All you need to know about shower with pallets


Cabins of the closed type have long come out of fashion. And it turned out that in practice they deliver inconvenience - they are difficult to care for them, and often the mold is formed in the corners. Shower angles with pallets and individual doors came to replace the irrelevant plumbing. We tell everything about them that you should know.

All you need to know about shower with pallets 9629_1

All you need to know about shower with pallets

What pallets are: materials

Let's start with the materials from which the devices make, and tell about their advantages and minuses.

Cast iron

As you know, cast iron baths are considered the most severe, but at the same time strong and durable. With pallets, the same story - cast iron well hold heat, it is easy to clean, and still resistant to damage and scratches.


Another traditional option. Easy, if compared with the cast iron, but rather loud - that in the case of a shower decisive factor, as drops from the watering can have to fall from the height, and the noise will become stronger. And more of the shortcomings: the steel does not keep warm. Although in this case it is not so important, since it is rarely gaining water, after all the choice is already made in favor of the soul.


Modern and most popular material for the price and quality. Acrylic plumbers love for its ease, ease of care and natural warmth. But now plastic is mixed on the market to acrylo - it worsens the quality. And it is also worth noting that people with great weight acryl contraindicated - it can be used only if there is additional fortification.

Ceramics and Natural Stone

Unkky, but beautiful pallets - how correctly, are found with low sides.

In the gallery - options, how the aforementioned goods may look like. It is difficult to distinguish the material, this is possible only upon closer and immediately use.

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Sometimes they do not specifically buy finished pallets, but do themselves. In fact, this is the most aesthetic solution and definitely does not cause associations with outdated ready-made cabins. As a rule, they are made of bricks - build sides, mounted the ladder, and then lined with floor tiles. It turns out aesthetically.

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You can make the basis even without sides - then you will have to take care of the slope of the route and raise the floor level. Pretty problematic and not always justified. And in urban apartments, this will not be consistent officially.

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  • How to choose a shower tray?

Need to choose a high or low?

Speaking "high or low", we mean first of all sides. With high sides there is a chance from time to time to use shower as a mini-bath - convenient for families with young children.

Low onboard looks less cumbersome and preferable for small bathrooms.

In addition, the height depends on the height of the riser of the sewage and slope of the pipe: the installation is carried out from the hole of the shower drain until the sewer is care.

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What form and size is better?

There is no rules - it depends on how much space is allocated under the shower. If it is a small angle, it makes sense to choose an angular pallet. If space is enough, you can make a rectangular or square spacious shower.

In any case, less than 70x70 cm area is undesirable - otherwise the water procedures will become inconvenient, it will be impossible to turn around. 90x90 cm - optimal option.

  • How to build a shower: a detailed manual for creating and arrangement

What about the relief?

The fact is that slippery surface is the right path to injury. To take care of security, it is worth choosing a relief surface. For example, if you do a shower with a trailer pallet, choose a porcelain stonework under the tree or convex patterns. Smooth gloss for nothing.

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How to close the angle?

The most fiscal option is a shower curtain. But it is more likely to do in small hotels - precisely because of practicality and low cost. The curtain will not hold down large streams of water, there is a risk of constant puddles in the bathroom - even if there is a pallet with high sides.

Another option is the door. They are of various options: transparent, tinted, in the form of a mosaic or with other pictures. What to choose? Depends on taste preferences and selected interior style. It is worth remembering that the swollen models are more durable, and the doors that are moving along the guides are easier to break.

And one more option is to simply close the shower "screen" of glass or glass tile, leaving the passage. The option is good when the shower occupies space along the whole wall and quite spacious.

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This is how the screen looks like. He just covers a piece of shower space

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This design of sliding doors

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Here you can see how the swollen door opens inside

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The curtain was and there is the most fiscal option.

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And to order you can do anything. For example, such a partition in the loft style with the door

  • How to install a shower tray with your own hands

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