9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition


The most common decorative accessories can become real design masterpieces. We offer a selection of bright ideas and interesting solutions.

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_1

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition

Need to enter the interior of this or that accessory? Or would you like to refresh the decor? Or maybe friends not really guess with a gift, and would it be necessary to "modify" him? So our selection of ideas for sure you will come in handy.

1 stair staircase

Stool staircase - useful and necessary accessory available in many homes. Why not get it stylish and unusual, making an interior highlight? For example, in painting in the appropriate color, creating the effect of scuffs with a dry brush and decides with a neat pattern using a stencil.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_4
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_5

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_6

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_7

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_8

2 frames for photo

If the interior is decorated in a complex colors, find a stylish framework for the photo of the necessary shades is not so easy. But you can transform literally any simple frame, making a masterpiece from it with your own hands!

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_10

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_11

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_12

Take a look, as the ordinary plastic frame from IKE has been transformed:

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_13
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_14
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_15

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_16

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_17

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_18

But on such a rework you need quite some time, forces and materials.

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_19
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_20
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_21

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_22

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_23

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_24

The procedure for the transformation of almost any photo frame into a vintage thing is not difficult at all:

  • Zagauntite (choose the primer with high adhesion);
  • Circle in 2-3 layers in the base color (which will come through the chips and scrap);
  • Sattail by the usual wax candle, those sitting, where you want to see scuffs;
  • Cover 1-2 layers of a contrasting shade, if you wish, add small quartz to the paint to simulate chips later;
  • With the spatula, consider quartz, you can also go through the corners and protrusions;
  • a rigid sponge or shallow sandpaper pass through areas that have finally rubbed the candle;
  • For a more durable coating, you can cover the top of the lacquer.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_26
9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_27

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_28

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_29

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_30

  • 12 interior panels that can be made with their own hands

3 decorative cushion case

Move the base altooth cushion case into a stylish decorative accessory can be with your own hands. To do this, you will need paints on the fabric and a little patience. If you draw well, you can turn to the hand painting cover. Otherwise, use stamps and stencils.

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4 table pencils

Pen's tables do not lose relevance. However, not every interior style such an accessory will fit in priority. There is a way out: paint in suitable color.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_34

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_36

5 Wood Storage Box

Ordinary wooden storage boxes can be purchased at any home store home. It is convenient to store almost anything, from economic trifles to fruit. And to make such an accessory unique, stylish, perfectly fit into the interior, can help ordinary paints, brushes and - if necessary - stencils, stamps, hand painted, etc.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_38

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_39

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_40

6 photo

In our age Instagram photo accessory, which is available in almost any house. Move the ordinary option, pinned from the boards, in the picturesque and unusual will help simple actions:

  • Make the boards are imperfect: scratch, beat with a hammer, knock the cliff with nails;
  • Pretty polish (go first with a large sandpaper, then shallow);
  • To a large extent, lay the desired paint with water and use as a veil (it is better to choose at least 3 combined shades) to keep the tree pattern, but give it a suitable tone;
  • You can "finalize" scuffs on the edges of a dry brush.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_42

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_44

7 cups

Marker on ceramics - and ordinary cups immediately turn into a designer. Follow the instructions on the marker, usually after applying the drawing you need to wait 30 minutes before drying, and then 30-40 minutes secure the result in the oven.

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_45

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8 clay kashpo

Clay porridge looks especially stylish if you give them a vintage mood, creating an effect of white mold. Everything you need for this is a suitable shade of paint in the canister (take a white with a light shade, it will look more natural).

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If mold, even artificial, you don't like it, you can paint clay porridge or decorate the pattern with self-keys.

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9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_49

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_50

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_51

  • 5 stylish interior accessories that are easy to make with your own hands

9 Paper caspo

Fashionable paper cachep in Scandinavian style can also be transformed: for example, painting, apply the pattern using a stamp or take advantage of the same self-taking.

9 home accessories that can be transformed beyond recognition 9501_53

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