7 best tips for garden design (like landscape designer)


Get rid of irregularities, falling on the lawn, refuse clear flower - focusing on these recommendations, you will have to make a beautiful garden.

7 best tips for garden design (like landscape designer) 9655_1

Told the most important thing in a short video

1 Get rid of irregularities and spend communications

Before you choose flowers and shrubs for your site, learn its relief, darkened and bright areas, places with problem soil. So you can make drainage of places in advance, which often turn out to be flooded and bring water to where the soil dries. It is also necessary to get rid of irregularities like pits and elevations that will interfere with landings and arrangement of rest sites.

It is important to finish all the work on summing up communications to the house in order not to replant the bushes because of them and do not pierce the lawn.

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2 Draw a garden plan

Try not to approach the arrangement of the garden in parts. If you first become space around the house, then split the garden, and then think than filling the remaining area, the garden will look scattered. Think what kind of zones you want to see on your site, and then make it drawing, and reflect them. So you will see everything from the outside, it will become easier to think out the landings and logistics.

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3 Do not leave bare areas

In the garden should not be unfinished fragments. For example, if you take the place to plant there trees next year, do not leave bare land this season. Feed it with a lawn or rapidly growing wildflowers and herbs so that the garden pleased with his appearance now.

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4 Sent lawn

The thick well-kept lawn is the basis of landscape design. You can even leave the plot blank, adding some trees around the perimeter and a convenient area for a rest, and it will look minimal and beautiful. And at the same time, the usual herb that grows unevenly, leaving empty areas, makes the design of any garden amateur.

If you are not ready to invest in a lawn a lot of money and effort, try to sing meal herbs. The mixture of seeds for such a lawn contains wildflowers and cereals. They need to mow only at the beginning of summer and at the beginning of the fall, and watering in the hottest days of drought.

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5 Discard clear clubs

In recent years, natural gardens with a large number of field herbs and colors have become firmly entered, which smoothly go into each other. Also worth paying attention to the Alpine slides, they look more and more interesting than familiar flat flower beds.

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6 Consider the style of the house

A professional always thinks out the garden so that he harmonized with the house. If you have a minimalistic modern house, a garden with an open space, a reservoir of geometric shape, smooth landings will look around it. Around the house in Scandinavian style I want to see typical plants for the north: coniferous trees, field herbs, elderberry, snowy year. You can also decorate it with a water-made natural shape and large stones.

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7 Refuse a bright artificial decor

If you want a designer garden, add the latter decor. Purchased decorations are needed only in order to emphasize the beauty of plants and set the atmosphere in the recreation area. But at the same time, they should not become the most bright color focus in the garden and draw attention to themselves.

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