What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom?


Clean the seams between the tile can be without much costs. We tell about different ways to bring the bathroom to the former beauty.

What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom? 9505_1

Methods of getting rid of dirt:

Causes of Dark Points

Cleaning the proven "chemistry" or the use of primary means?

Features of cleaning, if the mold and fungus appeared

How to carry out a procedure without liquids?

As well as using a steam cleaner

What decorative ways exist?

  • Work with Zatirkaya
  • Working with paint

How to prevent the appearance of a new dirt?

A few more useful recommendations

Interputer sites "give out" the age of repair, like any other flooring. After some time after operation, they are darker, dirt appears on them, and sometimes mold. If they are dark - it means that there are no updates for a long time. But we know than to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom so that they look like new.

The reason for the appearance of dirt

  • Permanent availability of water on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
  • Bad ventilation in the bathroom.
  • There is not enough professional work of the Tiler - it did not proceed and did not miss the intervals with specialized compositions.

That's so inaccurately can care.

This is how the tiles may not look like

  • Cheat sheet for owners: how to clean different types of tile

How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom from dirt?

1. Household chemicals

Look in supermarkets special means for cleaning the tile. Popular option - oxygen-based bleach. It is mixed with water in equal proportions and spray from the pulverizer to damaged places. Then leave approximately half an hour or an hour. During this time, the oxygen particles should penetrate inside between the tile and dissolve the dirt. It will only remain mechanically to clean it and wipe the surface dry.

You can whiten between the intervals using the traditional "whiteness", it is easy to buy at any store.

Also today in the household chemical market there is a special marker, which helps to penetrate directly into narrow gaps and remove unpleasant blackouts. At the same time and refresh the color.

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2. Folk remedies

If you are fighting for the environmental friendliness of your home or for some other reasons you do not want to use "chemistry", you can apply firing substances.

Take a measuring cup - 250 ml. You will need about 7 parts of water, 75 ml of lemon juice and 50-60 ml of vinegar. Such a solution must be thoroughly clean the tracks. It would be good to use a toothbrush, then the action will be more directed. And do not forget about gloves - lemon and vinegar can cut the skin. Immediately do not wash off the solution from the deposits, wait at least 10 minutes. Then rinse the surface with ordinary water.

Another folk remedy can be prepared from the following components: lemon juice, food soda, mustard powder and toothpaste. You can also add naming alcohol.

What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom? 9505_5

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How to clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom from mold?

Mold is one of the main attributes of dirty intercutric paths. After all, where there is high humidity and water, hazardous disputes and bacteria will inevitably form. But with them you can cope with remedies.

1. Household chemicals

Verified preparations will get rid of fungus. It is recommended to use purifiers with chlorine content - for example, the usual household bleach . It is enough to apply it for 15-20 minutes and then rinse too much. Special compositions, such as "antihygribok", will also help cope with the foci of bacteria. Read the instructions on the package it is indicated whether it is possible to apply them to the sealant and grout. But, as a rule, there are no restrictions in application.

Mold not only spoils Estete & ...

Mold not only spoils the aesthetics of the bathroom, but also adversely affects health

2. Home recipes

Clean the seams can be solved ammonia, bite or any water-based softener. Apply the solution directly to damaged areas and wait for a while. Be prepared for the appearance of an unpleasant smell. Better at this time to open the door.

Another remedy is prepared from the following components: hydrogen peroxide, boric alcohol (Lewis acid), ordinary vinegar. All this must be dissolved in water. By proportions, it is necessary to 1-4 spoons of each component.

Soda and vinegar - unchanged steam to combat harmful bacteria. Act as follows. First, clean the plots of soda. After pouring vinegar. Foam is formed, but not long. When it is completely dissolved, it will remain to wash with soapy water.

What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom? 9505_8

You can also buy furacilin in a pharmacy - this antiseptic means of local action will help to cope with fungus and bacteria. What should be done? One tablet is dissolved in a liter of water and apply to places that require processing.

