7 fast-growing trees for your site


In our selection - Acacia White, Pavlovnia felt and other trees that will grow in a few years and will help you quickly fill the site.

7 fast-growing trees for your site 9616_1

Listed trees in video

1 Maple

For example, Maple is aspense and silver belong to fast-growing trees and added, an average of 1.5-2 meters per year. Other fast-growing varieties: field, red, semenova and large-grained. Their average size reaches 15-20 meters, after reaching this mark, growth slows down. Krone also ceases to grow actively, so there will be no problems with giving it a neat form.

Best Maple grows in places with cold winter and not too hot summer. Well, if you have a soil area with increased acidity.

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2 Taxodium Divised

This tree will help out if there is a zone in the shade and with a wet, even wetland. Usually in such conditions it grows little, but the taxodium will be added 50-60 cm per year. And will achieve in the end of the height of 10-12 meters.

If the summer will come drought and the ground will begin to dry, water the taxodium once twice a week. You can additionally mulch the rolling circle to keep moisture. Also, the tree loves acidic and weakly acidic soil - pH 4-6.5.

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3 Pavlovnia felt

Pavlovnia grows up to 1.5 meters per year. In his homeland, in China, it is even considered an aggressive tree due to rapid reproduction in a favorable environment. It reaches a maximum of 10-15 meters in height and places a thick and magnificent crown that blooms very beautifully.

It is best to plant Pavlovnia on well-lit areas with fertile soil. The trunk of a young plant should be additionally strengthened, since in the first years it is quite thin and can break from a strong wind.

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4 Acacia white

Acacia grows under favorable conditions on average per meter per year. Beautifully blooms and attracts bees. But it must be borne in mind that this is a rather large tree, which will eventually reach 20-25 meters in height.

Acacia is suitable for soil with high alkalinity and sections with low groundwater levels. It is necessary to plant it at home and fruit trees due to a powerful and fast-growing root system.

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5 Catalpa

Katalpa's fast-growing and frost-resistant varieties include beautiful, bignony-shaped, banging and ovoid. In hot countries, they can reach 30 meters in height, but in Russia they do not grow more than 10-15 meters. At the same time, they grow enough quickly and have large leaves that will help, for example, hide a plot from the neighbors' eyes.

Pick for the catholp the illuminated area without a strong wind. The soil must be fertile and not wetlands.

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6 pistachio Chinese

The fast-growing and fairly compact tree, which will reach about 10 meters in height. It has a neat form of a crown, which is not needed frequent trimming. Chinese pistachio pleases autumn beautiful bright red leaves.

Squeeze it on a sunny plot and be prepared to cover and insulate a tree for the winter. At the same time, the pistachio tree is unpretentious to the type of soil, grows well in the sandy soil and easily tolerate drought.

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Two fastest growing grade Willow - White and Babylonian. They add 1.5 meters per year and have lush beautiful crowns.

Willow is not demanding to the composition of the soil, but prefers wet areas. Well put it next to the pond. In the hot summer, the tree should be additionally watering.

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Photo on the cover: pexels

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