No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern


Use gravel for tracks, plant wildflowers and make a pond - select beautiful and eco-friendly gardens.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_1

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern

1 Use gravel instead of concrete

In order to lay out a walkway to a gazebo or some kind of economic building, it is not necessary to use concrete. Select the water-permeable coating, for example, gravel. Through it will be good moisture. This is favorable on all landings near the track. In gravel, you can make inserts from wooden boards or stone tiles to be more convenient to walk.

You can even install a brave from the gravel or a rest area and beautifully beat by plants. It looks like a decision noticeably aesthetic bare concrete.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_3
No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_4

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_5

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_6

  • 6 Plants for the Garden, which will survive rare arrows (when the cottage - on weekends)

2 Choose local field grass instead of lawn

Perhaps it is worth abandoning the perfectly smooth lawn planted with a lawn that needs to be frequent. Instead, land in the garden. Local wilder herbs. They have a number of advantages.

  • They grow without watering. It is rare to moisturize the soil: during the peak of summer drought.
  • Herbs attract insects, which at the same time pollinating flowering trees and fruit plants.
  • They are popular, as the trend on the natural view of the garden in landscape design now keeps the leading position.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_8
No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_9

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_10

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_11

3 Place flowers and herbs for bees

Environmentalists all over the world talk about reducing the number of honey bees on the planet and warn about the unpleasant consequences of this phenomenon. Make your contribution to the support of the ecosystem of the terrain, in which your home is located, and plant the plants that attract the bees. That's what you can do.

  • Plant flowers and herbs. Any source of nectar is beneficial to the bees, and at the same time the garden if you have fruiting plants.
  • Refuse toxic insecticides. If the garden flooded a certain type of parasites and not to get rid of chemistry from them, use it point and strictly in accordance with the instructions. If the pests are a bit, try to do with natural remedies or mechanical methods.
  • Do not destroy the hive of wild bees on your site. Call specialists who will postpone it, for example, in the forest.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_12

  • 5 important cases in the garden that should be scheduled for May

4 Create on the plot of water

Even a small reservoir will become aesthetic decoration of the garden and it will look much more appropriate to craft from old tires or bright plastic dwarfs. In addition, the pond will become a source of water for small animals and insects on hot days. And also improves the quality of the soil on the site, if it was overporn.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_14
No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_15

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_16

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_17

5 Pull the dried grass

If the site has zones with fully dried grass, it speaks of serious problems with soil. Many do not know that they apply irreparable harm to their garden, burning such grass. The fertility of the soil after that worsens even more and for a long time nothing will grow, except the most unpretentious weeds.

To put your garden in order, dig up a plot with self-reacted grass. Next, enter the fertilizer and pour it into the soil. After renting unpretentious field herbs. It will help the soil in the garden to recover, and in a couple of years you can plant more demanding decorative flowers and shrubs into it.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_18
No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_19

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_20

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_21

6 beat stones and irregularities

Many begin to arrange the garden with its full leveling. At the same time, the already established ecosystem suffers. Of course, over time she will restore, but think about it to enjoy the existing natural landscape. You can leave on the spot large stones and put flowers around them. Do not touch the old trees and place a surprise area under them. On the irregularities to issue alpine slides, and a beautiful pond can turn out in the recess.

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_22
No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_23

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_24

No tires: 6 ideas for garden decoration with nature concern 9628_25

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