How to apply the mounting foam using a gun and without it


Mounting foam is an excellent sealant and insulation. We tell about how to use it, as well as what problems may occur in the process and how to solve them.

How to apply the mounting foam using a gun and without it 9592_1

How to apply the mounting foam using a gun and without it

Methods of working with assembly sealant:


Beginning of work

  • Problems that may arise
  • How to remove a malfunction

Tool operation rules

  • How to apply sealant
  • Storage rules

Using sealant without a pistol

  • Step-by-step instruction
  • Cons technology

There are several types of this aggregate. With some of them you can work without a special device. With others it will not work, and for neat, accurate application will require an additional device. In the first part of the article, let's talk about how to use a gun for mounting foam, which can be done, and what is impossible.

Safety regulations

Remember the precautions that need to be observed during work.

  • Do not direct the attached cylinder on people and animals. Getting sealant in the eyes will lead to serious injury, and it will be difficult to extort it from clothes or wool.
  • Wear protective glasses and gloves.
  • Observe the temperature mode. If the coolness is cold - warm it in a heated room or warm water (no more than 30 degrees). For use on the street in the heat or frost, put on a cylinder protective case or just wrap it with a cloth.
  • Do not apply next to open fire, heat floss and do not store under the right rays.
  • With low humidity, wet the device with water.
  • Provide good ventilation indoors.

How to put on a gun on the mounting foam and what to do if it doesn't work

The design of the device is very simple. It consists of a metal rod, an adapter for fastening a container with sealant, handles, a trigger curr and an adjustment element. Depending on the manufacturer, the mechanisms may differ slightly from each other, but the main set of components in most cases will be the same.

The cylinder is inserted into the adapter in the following sequence:

  • Fold well with a container and remove the protective cover from it.
  • Keep the gun with a handle down and screw the mounting foam to it to the end, playing well. It should be located vertically.
  • Turn the adjusting screw to a quarter turn to the left, direct the tube into the trash can and click on the trigger.
  • When the consistency of the composition becomes normal, it will be possible to start work.

How to apply the mounting foam using a gun and without it 9592_3

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Why device does not work

The sealant does not fill the tube for two reasons. One of them is the expired expiration date. The second is a malfunction of the device itself. In any case, you will have to partially or fully disassemble the mechanism and clean it.

How to disassemble and clean the instrument at different breakdowns

If you do not hear the hiss when connecting the cylinder, the composition does not enter the metal tube. In this case, the problem is most likely to fault the springs and the ball on the input valve. To fix it, unscrew the adapter and clean the ball with the spring with the help of foul items and solvent for polyurethane foam. To do this, fill the flushing and wait a few minutes. Try not to damage the details - use toothpicks and cotton wands.

How to apply the mounting foam using a gun and without it 9592_5

Another reason for the non-working tool - lower sealant from the nozzle. Most often, the tip of the tip itself or the regulating needle rod is to blame. To correct the situation, you need to disassemble the device and remove the frozen mass from it. You will need keys, solvent, soft rag, screwdriver, knife, toothpicks, pliers or something similar to them.

  • Unscrew the container with sealant and rinse the adapter.
  • Carefully remove the mass on the body with a knife.
  • Separate the metal tube and its tip, adjustment mechanism and housing cap.
  • Remove contamination from them.

After dismantling and cleaning, collect the device in the reverse order. Sometimes it requires a replacement of parts to return operation. Check out the video with detailed instructions for full disassembly, cleaning and assembling the mechanism.

How to use a gun for mounting foam correctly

Installation with sealant does not require any special skills, but there are several rules that will help to quickly get used to the instrument.

How to apply the composition

  • The surface on which you will apply the composition, you need to spray with water.
  • Always keep the device with a cylinder up.
  • Direct the nozzle on the prepared area and smoothly press the trigger.
  • Tip all the time should be inside the applied layer. So that it turns out to be smooth, it can lessly release the trigger.
  • If you need to reduce the supply of the material, turn the adjusting screw to the right side.
  • Vertical seams close up upwards, and wide zigzags.
  • Consider the expansion of foam in air - fill the space only on ⅓. If you add more - in vain spend the material and time.
  • The components of the mixture are settled on the bottom, so the container must be periodically shaken.
  • For hard-to-reach places use a special extension adapter. This is a flexible hose that is worn to the trunk.

Video for a visual demonstration of the technique of applying a substance to the surface:

How to finish work and store tool

To use the gun as efficiently as possible and long, follow several rules.

  • After you finish, completely overcoat the screw controller and erase contamination from the case.
  • Do not unscrew the cylinder - so you can use it re-for a month.
  • If the simple will be longer than this period - remove the cylinder and wipe the wash tool. You put a solvent container on it and keep in this form.
  • When re-use simply, we simply remove the fastened composition from the tip with a sharp knife, shake the foam and run it within 5-10 seconds.

If it is necessary to replace the sealant during operation, it is also necessary to clean the device, to store the remaining pressure from it and install a new source of sealant.

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How to use the mounting foam without a pistol

Such technology is buying non-professional sealant in small volumes (up to 800 ml). It is suitable for small works, sealing shallow, short seams and cracks, wind insulation. Usually in the kit there is a tube, with which polyurethane foam is distributed over the surface.

Instructions for use

The procedure for action is almost similar to what we have described above.

  • Put the protective gloves. The substance is all the same - it is difficult to tip from the skin and clothes.
  • Shoot the balloon well. This must be done for 30-60 seconds so that the mixture becomes uniform.
  • Remove the protective cover and attach the tube to the container. Sometimes the tube does not happen, then it is bought separately.
  • Keep the handset at a distance of 5 cm from the hole that are going to seal. Click on the valve.
  • Fill the slot only on ⅓, since the composition will increase in size.
  • Usually there is no lack of material with such a method of application, but it can be checked after half an hour, there is no deposit. And fill them if they are.
  • After eight or ten hours, the surplus can be cut off with a sharp knife.

The surface that needs to be sealing is purified before sealing and moisturized from a sprayer or using a conventional brush. In the video tell how to use a mounting foam without a gun for hard-to-reach places.

Why it is uncomfortable to use a sealant with a tube

The shortcomings are not so much, but they are noticeable if you are planning large-scale actions.

  • Material consumption. Even if you regulate the intensity of pressing the valve, it will take more than from the professional tool.
  • If you take the phone, then install it will not work back.
  • Time costs. Hold the rod in the correct position and control the amount of sealant is difficult and long.

So, if you have to work with mounting foam, you can choose two options:

  • With a pistol. Suitable for large or permanent amounts of work.
  • Without a pistol. A good option for a single embelling of slots, cracks or insulation of a small area.

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