5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom)


In the kitchen, in the storage room, corridor or ... loggia. See how important technique can be placed if there was no place in the bathroom for some reason.

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_1

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom)

1 corridor

Owners of apartments with wide corridors can free a small bathroom and bring the washing machine into the passage zone. It is best to put the technique closer to the bathroom. It is also important to consider the possible floor height difference in the bathroom and in the corridor. If you do not pick up the right slope of the drain hose, then the underwear after washing will unpleasantly smelling stagnant water.

During the repair, it is necessary to conduct waterproofing the corridor. To do this, we can use rolled waterproofing membranes to which the main flooring is stacked.

Think up the design of this zone in the corridor. You can hide it using sliding panels or hovering into the closet. There you can also install a drying machine and store household chemicals, vacuum cleaner and other little things. But you can also leave the technique in sight by adding it to the relevant decor.

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5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_4
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_5

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_6

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_7

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_8

Changes in engineering networks, if you stretch the pipes into distant corners, fall under the concept of redevelopment. It is worth consulted with a specialist.

  • How to choose a Washing Machine Automatic: Useful Tips

2 cuisine

The kitchen refers to the wet zones in the apartment, so to establish a wash out there, the negotiation does not need. But here you can face the problem of water distribution, for example, between the washing machine and dishwasher. Solve this question is simple enough by choosing a model with a timer function. In this case, you can download it in the evening, and the washing will start, for example, at five in the morning. This method will also help to save the one who has two-timing electricity meters, and at night it is cheaper.

In the kitchen, the machine can be built into the kitchen set, so that it does not catch the eye. If you choose a model with vertical download, embed to the cabinet. On the bright kitchen, the white body of the machine will not be very highlighted, it can be even left in front. Or pick up the model in close color to the headset.

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_10
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_11
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_12

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5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_14

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_15

3 loggia

Another place for the woofer in the apartment is a glazed and insulated loggia that adjoins the kitchen. It is not worth using an open balcony: for technology, temperatures, heat and frost are harmful.

It is also worth considering the material overlap on the loggia and what load they are withstanding. And also the angle under which the water hose will be held. To solve all these issues, it is better to invite a professional. He recognizes which overlaps were used between loggias in your home, would take into account what the vibration will affect them during washing and will select a solution, for example, a fortified podium that will prevent possible problems.

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_16
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_17
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_18

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5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_20

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_21

  • How to clean the washing machine from dirt inside quickly and efficiently

4 Storeroom or Niche

If a niche or storage room in non-residential rooms are provided in your apartment, there can also be placed washing machine. In addition to her, in storeroom or niche will be convenient to store household chemicals: hang the shelves so as to maximize space, not leaving empty walls.

In addition to the storage room, in addition to the washing machine, you can fit the dryer, ironing board, baskets for sorting linen, shelves for storing powders and air conditioners. It all depends on the size.

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5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_24
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5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_28

5 Wardrobe

Wardrobe - If it is initially provided in the apartment - is considered to be non-residential area. Therefore, it is possible to place a washing machine there.

Good lifehak, which will insure you from leaks and flooding neighbors - installation near the washing machine of the leakage sensor. When water falls on it, the electrodes are closed, and the signal is fed to the distributor, which overlaps the water in the apartment. And so that the washing machine does not spoil the appearance of the dressing room, hide it behind the sliding mirror doors or conventional tissue curtains.

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_29
5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_30

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_31

5 places to accommodate washing machine (except bathroom) 9812_32

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