Essential oils can also be used as a cleaner. To do this, take warm water and a teaspoon of tea tree oil. It is not necessary to wash off after exposure, but it is worth repeating. And another important point - it is better to carry out the procedure for the night when no one will walk in the room.

By the way, if the mold appeared not only on the floor, but also on the walls, then with a probability of almost 100% this place at the junction between the bathroom and the wall. The plumbing installation is almost no smooth, not avoiding gaps. And if your master was not too professional, it was bad to take sealing, it is worth thinking not only about the cleansing of interputric seams, but what to close the junction between the bathroom and tiles. This is done with the help of plastic or ceramic borders, border ribbons, sometimes just alone alone. And the sealant and the mounting foam will help fill out large gaps.

What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom? 9505_9

If you leave this question without a decision, the mold will appear again, since the bathroom is probably there are large foci of bacteria and because of the moisture and the water getting into the way they grow stronger.

  • How to remove mold from the wall in the apartment times and forever: effective ways

Another option: to repay mechanically

If you chose this method, you will have to work hard. You can take the sandpaper and gently wipe the plots between the tile. Carefully - meaning not to scratch a tiled coating. If you make an effort, it will remain only rinse with water residues. Environmentally and convenient.

How to clean steam?

Modern steam cleaners are capable of much: the directional stream of the water vapor they knock out the dirt dirt and instantly remove everything too much. How to use this? You can take such a device to rent or invite specially trained people.

If you have not found, than laundering the seams between tiles in the bathroom, it remains only to update them. We tell how.

Decorative methods

We use a new grout

Prepare the necessary materials. First, clean the surface. To do this, take the extended, it has a comfortable handle and a sharp blade. An alternative to him is a Malar or a kitchen knife, as well as a common screwdriver. And cleaners from the old grout. For this purpose, sandpaper is also suitable. Well, and if manually operates it does not work, find the grinding machine and remove the old sealant with it.

After processing the sections with antifungal compositions, do not neglect it. So you save new seams unscathed for a longer period. After drying, start the process of applying a new grout. You can choose any color. For example, a dark mixture is much more practical light. A colorful option looks original and modern. Do not forget to remove unnecessary in time, the grout quickly hards.

Choice of the color of the new grout

Choice of the color of the new grout

  • How to choose a tile grout: Profi Tips


Paint the damaged areas is also a good idea. Of course, without prior work it is not necessary. The scheme is the same: purification, preventing the appearance of mold and dirt using antifungal solutions, after - seams sealing. And then you can apply the paint of suitable color. Paint should be resistant to water - look for special types in stores.

What to livel the seams between tiles in the bathroom? 9505_13

How to protect new intercine seams?

Preventive measures will help. Then you do not have to return to this issue too soon. In stores you can find a liquid tool that processes the gaps. It guarantees the purity and lack of infection. Be sure to find out about it in advance or consult with the builder.

Also consider good ventilation and at least leave the door to the bathroom open overnight so that the surfaces are satisfied.

Choosing a new grout, pay attention to epoxy materials. They are more resistant to mold and fungus.

Bonus: 4 Lyfhak in working with floorpad

  • If you have a glossy tile on the floor, the mechanical cleaning method is not suitable. You can inactively scratch the cladding, such damage is difficult to eliminate.
  • Do not use products with acid for glazed tiles. Otherwise she will swell.
  • But for mosaic from glass, concentrated solutions of acid or alkali can be made.
  • In working with matte tiles, use protective mastic.

Well, we found out that the problem of the formation of plaque in the intervals between the cafeter is not rare. Sooner or later, everyone faces her who made the repair for quite a long time and is not going to update the coating. We listed all the ways to help clean the seams between tiles in the bathroom. Choose anyone. Household chemicals gives a guaranteed result, but folk recipes do not always work equally well. And do not forget that you need to conduct preventive methods.

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