7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence


Provence loves his nostalgic and cheerful mood, the opportunity to get closer to nature and use antique furniture. How to create an atmosphere of a country house from Sunny France in your apartment - tell me in the article.

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_1

1 Select a light natural finish

The walls permissible to leave plastered, with small irregularities, or paint, can also be saved with wallpaper (monophonic or with a light floral print). Sometimes the walls are separated by wooden panels painted in light tones. The floors should be wooden, or can be lined with stone terracotta tiles. Ceilings can be decorated with wooden beams (now they make them polyurethane), provided that the height of the ceilings is allowed.

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_2
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_3
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_4
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_5
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_6
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_7
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_8

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_9

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_10

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_11

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_12

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_13

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_14

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_15

  • 10 common mistakes of lovers of light interiors

All colors that are used in Provence Style should seem to be burnt away from a long stay in the sun, faded from time to time. It is usually a beige, milk, light blue, lavender, ocher.

2 Provide Good Natural Lighting

The windows do not need to make heavy curtains or blinds. Use light tulle or light gentle curtains with a typical print. Of the materials it is worth to give preference to flares, cotton, biazi or sitz (but not obviously artificial materials like organza). Some models of Roman curtains covering not all window are also allowed.

3 Put a light wooden furniture

The furniture should have a decorative function: have bent legs, be painted in light tones (and so that through the colorful layer shone the tree, and in some places, the paint was slightly irradiated). The feeling that such furniture should give is that she faithfully served many generations. Dressers and cabinets can be artificially together, imitating chips and peeling. Good use copper fittings. Be sure to place several wooden chairs with high backs in the dining area.

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_17
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_18
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_19
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_20
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_21

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_22

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_23

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_24

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_25

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_26

  • Chairs in the style of Provence: How to choose the perfect model?

4 Use wrought-iron elements in detail

They can be brought using lamps, chairs or decorative cells for birds. They can also be slightly wary.

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_28
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_29
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_30

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_31

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_32

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_33

5 Add blue and blue

Blue or lavender color details are a distinguishing feature of Provence, resembling flowering meadows and intimacy of the sea. You can use prints with flowers on the curtains, in the upholstery of furniture, on floor lamps or sofa pillows.

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7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_35
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_36
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_37

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_38

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_39

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_40

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_41

6 Get the relevant decor

Numerous vases with live flowers and dried flowers, frames, decorative plates, pillows on chairs - all this is welcome. You can place a collection of family photos on the wall, or decorate the kitchen with paints with paintings. Usually interiors in the style of Provence seem filled with, not empty. Use old chests and suitcases that can be painted white paint, frame and mirrors. Beds must be filled with pillows and plaids.

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_42
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_43
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_44
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_45
7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_46

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_47

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_48

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_49

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_50

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_51

  • Curtains in the kitchen in the style of Provence: Tips for choosing and actual models

7 Do not forget about floral motifs

Another distinctive feature feature that can often be seen on the curtains or wallpaper, as well as in the upholstery of upholstered furniture in the interiors in the style of Provence.

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7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_54

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_55

7 steps to arrange an apartment in the style of Provence 9801_56

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