14 Right lighting scenarios for different rooms


How to organize lighting, then not to regret? Touch on real examples.

14 Right lighting scenarios for different rooms 9218_1

In the bedroom

1. Near the bed

An important point that for some reason is often missed in non-professional design projects.

It is very convenient - read, it's time ...

It is very convenient - read, work with a laptop before bedtime, turn on in the morning so that the eyes are accustomed to a soft lighting instead of a bright ceiling.

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2. Next to the toilet table

Sometimes it is used as a workplace. At a minimum, there is worth putting a table lamp. How maximum is to think over several scenarios.

For example, if the table is actively used ...

For example, if the table is actively used for makeup, brighter light is simply necessary. If you did not think that this moment in advance, try to put a backlit mirror. Perhaps this is enough.

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3. In the area of ​​the cabinet

Convenient solution about which

A convenient solution that for some reason everyone is forgotten is to make a backlight over the cabinet. Even if it is an ordinary wardrobe, and not a dressing room, the upper lamps will not hurt at all.

4. Ceiling spots around the perimeter

It is time to forget that the lighting on the ceiling is the only chandelier in the center.

Luminaires embedded in Potoney & ...

Luminaires embedded in the ceiling are much better and more practical. Create a more natural lighting, scattered around the room, and not aimed at one point.

In the living room

1. in the sofa area

Let in the area of ​​the upholstered furniture costs at least one floor lamp or a table lamp on a coffee table.

It will help create more comfortable & ...

This will help create a more cozy relaxed atmosphere in the evening, and will also come in handy while watching TV, for example, when you want to darken the room, but not completely.

2. Next to the window

Sometimes it is enough to hang an electric garlands on the curtains. But you can also put next to the flying window. Especially relevant if the windowsill in your living room is a zone for relax and reading.

Another scenario that pain ...

Another scenario that most ignores. But the backlight of the window looks romantic at any time of the year.

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We will not write about the ceiling lamps separately, the rules are identical to the bedroom.

In the kitchen

And with the kitchen everything is more complicated. And make a mistake much easier. Here are the necessary zones that require the correct backlight.

1. Directional light over the dining table

First, it is convenient - a suspension lamp creates a more secluded and cozy atmosphere in the evening. Secondly, beautiful.

So necessarily thinking

So be sure to think about bringing the light into this zone. If they have tried late and do not plan global work with an electrician, put at least a desk lamp.

2. Highlighting the working area

Do not save on this item ...

Do not save on this point. After all, the illuminated countertop is not only beauty, but also safety, as in the kitchen we work with sharp objects. And you need maximum caution.

3. Common light

You can make it only in the work area, above the head or perimeter of the room.

Or you can provide general & ...

Or you can envisage the overall light using a stitching lamp that are sent to different directions.

In children

1. In the working area

A child from 3 years old is already needed its own working table - if not for lessons, then for crafts and developing classes with mom and dad. And the correct lighting in this zone is extremely important.

To begin with - you need to put st ...

To begin with - you need to put a table in that zone that is well lit from the window. But the artificial scenario of light is not forgetting - to equip the lamp.

2. Next to the bed

The first argument "For" - small children are often afraid of darkness and fall asleep alone in the room. The included night light with a mild light will help them and parents and parents. And the fear of them will turn sooner or later.

The second argument is for children ...

The second argument is older for children who love to read in bed. Despite all admonishness of adults, "read lying is harmful to", small lovers of books will still bend their line. In this case, it is worth providing them with good lighting.

In bathroom

1. Common light

Be sure to need a common, fairly bright lamp. But she may not be the only one.

If you hang one lamp & ...

If you hang one lamp under the ceiling, even a spacious bathroom will seem smaller due to dark corners.

2. Illumination of the mirror near the sink

You can choose a mirror with embroide & ...

You can select a mirror with built-in backlight or install lamps. The variants of the lamps are also a lot: suspended, from the ceiling, or sconce. The variants of the lamps are also a lot: suspended, from the ceiling, or sconce.

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