Children's room for twins: 5 tips for the correct organization of space


Establish a room for two small children, especially twins, is not the task of simple. How to solve it, IVD.RU told Julia Lykova, the Mamka Children's Factory Designer.

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1 Choose color

If children of different sexes, the room can be divided into two parts using a color. The boy has one shade, the girl is different. And it is absolutely necessary that it was blue and pink. Mass options: most importantly, keep in mind that colors affect the mental and emotional state. Red, for example, makes more excited and irritable. Purple sets up deep reflections, and orange burns appetite. In addition, twins can have completely different color preferences. If children are similar to externally, the similarity of their tastes is not always fair to speak.

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It is best for the room in which two children will live, use neutral pastel tones. They help create the feeling that there is more light in the room. But decor elements and bright accents to withstand in different colors - so please both children will be easier.

2 We select the decor

What elements want to add children to delimit their space? Maybe multicolored shelves or small racks? Favorite photos in an unusual framework? Your main task is to take into account the wishes of each child and organically combine them by creating a cozy space for both.

Acrossments are required: catchy spots will make the design more original and visually will increase the room. But it is important not to overdo it. Even stylish elements create an effect of clutter, if there are many of them.

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If children are still too small to tell about their preferences, it is possible to designate the territory of each of them in bulk letters. Make them yourself or order the original bookshelf in the form of the first letter of the name.

Try not to decorate the room "long-playing" solutions (for example, do not use photo wallpapers). Get rid of them will be much more complicated than from the clock made in the style of the child's favorite cartoon. Also pay attention to the minor details: lamps, handles, plafones - everything should be in a single style.

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3 Planning the lighting

Children need to be appointed exactly the room in which the most light. And, if it is a children's for two, you need to be attentive. It should be equally well lit and both working areas, and game, and space above the bed. Artificial lighting should be distributed evenly. It is also important to choose high-quality lamps.

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In addition to natural light and a large chandelier in the center, add scraps, lamps and small light bulbs: as an option, use spot lamps, placing them around the ceiling perimeter. So all the space will be covered equally well. If the area allows, in the corner of the room, place a stylish floor lamp: you never know in what place will want to read or play your children next minute.

4 We organize a workplace and a gaming zone

Most famous world twins are often nice to do something together. But each for work must have a personal zone, organized in such a way that the children do not interfere with each other. And it does not matter, schoolchildren or just learned how to drive a pencil on paper. This is necessary for harmonious development.

If there are two windows in the room, we recommend paying attention to the windowsill, countertops. Such a model will provide a lot of natural light by each work area. In addition, this option is very ergonomic (especially if you pick a chair that will turn under the worktop). But from the bedside tables and lockers it is better to refuse. The most optimal option is mounted shelves and storage systems. They can be ordered absolutely different shapes and colors.

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The game area, like the worker, also does not have to be common. Of course, the kids will do something together. But it also happens that the interests and needs of the twins are drastically different: one is fond of music, and the second to the construct. In this case, it is important to organize a gaming zone in such a way that each of the children have a place for both personal hobby and joint games.

By the way, as for storage places, they should also have their own: racks, shelves, cabinets - the main thing that every child has enough space allocated to him.

5 Choose a bed

The correct organization of the bedroom is one of the most important tasks. The newborn, which, by virtue of age, move quite a little, is enough for one bed for two. Experts also argue that, being near, children develop faster, and at the same time, at the same time, it is very convenient to watch two babies at once. Such a bed should be more standard in size.

But some parents are still confident that every child has a personal space from birth, so that children grow strong, self-confident personalities. In this case there are dual beds separated by partitions. And if the square meters allow, you can organize two separate, completely different beds.

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Older children most often acquire bunk beds. Variants are a great set, but bed-houses use special demand. And not in vain. This is not just a place to sleep, but an adventure! Such space is easy to turn into a pirate ship, a cave of gnomes or a jomolungma vertex. The main thing is not to forget that the bed should have a protective side and comfortable storage designs.

As if carefully you learned the issue of organizing space in the nursery for your twins, the most important thing is that when you choose you are guided by love. Only so the room will be the most wonderful place for the kids in the world and will help them grow bold, happy and friendly!

The editors thanks the factory of children's furniture Mamka for help in the preparation of the material.

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