5 very unusual residential buildings of the past 2018


Last year, several houses were built, changing the idea of ​​residential construction. Look at our selection and make sure that you can live not only in a rectangular concrete box.

5 very unusual residential buildings of the past 2018 9831_1

5 very unusual residential buildings of the past 2018

1 house-wave in Denmark

It was built as many as 10 years, and here

It was built as many as 10 years, and finally built. 5 buildings accommodate 14 thousand square meters. meters and 140 apartments. The building fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape, reflected in the water. Project author - Studio Henning Larsen Architects.

2 skyscraper in Stockholm

Innovationen Tower, designed Bureau Izv ...

Innovationen Tower, designed by the Bureau of the famous architect Rama Krax, is a 125-storey building. The area of ​​apartments in it ranges from 44 to 77 square meters. The building has a gym, sauna, own cinema and shops.

3 House-funnel in London

Previously, there was a garden with NL ...

Previously, there was a garden with a real bungalow in his place, and the architect Gianni Botsford decided to beat this story in the private house project. The roof of the house is covered with copper and is equipped with a window through which the light penetrates. Inside are the pool and several rooms.

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4 residential complex on legs in Paris

Boxes on legs imagine

Boxes on the legs are the terrace balconies overlooking the patio. Such huts on the trees are a great place among the concrete jungle of a rapidly built-in Paris. Project Burenac & Gonzalez & Associés Bureau.

5 Private house with a lawn on the roof in Sao Paulo

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The "fifth wall" of this house in Brazil is completely covered with grass, so that the building seems to be disguised in the landscape. On the roof there are solar panels and windows, which increases the energy efficiency of the entire building. Another wall of the house is a perforated wave made of bricks. Designed by the MK27 studio.

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A few more unusual buildings of 2018 we collected in this video:

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