6 garden shrubs that beautiful bloom in spring


Forzing, Rhododendron and Lilac - tell about shrubs that will decorate your garden throughout the spring months.

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6 garden shrubs that beautiful bloom in spring

Add brightness only sprinkling from winter hibernate garden with shrubs that bloom in spring. When plants are arranged on the site, it is important to take into account their frost resistance, moisture resistance and teotalemability, as well as the features of lighting and soil drainage in your garden. It is not necessary to plant a lot of bright bushes nearby, the combination diluted with fresh greens looks more attractive.

1 Forzition

Bright yellow shrub, which in the spring one of the first wakes up from sleep. Forzing looks spectacular, especially against the background of almost bare vegetable garden. The height of the shrub is different: from 1.5 to 3 meters. Caring for him is simple: Forzing need to feed, loose and periodically cut. Fertilizers begin to enter early in the spring and continue even when the shrub has already poured.

The best forced to plant on the solar pools, but also in the fellow, the plant feels comfortable. Avoid, perhaps, only too shaded places.

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2 Rhododendron Daursky

Rhododendron Dauri is a shrub with lush pink flowers. Plants related to this variety may look completely different, for example, the size of the flower varies from a very small to a large reaching 20 centimeters. Rhododendron remains attractive thanks to its leaves even after plowing: they change the color from green on burgundy.

An ideal place for planting plants - half. There is a combination with higher trees, which will protect the bush from direct sunlight.

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3 Weigela

If you are looking for a shrub that could be taken a shady seat in the garden, consider Wegel. A small bush adores shadow and humidity. If you plan to disembark several plants, do not forget to leave between them intervals to ensure normal development and growth. There should be no less than meter between small seedlings, and large bushes should be placed at a distance of 2 or more meters from each other.

It is easy to care for Weigel: a plant is watered only during drought, periodically loose and feed. This shrub is well suitable for novice gardeners.

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4 Lilac.

Lilac is familiar to everyone - this is a small abundant blooming shrub with a bright aroma. It needs to be much and often water, especially during flowering. In some varieties of lilac, this period falls on May, others - for June. In addition to abundant irrigation, the soil under the bush is regularly retrieving (shallow) to ensure the roots of a good air exchange, in which the plant is very much needed.

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5 tree peony

This shrub can grow up to two meters. With each subsequent year, a healthy plant is blooming more abundant, so it looks very impressive. Caring for tree peony is the same as behind his fellow, grassy peony. This is a regular abundant watering: about 30 liters of water are needed on one bush. After each watering, the Earth needs to loosen a little so that the dense layer does not form, which will interfere with the air exchange. The soil of peonies love clay and capable of living without transplanting in one place under 100 years.

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6 Daphne

Daphne or wolf berry is, perhaps, one of the most ambiguous garden inhabitants. The whole thing is in the fruits of shrubs that appear immediately after flowering. These little round berries are deadly and poisonous. Therefore, it is worth refraining from planting plants to those who have pets and children.

Daphne is a very beautiful garden inhabitant. It blooms in spring delicate pink-purple flowers. Sprinkle it better in half. Caring for her is simple: it is necessary to water the plant more often, as it does not tolerate droughts.

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