7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour


Disseminate the plaid, put an umbrella and hang the canopy - tell how to relax in the garden without arbor and bulky furniture.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_1

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour

1 carpet, plaid or mat

The easiest way to rest in the garden is in the country where you come only on the weekend - to equip the place right on the lawn. Find a flat surface near the tree or at home, so as not to burn in the sun, and make sure there is no anthill or an axis nest nearby.

It is more convenient to use the old grandmother's carpet, which probably fell somewhere on the balcony or antlesol. He is heavy and tight, and therefore, it will be good for the grass, they will not feel unevenly through it. But the usual plaid or bamboo mat will also be suitable. Just make sure that they will not be stones under them. You will add your place to relax with pillows, a picnic basket and a tray to which you can put drinks.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_3
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_4

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_5

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_6

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2 Beach umbrella

The beach umbrella should be at each dacha, because it will allow resting in the garden without risk to burn even on a hot sunny day. It is best to immediately purchase a model with a stable stand and the possibility of inclination. Otherwise you have to look for where to stick the umbrella and what to stop it so that the shade falls under the desired angle.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_8
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_9

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_10

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_11

3 folding chair

Choose a convenient folding chair for yourself, you can find it, for example, in a fishing store. Let him be armrests, possibly standing for legs and a cup with a drink - to relax in such a chair is much more convenient than the hard folding chair. And in folded form, it will take significantly less space than ordinary garden furniture. You can store it in the garage or in the house when you are leaving.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_12
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_13

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_14

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_15

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4 Baldahin

This is another device that gives you a shadow and protects from mosquitoes. Ballochin for giving can be purchased ready or make it yourself of bright transparent fabric. It will be necessary to simply attach to the branch of some tree or to the back of the roof. Make it enough long enough to surround the cloth your place to relax.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_17
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_18
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_19

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_20

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_21

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_22

5 hammock

Aesthetic and comfortable place to relax, for which you will need a couple of trees and ten minutes of time. Only one should not buy a beautiful wicker model, otherwise you will have to additionally get the plaid on it and try to lie so that it does not slip. Without blanket, a large grid will be unpleasantly dug into the skin. Therefore, it is better to take a strong tissue hammock.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_23
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_24

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_25

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_26

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6 inflatable pool

On warm days in the garden you can put an inflatable pool. Choose a model of a three-layer polyvinyl chloride film, a reinforced polyester grid. Nearby you can arrange an additional place to relax, for example, to sit on the grass plaid or put a small tent.

With a gentle handling, this model can be used at least five years. In addition, it does not require complex care, like a real pool, and inflates half an hour. Do not forget to clean the place to which you put the design, from stones and sharp plant sections.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_28
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_29

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_30

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_31

7 tent

A simple way to take children and protect them from the Sun, while you are busy gardening or rest, - put a children's tent. Choose models with windows and a wide input so that inside there is no stuff. In the house you can paint the pillows, and at the entrance to place an aroma lamp with citrus or coniferous essential oil - the smell will scare the mosquitoes.

Another option is to put a conventional tent for adults. You can even sleep if you like sleep outdoors.

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_32
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_33
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_34
7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_35

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_36

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_37

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_38

7 solutions for the mobile place of recreation in the country, which can be prepared in an hour 9646_39

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