For inspiration: 8 creative ideas for using tiles in the bathroom


To highlight the niche tile, experiment with the layout and the color of the grouts - we share these and other ideas.

For inspiration: 8 creative ideas for using tiles in the bathroom 915_1

For inspiration: 8 creative ideas for using tiles in the bathroom

Using tiles in the bathroom, you can create a memorable interior. To do this, it is worth experimenting with layout, shape, color, and sometimes with grouting seams. Show examples that you can inspire.

1 niche as accent

The niches in the bathroom are often used as shelves for storage. If the deepening in the wall is not provided for by layout, sometimes they are built specifically - in the shower area, over the installation of the toilet, next to the bathroom.

To make an interesting ace

To make an interesting emphasis, niche can be highlighted with tiles. It may be a tile with a geometric pattern, as on the example, or just another color.

2 Diagonal layout

The unusual shape of the tile, glossy blue color in combination with a non-bank diagonal layout attracts attention in this bathroom. The diagonal layout visually expands the space - it works both with styling tiles on the floor and on the wall.

Wall lined with tiles, Kazh ...

The wall lined with tiles seems wider due to such a reception. But it is worth considering that in the process of diagonal layout it is possible to overfers the tiles due to trimming. If there is a goal to save, it is worth choosing another option.

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3 vertical layout of rectangular tiles

It is more familiar to see the rectangular tile, laid by a horizontal way, the rotor, on a brick masonry manner. In this example, the vertical laying was chosen.

Ceiling thanks to vertical

The ceiling due to the vertical layout of the tile seems higher. Plus, it became an additional accent - a plot laid out with tiles is highlighted not only by color, but also layout.

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4 Lettering

Using a mosaic (fine tile), you can lay out a text message on the wall or on the floor. In this case, it was done on the floor.

The solution is bold and non-bank. FROM...

The solution is bold and non-bank. Boldless because the inscription tile is erased or shifted in a short time will not work. If you want to repeat this technique, it is worth more attentively to choose the phrase and, of course, make the display in advance to make sure the material will fall as needed.

  • Elegant and beautiful: mosaic in the design of the bathroom (66 photos)

5 optical effect

The use of tiles in the form of hexagons is not a new idea. For several years now, this form is popular, and someone has time to get bored. Nebanal move - to issue an optical effect with such a tile.

In this example, the same plates ...

In this example, the same tile posted on the walls and the floor, combining it with paint on the walls and wood - on the floor. The surface of the wall smoothly flows to the floor, the boundaries of the space are blurred, - the unusual optical effect is created. But the use of additional materials - paints and wood - nevertheless does not allow to finally get confused within the boundaries.

6 Figure region

Again the hexagonal tile, but another reception is interesting here. As in the previous case, the paint with a tile is combined - the facing decorated "wet" sections: shower and wall above the sink.

Attention attracts exactly

Attention attracts precisely the zone over the sink - they intentionally did not force the tile under the even rectangle, leaving curly edges. It looks unusual, even though the color of the material is basic.

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7 Color grid

Color grout use designers in their projects is not the first year, but still it is impossible to name this technique. Especially when the color grout is combined with bright tiles, as in this example.

Glossy blue color

Glossy blue color contrasts with pink grout, and golden parts - mirror frame, mixer, lamps - add luxury to the interior. All this looks not trite and boldly.

8 lining and tile

The lining is not associated with something luxurious and even less - with a bathroom, because the tree in wet zones is a rather controversial solution. This example breaks all stereotypes.

Rooms are combined here

The wooden panels are combined here (similar to the lining) and the tile under the stone. Golden details make interior visually more expensive. If you want to repeat such a solution, in zones where water can get on the walls, it is better to lay out the tile. And the rest to arrange with wooden slats.

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