How to plaster plasterboard: detailed instructions for beginners


Many copies are broken around the question of the feasibility of applying plaster on plasterboard. We will tell, in what cases GLC can be plastering and how to do it right.

How to plaster plasterboard: detailed instructions for beginners 9682_1

How to plaster hlk

Putclone or plaster

Can it be plastering GLK

What materials choose

Correctly prepare the foundation

Technology plastering

How to prepare the basis for different types of finishes

GlKl sheets, perhaps, the best solution for cheap and fast leveling of surfaces. They also give an opportunity without any problems and in a short time to collect a variety of different, including complex structures that will be both functional and beautiful. Nevertheless, they need finish finish. Is it possible in this case to apply plaster on plasterboard and how to do it right? Tell in detail in this matter.

Putclone or plaster

Formally both materials are used to align surfaces. However, there are some nuances. Significant differences in the composition make different and their scope. Their main difference lies in the size of the grain of the binder. Stuckets have more, even in the smallest varieties. It is good for rude level equalization. Even closes even major defects and irregularities.

The putty falls down a thin layer, because it has a minimal graininess. With it, the finish alignment is performed when all significant flaws are already closed. Solutions can be distinguished even in appearance. In plaster Mandatory or small particles are necessarily present, the putty is a homogeneous paste. These differences should always be taken into account, making a decision on the finishing processing of GLC.

And putty, and plaster eliminating ...

And putty, and plaster level the base, but do it in different ways


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Is it possible to plaster plasterboard

Now that the difference between leveling mixtures is obviously we will analyze exactly what the gypsum sheets should be handled. Let's start with the fact that after installation, the base decorated with such plates, smooth. If the installation was carried out correctly, it will remain only traces from fasteners and seams in the joints of the joints. Can be dents, but very small. All these flaws must be aligned.

To remove them enough putty. A special composition for fasteners and angles is used, finishing for final finishes. And it's all. It is not necessary to stucify. If errors were made during the installation, the base will be uneven. In this case, many are trying to stack it and at the same time align. It should be understood that this is possible only for small drops. For sealing significant defects, it will be necessary to apply a thick layer of material, and this is extremely undesirable for GKL.

First, the levelover will have a significant mass that can even destroy the design. Secondly, with time, the thick layer will begin cracking and collapse. Therefore, if the differences are great, it is better to dismantle sheets and redo the framework. Plastering drywall without any doubt is needed only in one case: if a decorative solution is superimposed, which will become the finishing finish of the base.

Plasterboard does not always need pieces & ...

Plasterboard does not always need to plaster. Sometimes just sharpen enough


What materials can be used

For subsequent plastering, it is desirable to choose moisture-resistant sheets. Such plasterboard in the production process is treated with hydrophobic impregnation, as a result of which it acquires resistance to moisture. It is possible to distinguish the plates on labeling, green color and a higher price. The usual material consists of cardboard and dry gypsum, which are destroyed under water influence. It is impractical with a wet mixture to be treated.

For work, the primer will be required. Choose a suitable option for a particular case. The solution is optimally suitable for deep penetration. Its use protects the basis from turning, improves the adhesion with her finishing materials: glue, paints, etc., and also reduces their consumption.

Moisture-resistant plasterboard all

Moisture-resistant plasterboard is always green


Decorative mixtures used to plastering GCCs differ from the usual presence of some inclusions. Depending on their type, the compositions are divided into:

  • Relief or textured. Solutions with highly viscous coarse structure. As a filler, pieces of mica, fibers, wood, mineral crumb or small pebbles are used for them. As a result of applying, a surface with a pronounced relief is obtained.
  • Structural. They have a fine-dispersed structure that is obtained by adding quartz or marble crumbs. Distinguish finely and medium-trimmed coatings. The first almost smooth, the second - with a small relief.
  • Venetian. They are made with the addition of hazed lime and shallow marble crumbs. Have an almost homogeneous structure. In finished form, imitate marble or onyx surface. Painting with special pigments gives them a kind of precious metal. Multi-layered and complex in applying.

Ornamental plaster

Decorative plaster can be very different, with clear or blurred relief.


Features of preparatory work

Alignment of walls or ceiling, as well as the arrangement of more complex structures consists in assembling the frame, which is trimmed with gypsum sheets. Then, work is required to close the putty seams, corners and fasteners. We will analyze how to do it right. Let's start with the joints.

