What repair work can be carried out during the cold season?


Cold is not a reason to postpone repairs in a long box. There are many works that are easy to transfer to the winter and the beginning of spring, and the quality of their execution does not suffer from this. The main advantage of repair outside the main season is low prices for building materials.

What repair work can be carried out during the cold season? 9718_1

What repair work can be carried out during the cold season?

On how to repair a house or apartment in the cold season, the artists of the online service of domestic services YouDo.com told.

1 finish

Painting the wall or to make a floor tie can be in the cold season. At low temperatures, the smells of chemicals are transferred easier. The main thing is to ensure the correct drying of the materials.

Specialist in the construction and decoration of houses Denis Khasanov:

In winter, you can paint the walls and glue the wallpaper, laying the plaster, stretch the ceilings and tie the floors. If the works that you perform require quick drying of materials, use a thermal or gas gun: it keeps the optimal temperature in the house, even if the frost is -15 window.

What repair work can be carried out during the cold season? 9718_4

Master of consumer repair Igor Solonin:

Wallpaper sticking in the cold season - the task is real. But you need to remember the nuances. Because of the high humidity and unstable temperature, the material is bubbles or simply dugs. To avoid this, do not open the windows of the label - it is enough to open them on microwing.

2 Restoration of furniture

Masters advise on the assembly and restoration of precisely in winter. Especially if the furniture is wooden. It greatly harms moisture, and in the winter central heating provides optimal microclimate in the apartment.

What repair work can be carried out during the cold season? 9718_5

Specialist in the construction and decoration of houses Denis Khasanov:

Wood - Capricious Material: If with high humidity you screwed bolts into it or knitted nails, be prepared for having drunk, the tree can crack. This is one of the reasons why, for example, entrance doors from arrays or wooden chips are brought into the film and recommend them to stand in the room. Before painting the furniture, it needs to be dried.

3 electrics

It does not matter if you will shoot the walls, put new sockets and shields or pull the wires - weather conditions in the room will not affect these procedures. But if you decide to do something with an electrician on the street, here without strict compliance with the rules of security can not do. It must be remembered that the soft wire, for example, is mounted in the cold.

What repair work can be carried out during the cold season? 9718_6

Specialist in the construction and decoration of houses Denis Khasanov:

Open wires should be protected from snow and rain: for example, install a canopy that will help keep them and other materials dry. Choose a wide canopy so that it can be pulled on the sides.

To improve your housing conditions, waiting for summer optional. As the experience of masters shows, it is possible to start repairs in the cold season. The main thing is to know the rules and choose the appropriate materials.

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