4 ways to make a false fireplace do it yourself: step by step instructions


We tell how to create a decorative fireplace in the house with the help of girlfriend.

4 ways to make a false fireplace do it yourself: step by step instructions 9434_1

4 ways to make a false fireplace do it yourself: step by step instructions

Making a false fireplace in the apartment

Where to install

We do with your own hands

  • From cardboard
  • From Polymplats
  • From drywall
  • From wood

Methods of imitation of fire

Decor rules

One of the easiest ways to bring warmth and comfort to the apartment is to make a decorative fireplace with your own hands. It has a number of advantages over the creation of a real hearth:

  • Easy. Frame design weighs very little. No need to strengthen overlapping and coordinate redevelopment of the apartment.
  • Safe. Products with imitation fire without restrictions can be installed in apartments with small children and animals.
  • Easy to manufacture. There are models, with the assembly of which even children cope.
  • Does not require chimney. Smoke and soot are absent even when integrating with alcohol biocamine.

Where better to install the hearth

Before starting to work, you need to decide on the type of design. She may be:

  • Stationary. Frame from wooden bars or metal profiles is attached to the wall. This allows you to do narrow and high elements. They occupy a minimum of space, but the process of moving products to a new place is very laborious.
  • Pottal. Requires a wider, fundamental basis. At the same time fluently moves to any point of the apartment. And if necessary, it can be easily transported to another house.

The place of placement of the portal for the decorative fireplace is chosen on the basis of aesthetic preferences and practical benefits.

  • At the free wall. The improvised focus can perform the role of an independent decor. Visually complements the interior if placed under the mirror. The upper part at the same time serves as a shelf for hygienic accessories. Stationary models are used instead of a TV for a TV.
  • In the corner. Most often, with this location, heating risers are closed. The design is made to the ceiling itself, and for stability is fixed in stationary to the wall. It is important to leave access to the threaded connections of pipes that require regular maintenance.
  • Before the radiator. The battery on a deaf end wall is very difficult to beat furniture. It's easier to decorate it. The hearth in this case must necessarily be inserted. To preserve the circulation of warm air, the convection grid is inserted into the improvised furnace or cover.

Making a false fireplace do it yourself: step-by-step instructions with photos

To create a basis and decoration, different materials are suitable, in which there are its own features. We will consider step by step four ways to manufacture portals and give a selection of fresh ideas on their implementation. If you want to combine several options in one, first draw a sketch of the hand. After all, even the layout of the most beautiful details sometimes looks ridiculous. The sketch helps to visually assess the result and avoid errors.

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Portal from Cardon

The easiest thing in the manufacture, which means you can attract children with pleasure and benefit to spend time. We will need:

  • carton boxes;
  • scissors, tape;
  • Packing paper or other decor.

It is most convenient to use two large boxes, for example, from under plasma TV, bike, heater, etc. One is placed in the base, the other serves as the base for the furnace.

Place the rectangle under the furnace compartment. We make slits from above, below and in the middle. Formed "doors" bend to the rear and in progress in progress.

All parts securely glue with scotch. For decorating it is important to use lightweight materials, such as packaging paper and polyurethane plinth. We glue the facial surfaces with the help of two-way tape or thermopystole.

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Do not be looking for large boxes. Any available packaging is suitable. To give small boxes of additional stiffness, pre-glue them into a transport state.

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Such a decor can be done by yourself, to involve the whole family in the process or give children the opportunity to work in creativity.

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Portal from foam

By the ratio of price and quality, the best option for the apartment is a decorative fireplace of polystyrene foam. He is light and does not take up much space. For the manufacture you will need:

  • 4 sheet fasteners;
  • packing cardboard;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • glue for polystyrene;
  • Paint and decor.

Wood with a tree cutting the penplex on the details. Prepared elements glue together. To continue working until glue drying, fix the details of the self-drawing.

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From the cardboard, cut rectangles with rounded corners, which mimic brick laying. We finish vertical surfaces. The finished product is covered with paint and decorate candles.

There are other ways to manufacture a fireplace from foam. One of them, with step-by-step instructions, drawings and sizes, we present in the video.

