How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan


Shelves and racks - this is what helps to streamline the storage of grocery reserves and things. Touch what and how to do them to organize a comfortable space in the pantry.

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_1

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan

Make the shelves in the storage room are easy, in some cases it is also faster than finding a purchase option. After all, in every home or apartment Its planning, and some of them do not assume a place under storage in principle. Then the owners are trying to optimize for the organization of things A small area on the balcony, under the stairs, in the corridor, in the built-in niche of plasterboard.

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It is clear that in such conditions the shop furniture may not come and need an individual sketch. We will describe in more detail how to equip the utility room and what to prepare for work.

Preparatory Stage: Select the location of the shelves and materials

Usually the shelves are fixed to the wall separately or from them stationary and mobile Racks for storage room. This is the equipment with side racks or walls. By location in space, they can be:
  • Linear. Elements are located on one or two opposite walls. Suitable for small squares up to 2 m.
  • Corner. More spacious designs in the form of the letter r, but in a small space may not fit.
  • P-shaped. Ideal if you have a large or elongated and narrow chungy. But you need to consider whether the free space remains in the middle so that you can easily enter and take something.
  • With rounded edges. It is convenient to make such surfaces in close storerooms. They retain a little square and less attendant.

Storage systems are less likely. With drawers and in the form of a designer - when the compartments have different lengths, width and are located not only horizontally. This is understandable: to make such furniture, you need more time and knowledge than for a simple design. Also there are nationals or modular open cabinets. They include different elements: shelves And containers that can be easily changed in places, collect, disassemble.

What material is suitable for the manufacture of shelves: photo racks

If you plan to clean up in the storage room Conservation in three-liter banks, large equipment or other heavy things, choose wooden or metal Details. They are stable, they can be downloaded even by building materials. True, in this case it is recommended to install rigidity edge. Alternative - Plastic: It is lightweight, also withstands a serious load, does not require additional processing and does not mold, it is easy to wash it.

Wooden shelves withstand

Wooden shelves withstand a lot of weight. It is only necessary to choose the thickness of the product and the number of fasteners.

For storing bulk products in containers, vegetables, trifles or collection items, easy dishes, clothes, books, you can use enhanced glass, MDF, Phaneur. If you keep fragile products in the back, fade to boutique compartments so as not to lose the property due to an awkward movement.

The optimal option for the arrangement of home chulana is a tree (best of the pine or larch). It looks aesthetically, simpler application. Another plus is that it is usually at home there is most tools for working with it or easier to find them.

We listed not all that they make racks. Often the choice of craftsmen falls on what is at hand. For example, wooden pallets, plastic boxes for vegetables and fruits, disassembled old furniture. Of all this can also be convenient storage systems. The main thing is to think well all the little things: what you will be removed into the chulad, in what quantity and order.

If nothing comes to mind, look at the pictures that we picked up. In the photo - the options of the shelves in the storage room made by their own hands. Perhaps among them you will find an idea for your apartment.

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_5
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_6
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_7
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_8
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_9
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_10
How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_11

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How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_13

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_14

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_15

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_16

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_17

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_18

List of necessary tools

For designs of wood and metal you may need: building level, roulette or ruler, jigsaw or hacksaw, hammer, drill or perforator, screwdriver, screws, screws, sandpaper, protective impregnation (simulator, paint), racks, brackets, metal scissors (if a profile is used ), Pencil for marking.

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What to take into account when planning a storage system in the subsidiary

As we have already said, it is important to think about what exactly you want to keep in Chulana and relate it to the square. If it is small, it is better to equip a spacious mezzanine, and then put boxes or baskets for items that you use less often. This option is not suitable for building materials.

Holding the depth of the shelves, do not get drunk. Remember that you need to leave the free space between them so that it is convenient for you to come, take something, rotate, make overall objects. It is desirable that the passage occupy at least 70 cm. Indoor with a high ceiling and top tier right under it, pride the place for the ladder or stairs.

Measure the largest in the length of the capacitance that you plan to remove storage, and make several compartments only under them.

