Compile a cleaning plan: what you need to wash once a week, and what - every month


Keep this post in bookmarks and make your cleaning schedule - it will be easier for you to keep the house clean constantly.

Compile a cleaning plan: what you need to wash once a week, and what - every month 98_1

What is my every week?

1. All surfaces in the bathroom

Did you know that the bacteria with the rim of the toilet are applied within a radius of 1.8 meters on all surfaces? Now you understand why they are so important to wipe weekly? Surely you have enough shelves in your bathroom - it is also a storage system, and a countertop, and the cabinets, and a possible regiment on the installation of the toilet bowl. All this is cleaned.


2. Bath or shower

Especially if there is a mirror screen instead of a curtain. Wash the bath and shower weekly, since with constant cluster of water mold may appear. And the mirror doors shower or the screen in the bathroom wipe the special roller for washing the glasses.


3. Toilet

Why do it, we will not tell for a long time. It is better to share Lifehak, how to keep clean up quickly every week. Pour the bleach into the bowl, pass the brush under the rim and leave for 10 minutes while you will take another task.


4. Carpets

Vacuuming them carefully at least once a week. If there are small children in the house, also go through the carpet with a wastewater.


5. Dust

Wipe all surfaces so as not to spoil furniture. Dust, like abrasive, may well scratch it, so use the microfiber fabric and the anti-dust special means. And remember that once a week is the necessary minimum for cleaning dust. If you are allergy in the house, do not limit yourself to one time, but do wet cleaning at least once every 2-3 days.

Cleaning dust

6. Bed linen

Almost half of the day (7-9 hours) we spend in bed. And even if you take a shower in the evenings before bedtime, as it should be, sweat remains in bedding, the remains of the body cream, - once a week, definitely change the linen.


7. Towels

Towels We often forget to dry after taking a bath or soul, and bacteria will "love" in a wet pile. Do not forget to change the towels once a week. It will also have a positive effect on the state of your skin.


8. Floors

Especially in the kitchen, bathroom and hallway. You may not even notice the garbage, which turns out to be on the floor in these "wet" zones. Take the rule to wipe the floors at least once a week, and it's better more often. Especially if you have allergies and small children in your family.

Wipe the floor

9. Technique in the kitchen

The stove, microwave and hood may look clean, but at the same time demand cleaning. On the stove and in the oven, as well as the microwave oven accumulates the nap and soot. Wipe the surface with a weekly damp rag with a disinfectant, and the drawing grids are soying according to the instructions.

Cleaning plate

10. Mirrors

Once a week, use a rag from the microfiber and use the cleaners for the glasses.

And what is enough every month?

1. Refrigerator

The refrigerator accumulates a lot of smells, and various bacteria from raw meat, fish, vegetables or fruits. To get rid of them, it is enough to wipe the shelves every month. And also use lemon. How? Take advantage of our lifehams.


2. Box for knives, forks and spoons

Admit, sometimes you wipe the devices after washing is not too thorough. But the wet environment is "beloved" for bacteria and mold. I do not want them to fall on clean knives and forks, and then - to your food. We recommend wipe the inner surface of the drawer with warm water with a disinfecting agent every month and wean yourself to put the devices with wet.

Drawer for devices

3. Lamps

Dust inevitably sits on all surfaces, including hard-to-reach - such as lamps of lamps. Of course, you should not wipe it every week - this is a task for general cleaning. But once a month it is necessary to put a stepladder and remove the plaffones to rinse them well.


4. Computer and mouse

Another "secret" collection of all bacteria in the house. If you are accustomed to snacking at the computer, and you can't remember when the last time was wiped up, then you urgently get out of the case. Between the keyboard buttons remain food residues, and the mouse is constantly in contact with the hands of all family members - this is a real bacteria carrier. Buy disinfecting napkins for technology and the process will not seem so difficult.


5. Blinds and eaves

Wipe the surface with a damp cloth to remove the accumulated dust and dirt. Especially in summer, when the windows are open.

Photo: Instagram krasivoe_okno_msk

6. Space for the sofa, chair, bed

We forget about it very often, and at least once a month it would not hurt to move, thoroughly spend and wash the floor. After all, dust and dirt behind the sofa and the bed also affect the microclimate in the room and the apartment.

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