The possibilities of foam are not limited to the option presented in the master class. In building stores, there is a finished decor of polyurethane foam, which is enough just to glue.

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Portal from plasterboard

If the size of the decorative fireplace is small, the profile can be collected into an independent frame. High bulky structures for reliability are attached to the wall. In the first case, we get the dormitory hearth, in the second - stationary.

For the base, you will need a rack wall profile or guides ceiling. If you just finished repairs, you can put almost all the remnants of the material into the move.

Frame collect on the waist scheme:

  • twist first upper and lower strapping;
  • We connect them with vertical racks;
  • Add forming the furnace, jumpers.

To create rigidity to each carrier node, twist two screws.

Stationery knife cut out all the details of the drywall and screw to the frame. It is important to take into account the magnitude of the adolescent sheets. In order not to confuse in the calculations, each subsequent detail is starting to extinate only after the previous one is screwed.

In a fully sewn design, putty align the joints and angles. The more accurately the preparatory work is made, the less you have to shit. If you scrupulously approach the cutting sheets, and from the front side, remove all the ends, you can make a product immediately after fastening the plasterboard.

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On profiles and Glk, you can collect a full-fledged decorative oven, to bind it with a stone, hang a mirror or a Chinese fan. The main thing is to provide lintels for heavy jewelry.

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  • How to make a decorative fireplace from drywall do it yourself

Portal of wood

Often make it yourself imitation of the fireplace in the apartment asking small children. It is best for these purposes that the wooden version is suitable. If the kids try to climb him, nothing terrible will happen. Plywood will endure the weight of even an adult. To work, we will need:
  • frame - brus 40x40 mm;
  • The lid is a staircase or windowsill;
  • Sheathing - plywood with a thickness of 8 mm;
  • Facing - decorative stone;
  • fasteners - self-tapping screws, corners, liquid nails;
  • Decoration - aromatic candles.

Deciding with dimensions, twist the frame from bars. It is important to take into account the size of the finishing materials. The design will be severe, so at the bottom for sustainability, we definitely do the podium.

All visible parts are sewn plywood. Calves can serve as hidden storage niches. If necessary, we provide for additional shelves in them, access to which will be back.

So that after the decoration, the wooden base, put on them and cover the surface with white paint. We glue the decorative stone on liquid nails. If the size of the housing is calculated correctly, it is placed without trimming.

If you wish in the finish, you can use ready-made wooden elements: friezes, bales and others.

Fire imitation for a false fireplace

If you come to work with the soul, even decorative hearth looks realistic. But the key difference is the absence of fire. The easiest way to bring the appearance to the real thing is to put in the furnace of a few logs of firewood. There are more realistic options:

  • Built-in biocamine. Works on the principle of alcohol burner. After ignition, this flame appears in front of you. Alcohol practically does not highlight smoke and smell, so it is great for closed rooms. To integrate into the portal you need to choose the model closed on all sides. They exclude fire.
  • Digital photo frame. Gadgets with support for gif animation and background sound imitate the movement of flames and characteristic sealing of coal. But the framework of large formats is expensive, and standard seventhum screens are suitable only for mini-fireplaces.
  • LED Strip Light. The illumination of bright orange or red color is installed in the podium or by the lower contour of the coil niche. The improvised fire comes to life if inside the transparent container filled with water and glass balls. The light is refracted in the glass. Water pegs from the slightest vibrations and creates the effect of movement.

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Design and decor for a false fireplace

In the finishing of stationary structures, it is better to adhere to the overall stylistry of the room. For the attached options, neutral tones are more suitable. Otherwise, their advantage in mobility is lost. For example, the design that you created for the living room will not fit into the bedroom or hallway.

Decor's ideas are important to learn even at the stage of design of the sketch. In building stores, you can purchase a lot of finished elements: baguettes and moldings from polyurethane, stucco from plaster, etc. But so that they organically looked, you need to calculate their sizes in the stage of sketch.

A combination of mirrors and fire becomes a win-win option. Mirror make the inner surface of the furnace. To simulate the flame use candles or electrical backlight. Reflection of flame languages ​​reinforce realism, make the interior warmer and cozy.

We reviewed the most popular options for how to make a decorative fireplace. You can choose a suitable model and collect it in your apartment.

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