Gifts for February 23: Electric screwdriver, transformer chair and 14 more useful things


If you have not yet prepared a gift for your man, look at this selection. We found the goods that he would like.

Gifts for February 23: Electric screwdriver, transformer chair and 14 more useful things 9521_1

Gifts for February 23: Electric screwdriver, transformer chair and 14 more useful things

1 Electric screwdriver

With her, any work on the house will be more pleasant. And you no longer have to wait long when my husband hangs the shelf or screw the door. Yes, you yourself will be able to mask these operations with the help of such a convenient tool!

Bosch recharged screwdriver

Bosch recharged screwdriver

2 Computer Transformer Chair

So that the workflow of the house was more pleasant and fruitful, you can upgrade the chair. Today there are models that turn into a comfortable couch with a footrest, and still designed specifically for orthopedic back support.

Computer chair

Computer chair

16 790.


  • Bachelor Apartment Design: 14 Tips for creating comfort

Three cotton plaid

Natural fabric, minimalistic design - What else is needed for a real male gift? He will definitely appreciate this concern.

Cotton plaid

Cotton plaid

1 250.


  • 10 cozy plaids that warm this fall

4 terry Towel

A stylish cotton bath towel is not only a practical gift, but also the real decoration of your bathroom.

Set of towels

Set of towels

2 099.


5 Nessenter

It is convenient to store accessories for shaving, as well as keep the shelves in the bathroom in order - add men's cosmetics to nestor and hide in the retractable wardrobe.



1 490.


6 Sketch Map

Excellent attention sign for amateur travel. Those countries and cities that have already visited can be erased by coin. Let it become your overall tradition.





7 Steak Board

Many representatives of heavy sex - Myasoisters and avid lovers of good juicy steaks. And with such a tray, the meat will become even tastier for them.

Tray for steak

Tray for steak

4 840.


8 knife for steak

A gift for people far from stereotypes. In the end, you need to cut delicious steaks something?

Knife for steak

Knife for steak

1 140.


9 Whiskey Set

Even if it does not have any habits of drinking strong drinks, almost everyone dreams of having his own bar. Beautiful set for whiskey - the first step towards its creation. In addition, collecting expensive drinks - fashionable.

Set for whiskey

Set for whiskey

5 760.


10 Geyser coofer

If your satellite prefers the good old cooked coffee to any drink from the coffee machine, then such a present will definitely delight him.

Coffee maker

Coffee maker

4 400.


  • 30 amazing homemade coffee bars that will inspire you to create your own

11 Table lamp

Lovers of authentic trifles will like the stylish table lamp - with a base of wood, stone or even concrete.

Table lamp

Table lamp

2 000


12 Yandex.station

Not so long ago, Yandex presented his own multimedia station with voice assistant Alice. It includes music on request, shows a movie ... and in general, isn't everyone dreams about the woman always listening to him? Translate arrows to Alice!

Multimedia platform

Multimedia platform

13 Vinyl player

Melomanan who loves retro style, like it. Today's vinyl players can be connected even to a computer and enjoy downloaded music or listen online.

Vinyl player

Vinyl player

14 Alarm clock

Stylish alarm clock in a wooden cube with an electric scoreboard easy to enter into any interior. And please the taste of your companion.

Alarm clock

Alarm clock



15 Wall-mounted ornamentser

Do not know how to help your friend be more organized? Give the holder. You can hang up notes with plans for a day.





  • Gifts for February 23: Electric screwdriver, transformer chair and 14 more useful things 9521_21

16 comic book poster

The universes of comics and superheroes captured the film screen. If your companion joined the fans's army, he will definitely like the gift. And the unusual style of execution will not spoil the interior.





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