance of toys, the child's attention will not dissipate from this abundance, and the sets of sets will help you save money on updating children's interests.

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