Scandinavian style kitchen: 55+ photo interiors


We tell about popular Scandy - this time in the context of the kitchen arrangement.

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Scandinavian style kitchen: 55+ photo interiors

How to arrange scandy kitchen?

Features you need to know

Recommendations for color


And furniture

Tips for the organization of the right lighting

What decor is appropriate?

What decoration to choose for gender, walls and apron. Furniture tips, color solutions and decor - in our article a simple manual and an example, what should be the kitchen in Scandinavian style, photo interiors we also added for inspiration.

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Scandinavian style in the kitchen interior: main features


Scandy is famous for the lack of extra objects in the interior - both in the finish and in the furniture. Just "Beauty for the sake of beauty" here you will not see. In the original nordic style, they even love to leave the ancient parquet on the floor or use the grandfather dining table - after all, it is from a natural tree. In short, the design as such plays a secondary role. In Russian realities, he changed a little and acquired the features of our company "everything and more". But practicality still remained.


This is canonical color for nordic kitchens. But not the main one. You can use other colors, we will tell about it in detail later.

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Simplicity of shapes

Also an important attribute. Scandi does not like intricate details and excessive creativity.


Preferred quality in the finish. Wooden floor, paint on the walls or paper wallpaper, painted ceilings (tension - exactly "no"). The tree is welcome in furniture, as well as in detail and decor: dishes, textiles, abundance of plants.


Especially with small spaces. Even in Khrushchev, Scanda is perfect. For example, in this apartment chose a corner kitchen set, but the dining area was delivered to the living room. To do this, I had to postpone the exit from the corridor - to the room.

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Cuisine Design in Scandinavian style: Color gamut

As we talked above, a canonical shade is white. But it does not interfere with the use of a varied color palette. So, for the walls, the gray, or a shade, close to the eggs, is also called "Scandinavian White". Milk, soft blue are also welcome. Sometimes deep shades are used for accent walls: green, blue. The color of furniture is also diverse. White - standard, gray, gentle green or light blue, blue - variable tones.

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What materials are used to finish the walls? Most often paint bright cold shades. Sometimes contrasting colors, as we wrote above. Often for walls choose wallpaper. Popular Swedish brands - Boråstapeter and Eco Wallpaper recognizable in Nordic interiors.

As for the tile for apron - here there are also certain traditions. In particular, a glossy bright "Cabanchik". But today it is considered somewhat beaten, and experiment. With non-standard form - for example, with hexagons. With color or texture, as well as with laying method. On the apron you can see the mosaic tile, wooden panels, as well as glass. By the way, the brick apron is also not uncommon. He adds an atmosphere in Loft aesthetics.

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  • We update the kitchen apron without charging tiles: 8 budget ideas


As for the floor finish in the "wet" zone - it is practical to use not a natural tree, although it is considered traditional. You can lay a porcelain stoneware with imitation of a wooden pattern or choose a bright tile. In the latter case, there will be an eclectic mix: for example, if you select a tile with a Moroccan pattern or patchwork.

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What should be the furniture in the Scandinavian style in the interior of the apartment?


Of course, the first thing that comes to the mind is IKEA. The Swedish brand is really suitable for the Scandinavian interior as it is impossible. But there are always options. You can make facades to order or improvise - just choose the minimalistic door of a monophonic shade. Then any manufacturer is suitable. For example, in the photo: Kitchens of the famous Swedish brand and other headsets. And they look equally well.

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By the way, a popular solution is to remove the top cabinets headset and leave only the bottom. It unloads the space that is especially good for small kitchens. In such cases, suspended cabinets are replaced with open shelves. As far as it is functional - depends on the needs. For a family with a lot of dishes and utensils, it is hardly suitable. But for two people who are not often prepared and have a standard set of utensils - quite. By the way, this is also a good budget savings.

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Dining group

Table, several chairs - standard option. Today, we have increasingly began to use copies of Eames models, but the traditional solution is a conventional wooden chair or the so-called "Vienna" - with a rounded back. Sometimes the dining area is replaced with a bar counter. This idea is good for a person who lives alone. Or for a young couple. A full-fledged bar bar still will not replace.

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Sofa for kitchen living room

Cuisine-living room in Scandinavian style - today the union of zones is gaining great popularity. Again, especially in small apartments. When you want to turn a separate room into the bedroom, and on the remaining area there is also a place to receive guests. Then the sofa comes to the rescue. In the nordic aesthetics use sofas with gray tissue upholstery, but you can also add colors. For example, choose a yellow or green shade.

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A large amount of light is what distinguishes scand from other interior directions. Appreciates both natural and artificial lighting. For this reason, many refuse even from the curtains to put the window more light. Although, the choice is for each. For more comfort, it is better to "wear" the window.

As for the light scenarios - the chandelier is standard under the ceiling. Sometimes the suspension lamp is made above the table. Also use the backlight of the working area or upper cabinets headset with glass facades.

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And now you can give the will of fantasy. Diverse textiles for table and washing, beautiful dishes: both dining and storage. As well as posters on the wall, baskets for storing small, green plants. All this will help make the house more cozy and stylistically completed.

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