A few more advice on the arrangement of racks for storage room in the apartment

  • Straight shelves without intermediate supports are suitable only for small storage rooms with distance Not more than 2 m from the wall to the wall. Otherwise, the board will be fed.
  • The width of the protrusions increases from top to bottom, the most difficult things need to be removed down. This is due to safety and convenience.
  • Use the rule: the more loading - the thicker the material (it applies to the tree, plywood), more fasteners and less than the gap between the support racks.
  • The optimal width of the mezzanine for cans with blanks is 30 cm and more.
  • Easy equipment is preferably fixed by the walls, massive structures are resistant due to their weight.
  • Take care of a separate lighting for pantry, make it before the start of other works.
  • The utility room before installing storage systems must be prepared: spend thorough cleaning, whenever possible to level the walls, re-wake them, paint or fade.
  • If necessary, cover the wall with antiseptic impregnation to protect against mold.
  • If the room is open, paint its walls in bright colors suitable for the survey.

Given all the advice and features of your room, draw a sketch of the future Chulana with the designation of the design parameters and proceed to its creation.

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

The manufacturing technology depends on what type of equipment you have conceived and what materials will be used. Consider first the option with fastening to the wall of the frame of aluminum or steel corners. The first material is easier, the second is stronger and suitable for structures with a large load.

  • 10 designer racks and shelves that are easy to make with their own hands

Rack with fastening

  • Start with applying. Transfer the dimensions of the parts according to the drawing to the corner using the marker and mark the places for the holes for fastening the items to each other and the wall.
  • Split the blank of the grinder or hand-hacksaw on the metal, drill the intended holes. Next, bend the frames, secure them with a bolt, screw to the racks. The resulting design lean to the wall, mark the attachment points on it. Drill the wall at the outlined points, insert the dowels and attach the rack by self-drawing.
  • The penultimate stage is the manufacture of shelves. Drink them with a jigsaw or hacksaw in size from the sketch, attach to the corners and correct the error. In order not to be mistaken, you can first use a pattern from cardboard, which is adjusted by the item. After all the parameters are drilled, you need to remove roughness on sections. Use for this file and abrasive paper. Then impregnate the tree by a verse or other protective solution, dry, cover the lacquer and dry out again.
  • Final step - fixation of the elements of the shelving. According to this instruction, you can mount the angular, P-shaped and conventional linear storage system. Instead of metal parts, you can use a timing segment 50 * 50. The procedure will be the same.

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How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_22

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_23

How to make shelves in the storage room with your own hands: Tips, photos and step-by-step plan 9837_24

Wall shelves do it yourself

If your apartment is a very small chulad and you plan to remove not too heavy things into it, hang several ordinary shelves no more than 1.5 m in length. To do this, you will need:

  • Rectangular, iron Brackets
  • Tree, plywood, 2 cm thick boards, or other material for shelves
  • Fasteners
  • Electric logsik
  • Screwdriver or perforator for fastening elements to each other
  • Building level
  • Pencil

First apply markup on the wall, do the holes for the brackets and screw them to the surface by self-draws. After that, cut the details of the appropriate size, polish them with sandpaper, paint the mourn and cover with varnish. Wait until they dry. If for the manufacture of the design you use the boards, connect them between the bars located across. Take details to each other with self-draws. The distance between the tiers of the bars should be approximately 50 cm.

  • At the head of the corner: 9 best ideas for angular shelves

Such shelves are suitable for stored & ...

Such shelves are suitable for storing seasonal blanks, bulk products, household appliances and any light items.

Storage rack without fastening

Consider the process of producing a rack that does not need to be fixed on the wall.

In addition to a set of tools from the previous instructions, you will need a manual milling mill. Prepare a timber for lateral racks, chipboard or other material for overlap.

  • On the supporting bars of the same height (approximately 2 m) make grooves on one side. The width of the excavation is 20 mm, the gap between them is 12-13 cm.
  • To secure the design, roll up the upper and lower subframes, close them with plywood sheets. It will be the bottom and upper shelves.
  • Cut or connect the remaining items and insert them into the groove at a convenient level.

As a result, you will have a practically modular system. At any time you can change the height of the protrusions and fill the room with more cumbersome things, or vice versa, add details and organize storage of accumulated trifles.

To increase the stability of the shelving, you can attach the rear wall.

You will have a similar construction.

You will have a similar design.

Variations of racks are very much - to describe all possible designs within the framework of the article will not work, but the three listed enough to equip almost any chunnel.

Do you have a small niche in your apartment? Look at this video. It tells in detail how to make shelves in a plasterboard storage room.

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