  1. A sharp knife neatly cut off the edge of each leaf at an angle of 45 °. If everything is done correctly, the joints of the plates at a right angle will be. Its easier will fill with a putty mass.
  2. We remove the gypsum dust using the brush or brush for this.
  3. Fit prepared by the joint, we wait until he dried.
  4. A predetermined solution of putty fill the seam. Align it all over the entire length of a narrow spatula.
  5. We put the reinforcing tape over the joint, gently press it.
  6. We close the grid by the second layer of solution. Wide spatula flattering plane.

Shelves of plasterboard sheets

The joints of the sheets of plasterboard are defined at an angle of 45 degrees


Now it is necessary to close dents from fasteners. We check that the tapping screws are recessed into the sheet. Their caps should be below the surface level. If not, tighten them stronger. Then it is applied to each element to the putty and equalize it with the cross-shaped motion of the spatula. Corners, both internal and external, are processed in such a sequence:

  1. Remove the chamfer from the edges of the plates. Similarly, how it was done for junctions.
  2. We clean from dust and soil.
  3. We apply the first layer of solution, align it.
  4. We put the reinforcing mesh or special corner. According to reviews, the last option is best holding a form.
  5. We apply the finishing layer of the mixture, well align the resulting angle.

After the composition fully hardened, we rub it with a special grater to remove all irregularities.

For the design of the corners is always IP & ...

A reinforcing grid is always used for the corners.


How to plaster plasterboard

After the preparatory work is completed, GLCs can be launched. As we have already found out, it is impossible to use this method to remove significant defects. It is suitable for walls or ceilings with minor dents and cracks or with differentials no more than 10-15 mm.

  1. Bashed the base with a suitable means. Strictly observe the manufacturer's instructions.
  2. We take the prepared plaster mixture, starting or universal. We put it on a wide spatula, carefully recall. On sufficient major flaws of the surface impose a mixture for two receptions.
  3. We are waiting until the solution dries. Slimming all irregularities.
  4. Put the surface using the finishing composition. Let them dry well, what will take up to two days. After that, once again we rub the shallow skin.

Further decoration of plasterboard

Further decoration of drywall is possible only after the joints, corners and dents from fasteners are covered


This is a common instruction, as you hand plasterboard plasterboard under wallpaper, painting or facing. But these are not all options. It is also possible to apply decorative plaster. In this case, much will depend on the type of material. The various compositions are stacked in different ways. Venetian requires perfectly even base, applied in several thin layers.

The textured is put on a thicker layer. The mixture is resurrected by wide stripes from the ceiling to the floor. To get a pronounced relief, a slightly dried solution is treated with special stamps or rollers. You can use the usual rigid brush, sponge, spatula or brush for these purposes.

Relief drawing on decorati

The embossed pattern on decorative plaster can be applied with special stamps, roller, etc.


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How to prepare GLK for different types of finishes

Beginner finishers doubt whether it is necessary to plaster drywall under wallpaper, painting and other types of decor. Consider each option.


They can only be glued on the aligned basis without noticeable defects and flaws. Especially if the cloth is thin. Therefore, all the preparatory activities described above are required. Then priming. It may have to be treated with a primer surface twice, it depends on the type of means. For thick loose, it can be enough.

They will hide minor irregularities. It will be enough to take the joints, dents and arrange the corners. If the wallpaper is thin, you will have to carry out solid processing. If there are minor differences, start with plastering by universal or starting lineup. Then the finish putty is applied. For smooth bases, the first stage can be omitted.

If wallpaper is dense, shtukaturiv & ...

If the wallpaper is dense, the wall shuffling is not necessary


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Before staining the surface necessarily aligns, otherwise it will not be possible to get a good result. The preparation process is similar to what is carried out for thin wallpaper. However, there are small differences. If necessary, applying not one, but more layers of starting mixture.

Finish shtpocking is necessary, and it can also be repeated. After complete drying, it is thoroughly grinding to remove even minor flaws and irregularities. For work, only gypsum compositions are used, for example, Rotband. They have a smaller mass, and after harvesting is purchased clean white color, which is important for painting.

Decorative plaster

Material is dense, can hide small basics flaws. But, given that he is quite expensive, it is more profitable to remove defects with conventional mixtures. It is enough to place joints and angles, remove dents from the hats. It can be done with your own hands. After that, begin to put the finish. Only for Venetian, which belongs to the compositions with a fine structure, will need a complete leveling of the base.

Perfectly aligned based

Perfectly aligned base is necessary for painting, thin wallpapers and Venetian plaster


In conclusion, it should be noted that plasterboard is not always plastering. Determining whether this procedure is needed, it is worth considering all its minuses and advantages. Only then make a decision. If some questions remained, it is worth watching a video in which errors are fixed using the plaster.

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