Choose a wooden floor for the bathroom


We tell how to choose a wooden floor covering in the bathroom so that over time it is not swollen under the influence of moisture and served for a long time.

Choose a wooden floor for the bathroom 9358_1

Choose a wooden floor for the bathroom

Of course, in the conditions of the bathroom, the ordinary wood will absorb moisture and increase in volume, which will lead to steaming of planks, "swelling" of the floor covering, its damage to fungus and mold. But there are options that do not allow such troubles.

For wet premises, it is worth choosing floors from wood with a high content of oily substances that prevent moisture penetration. This quality has exotic rocks, such as TIK, Dossing, Ipe (Lapacho, or Brazilian Walnut), Robinia.

All of them are resistant to external influences, practically do not rot, are well amenable to machining and resistant to loads. The cost of 1 m² of exotic sex oscillates from 2700 to 9500 rubles. Typically, such floor coatings are coated with oil, and not varnish, since oily substances speaking from pores of wood can cause defects on the lacquer layer.

Choose a wooden floor for the bathroom 9358_3

Very resistant to moisture drops and temperature Floor coatings from thermal-extension. Thermofube, thermost, thermoclane in the bathroom and other facilities of the apartment is much more practical than the tree that has not been thermal processing. Of course, the cost of 1 m² of thermopol is somewhat higher than usual: from 2500 to 4400 rubles. But the initial costs pay off due to its long and, most importantly, the fierce period of operation.

Some manufacturers improve the design of wooden planks intended for wet rooms. For example, the planks of waterproof collection of parquet Navilam and Navilam + (Design Parquet) are made of exotic tree species and are equipped with a polyurethane insert. In addition to sealing gender, it gives it anti-slip properties. True, it costs 1 m² of such a coating a lot - about 14 thousand rubles.

To eliminate moisture to the wooden planks, they are fixed on a concrete screed with elastic parquet glue, and the gap throughout the perimeter of the room is filled with sealant.

Thermal conductivity of planks from those

Thermal conductivity of heat-tree slats is 20-25% less than from ordinary coniferous wood, and the floor seems to be warmer

The advantages of the Termoderev

As a result of heat treatment, the sensitivity of the wood is noticeably reduced to the effects of adverse factors. For example, a 20-50% decreases swelling and shrinkage when changing humidity. In addition, the resistance to the damage to fungi, bacteria and insects increases. Conventional wood acquires such properties only after processing various chemical compositions: paints or impregnations. All the listed quality of thermal extension extends the lifetime of flooring, made from it, and including those used in the wet areas of the house.

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