How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips


You are planning to buy a moisturizer, but you can not decide what specifically the device do you need? We tell about the main varieties and important nuances that you need to pay attention

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_1

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips

Choose a suitable moisturizer


  • Performance
  • Power
  • Volume
  • Cleaning degree


  • Steam
  • Ultrasonic
  • Classical


  • Cleaning
  • Aromatherapy
  • Ionization

Models for children

Advantages and disadvantages

  • pros
  • Minuses

So, in front of you humidifier - how to choose the best for an apartment or at home? What to pay attention to? Are modern models for children safe?

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For what characteristics choose a moisturizer

In fact, with all the variety of choice, devices have a more or less similar set of options.


The device for an apartment in 40 squares and for home in 235 is different. And choose the appropriate precisely to your room, oriented on its productivity. For example, for a small odnushki will be quite simple model, producing from 300 to 400 ml / h.


If you care about the environment and your own accounts - this item for you. Average values ​​for the bulk of models - 30/35 W. Modern gadgets stranged by different options and generously seasoned with additional functions require significant energy resources. Enable or do not include - to solve you.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_4

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The perfect humidifier is silent. He will not wake the sleeping baby, it will not prevent you from watching your favorite movie or just read the book in silence. The noise level is considered a good indicator not more than 25 dB: with it, it is possible to fall asleep with it, as if someone nearly spoke in a whisper.

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Cleaning degree

It is very important to choose a good filter, because your health depends on it. A low-quality or old filter will provide instead of comfort of infection and allergies. Today, ionizers have the most efficient demineralization degree of demineralization. They remove not only dust, but also inorganic mixtures, such as magnesium salts.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_7

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Types of moistening devices and their features

The varieties of only three.


Kills microbes and bacteria with a hot steam. It is considered one of the safest, since it does not affect the human health. Another plus - the ability to moisturize the room strongly, up to the formation of the pellets of thick fog and humidity above 60%. From the point of view of production, this gadget will be effective for a huge area. Oranges, greenhouses and winter gardens are facilities that, mostly have a matter with them. Choosing a model for the apartment, it is important to pay attention to the stability of the base - if the design will turn over, the entire liquid will fall into the floor.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_9

Steam humidifier Beurar

Steam humidifier Beurar


Dry air passes through the cloud of an invisible steam and, already cleaned from minerals, salts and how moistened, goes back to the room. As a rule, the filter comes in the kit and provides good work for three months, after which it must be changed. Manufacturers recommend these models for children's rooms due to a high level of security. A child can spin the device in hands without risk shedding something or burning. What is good, the gadget is convenient to include when you leave the apartment. If the whole liquid evaporates, it will turn off, and before it will work silently for the benefit of your health.

Ultrasonic air humidifier

Ultrasonic air humidifier

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Market Aboriginals are those that support the microclimate, cleaning everything through the liquid in the tank. Among the advantages - economical energy consumption, unpretentiousness in care and quiet work. These models are usually very simple, without the possibility of exposing the degree of moisture and automatic shutdown. It is unlikely that they will be useful in greenhouses or greenhouses, the tropical climate is not for them. But but ideally suitable for office or apartment.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_13

Classic humidifier

Classic humidifier

The main functions of modern models

So, as air humidifiers are supplied today - according to the 2019 rating, which amounted to manufacturers and distributors, among the main three.


Different cartridges are responsible for this function. Some hold dust, others protect against pollen and pet wool. Such gadgets appeared relatively recently and immediately won recognition from allergies for the ability to put one anti-allergy cartridge and forget about seasonal tear. For good work, it is important to carefully wash the tank with water at least once a month. This kind of gadgets are especially good for the places of the main accumulation of dust and all sorts of odors.


Many owners add aromatic oils and mixtures in water tank. It is categorically contraindicated by most models. The reason is simple - as a rule, the design of the device to maintain the optimal microclimate is that it is very difficult to rinse thoroughly from the inside. Oils will fall on the walls, and you simply cannot clear the device from them. Maximum that you can afford - a little aromatic fluid into place where the steam comes from. Everything. Further, special devices for aromatherapy are entering the game - gadgets that have an oil tank. But, as a rule, such devices are more about flavors than about moisturizing. And there is an order of magnitude more expensive.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_15

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Perhaps one of the most controversial options. What is the ionization procedure? It is simplified - this is when the room is saturated with aeroions, those in excess are present in the atmosphere after the rain or early summer in the village. Pleasantly? Still would. But how to use this feature correctly? After all, there are a number of rather significant restrictions.

  • It is contraindicated to use near a person, a carrier of a viral disease. The air saturated by ions in a matter of minutes will separate the infection by the room.
  • It is also impossible to put an ionizer to people with a temperature. In a room with ionized air, metabolism is accelerated, which means it will increase the body temperature even more.
  • Special caution should be manifested by people with chronic diseases or diseases in the remission. Aerioons improves metabolism and can provoke aggravation of sluggish diseases.
  • The choice in favor of another device is worth making the owners of asthma and other respiratory diseases. Because such air is an additional load.
  • For the same reason, ionizers do not recommend using next to small children or people after operations.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_17

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What kind of humidifiers are better for the children's room

The first thing about the most often thinking parents in the children's room are silence. That is why, planning a purchase, it is important to choose the most quiet of all possible options. If you remain unhappy with the level of noise, do not rush to despair and take a gadget to the store. Often, breastings are happy to fall asleep under the so-called "white noise" - a continuous hiss or a measuring buzz, which is associated with the kids with the morning sounds. Generally speaking of maintaining a microclimate in a nursery, it is impossible not to notice that the manufacturers here follow the unlawful rule - pay more attention to the design and bright shell of the gadget, and not its technical content. And this is right, because the child is quite simple device in the form of a dog or fish. According to the reviews of experienced parents, complex, technically more advanced, on the contrary, should be avoided - they can seriously injure the kid.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_19

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What a humidifier to choose for an apartment: blitz advantages and minuses

Still do not know what kind of air humidifier to buy for an apartment or at home and is it at all worth doing shopping? We have a short list of advantages and disadvantages for all varieties.


  • reduce the risk of colds;
  • improve the concentration of attention;
  • extend the life of wooden furniture and the floor;
  • provide a comfortable microclimate even for the most arring plants;
  • Remote a beneficial effect on the mucous eye.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_21


  • Devices with hot steam can seriously injure children or animals;
  • increase the already high temperature indoors in the heating season;
  • able to damage the coverage on the wall, if you put nearby;
  • Without proper care, the seedler of microorganisms can become;
  • There may be harmful substances - for some, purified water is required.

How to choose the best air humidifier for an apartment: Overview of different options and useful tips 9111_22

The phrase "Low Humidity" has recently become synonymous with viral diseases, peeling skin, and also spoiled parquet flooring and wooden furniture in the house. It is not difficult to solve all these problems, it is enough to settle the device in the house, which provides a comfortable microclimate and take care of the health of its owners all year round - humidifier.

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