What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8 "yes" and 6 "no"


Want to create a stylish and unique interior, buying furnishings in hypermarkets? The main thing is to know what it is worth getting there.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

Boldly acquire

We understand what objects of furniture and decor items can be safely purchased in IKEA and stores of other popular furniture giants. Without fear that they will reduce the interior or make it typical.

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1. Kitchen headset frames

Even if you do not want to refer to the frozen facades of kitchen heads IKEA or other mass producer, you can freely order carcasses there. As a rule, in this case, you will receive a proven quality, a long warranty and a flexible dimension series for a gentle price.

Rack IKEA Liatorp

Rack IKEA Liatorp

By the way, many manufacturers of original stylish facades offer options suitable for the frames of the Swedish furniture giant.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

  • 5 things from IKEA capable of deprive interior of individuality

2. Storage System Frames

Similarly, you can enroll with the framework of storage systems: no one can guess what kind of stylish facades are hiding sample cabinets IKEA.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

  • Inexpensive, but stylish furniture from IKEA: 9 products up to 3 000 rubles

3. Filling for cabinets, wardrobe, kitchen headset

The mass market will help you out and in search of accessories for kitchen headset, storage systems, dressing rooms. Many furniture giants offer a very wide selection of such filling for reasonable money.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

4. Basic furniture items

If you need to pick up a basic object of the situation for interior design, you can safely go to IKEA. What does "basic" mean? As a rule, it is furniture of simple forms and neutral colors, not attracting a look and does not make attention to concentrate attention.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

  • What is worth buying in IKEA for the bedroom, and from what is better to refuse: 8 tips

5. "Billets" for subsequent refinement

Masters and craftswomen of different countries willingly go to hypermarkets like Ikea and Lerua Murlena in search of "blanks" - simple, typical furniture or decor for subsequent artistic refinement.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

It was

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8


Believe me, even the most concentrated bedside table will be quite difficult to find out if you repaint it, make up, change the accessories or handle it manually.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

It was

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8


  • There is an idea: how to transform furniture from Ikea to be unrecognizable

6. Typical decor

Sometimes for the incarnation of decorative ideas, it is necessary for the most typical decor. Want to create a collage of paintings and posters in ordinary frames? The mass market will be perfectly reversed. Watch in the hallway stylistically neutral mirror of simple form? You will find it in any hypermarket of home products.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

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7. Basic textiles

Many designers are categorically opposed to the purchase of textiles in the mass market stores. However, in this rule there is an exception: monophonic options for relatively neutral colors.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

8. Functional trivia for home

In the assortment of popular manufacturers of home products there is a mass of useful functional trifles that facilitate life and boost the level of comfort. For example, kitchen rails, a variety of backlight, dividers for drawers and much more. All this can be safely acquired in the stores of the mass market, without fearing to spoil the situation.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

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Do not risk

From which furniture and decor from IKEA and other mass market stores it is better to refuse, drawing up the interior.

1. Reviewed Furniture and Accessories

In the range of furniture giants there are too recognized goods. Roughly speaking, if, when looking at the subject of the situation, anyone will be obvious, where it was it that was bought, it is better to give up the purchase.

Take a look, for example, on this lamp IKEA. By itself, he is quite interesting, originally and attracts his eyes. However, given how much the people of the world, the "highlight" of your situation, will not become a "highlight" of your setting. At first glance and do not understand that all these photos are made in different apartments, right?

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

  • 9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition

2. Bright accents

From the purchase of furniture and decor in active colors, it is also better to refuse. The fact is that they somehow serve in the setting of bright stains, attract a look - and, as a result, are well remembered in store exposures and are easily recognized when used in interiors.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

3. Characteristic Textiles

The same applies to textiles with too active prints. Look, for example, on these curtains from the range of the Swedish brand: the current vegetative motive, unobtrusive colors, natural fabric - it would seem that it may be wrong with them? Alas, using these recognizable curtains in the design of your interior, you will make your home look like thousands of photographs from Instagram.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

  • Summer goods from IKEA: 10 items up to 3 000 rubles that will create a sunny mood

4. Expressive facades

If you decide to purchase not only frames, but also the facades of furniture in the stores of the mass market, stop at the most neutral, basic. From the too expressive better abandoning, so that your house did not resemble the exposition of the IKEA hypermarket.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

5. Pictures and posters

Agree, it's just ridiculous to acquire in hypermarkets of household goods decor, attracting the glance and designed to express the individuality of your situation. This is especially true of paintings and posters.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

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6. Items carrying a key decorative load

Objects carrying in the design of the interior key decorative load, it is better not to purchase furniture and homes in large hypermarkets. For example: if a black leather sofa is used in design as a base element, it does not rush and will be supplemented with decorative pillows, it can be safely acquired in IKEA. If he becomes the only dark spot against the background of a light interior and the role of a contrasting accent will play, it is better to choose something more original and less recognizable.

Corner sofa HOMEME Lancaster

Corner sofa HOMEME Lancaster

Take a look at this characteristic carpet from the Swedish brand. In the interiors presented in the photo, it serves as a key graphic element: attracts the look and complements the setting of classic black and white contrast, clothed in a scand. What, of course, would be a good move, if it were not for one "but": you will find a similar carpet in every second apartment in Scandinavian style - and immediately recognize!

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

Compare with another option: In this interior, the same carpet is completely not striking - and therefore is less recognizable, lost in the overall interweaving of black and white graphic patterns.

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8
What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

What can be bought in IKEA, and what is not worth: 8

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