How to choose the perfect layout: 6 tips from designer


About how to buy an apartment that will allow you to implement your ideas and satisfy household needs, told Andrei Rybakov, the main designer of the AR Interior Studio designer.

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How to choose the perfect layout: 6 tips from designer

Often, at the stage of repairing a new apartment, people discover that the layout does not allow to embody their desire: it is nowhere to put a washing machine, baby is not enough for a dressing room. To avoid such problems, you need to choose the right layout when buying a housing - and here these tips will be useful.

1 Consider the family composition now and in the future

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Not always buyers - a fully formed cell of society: it may be a young couple without children or a family with a child, which is soon waiting for replenishment, including essential. So choose an apartment taking into account not only the current composition of the tenants, but also possibly increased in the future.

Andrei Rybakov

Think over your future: the child needs its own room, and in all kinds of children - either on a separate room, or one childish, but with good zoning.

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2 Make a list of desires

Want a dressing room? Write down. Want two bathrooms? Write down. The list of desires can be like those things you are already accustomed to (for example, if you already have a dressing room in the apartment), and those that you have not had (for example, a separate post-time).

Andrei Rybakov

Choose an apartment with a list of desires, how to attend a supermarket with a list of shopping: it will save you time and keeps the eye from the wealth of choice.

3 Choose as close to the ideal layout

Many buy apartments in the hope of fully correcting the existing layout. But in practice, not everything turns out to be fulfilled: it is impossible to increase the bathroom, swap kitchen with a bedroom, combine the living room with a balcony ...

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The developer's website shows a plan of an apartment with conventional rooms: if this location you do not like, better keep searching - you will definitely find what you have to do. When you have a suitable layout before your eyes, it will be much easier to present an ideal apartment in her place.

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How to choose the perfect layout: 6 tips from designer 9507_11

How to choose the perfect layout: 6 tips from designer 9507_12

Also remember that the metra is not able to increase the magical way: you will never make a spacious trick out of a small odnushki.

Andrei Rybakov

Any wall movements occur according to the principle: here we increase, we decrease there. No redevelopment will turn 55 square meters. m in 80 sq. M. m.

4 Consider the desired area of ​​each room.

Want a bedroom with a big wardrobe? Then you need no less than 13 m2 of the area. Want to locate the sink with a table, toilet, bath and a washing machine? You will need a room from 3.5 m2.

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To understand what kind of Misc is needed for a specific room, look at the planning on the Internet and find what suits you most.

Andrei Rybakov

It is better to spend a few days to study the question than a long time to break your head, where to put this ill-fated washing machine.

5 Do not forget about the space

In addition to those things that need to be placed in your new apartment, there should be a place for tenants. It is necessary to take into account all the approaches to the furniture, the place to open and closing cabinets, the inclusion of light, etc.

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The corridor should be wide enough for two people, in the bathroom you need an approach to the washing machine.

Think out these nuances and do not forget that everything looks much more spacious on the plan than it turns out in the amount.

6 Imagine yourself in a new apartment

To create the most accurate and comfortable housing plan, think about your habits, remember how your day usually passes, what and where you need in the apartment.

Andrei Rybakov

Draw a scenario in my head, taking into account habits and wishes. We enter the apartment, turn on the light, remove the jacket, hide in the closet. In a closet or open hanger? So, we need an open hanger at the entrance. And cabinet? And next to need a wardrobe. And so on in the apartment. It is easier to adjust the new interior under our habits than the opposite.

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The editors thanks Andrei Rybakov and the AR Interior Studio for help in preparing the material

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