Arrangement of Tambura in a private house: design, photos and useful tips


We tell, why in a private house need a vestibule as it happens and how to get it outside and inside.

Arrangement of Tambura in a private house: design, photos and useful tips 9848_1

Arrangement of Tambura in a private house: design, photo and useful tips

Surely you have seen a small space from PVC panels at the entrance to an office building or shop. It is not uncommon to the same tambour from double-glazed windows in private houses. In both cases, it performs the same role. To understand why he need you, imagine winter or autumn weather: with blizzards, rains and minus temperatures. When on these days you open the door, together with you in the living rooms, the flow of cold air. Yes, it is unlikely that he will strongly cool them, but the discomfort for those who are there at this moment are guaranteed. This is the main task of the thermal buffer between the street and the house - the fence of the internal parts from wind and frost. In summer - from dust, damp and noise.

Another advantage of equipped entrance Zones are that in it you can leave dirty shoes, outerwear, umbrella. All that you do not want to carry in the house. If it allows a footing, you can organize storage of instruments and other things, go to the garage, boiler room. Of course, such premises are building not only from PVC, but also from other materials, various technologies use. Tell about it in more detail.

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Types of Tambourov

First of all, the design can be divided into warm and cold. Heated are considered more preferred, since, due to heating, the room becomes more comfortable for being. Wet shoes and clothing dried in it much faster, and residents of the house and their guests will not freeze. Usually, the heating floor system is equipped for insulation, double double-glazed windows are installed or put the radiator.

In modern design houses, three types of such premises are distinguished:

  • Seni. A small space that leads not only in residential rooms, but also in adjacent to them, the garage, boiler room.
  • Hall. Continuation of the house, decorated in one with it style, with a wardrobe and other furniture.
  • Veranda. It is always a bounted, glazed room.

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Planning warm and cold tambouries in a private house with a photo

The room can be designed together with the main building or built later, to be in the deepening or outside the facade on a separate foundation. The second option retains the space inside Cottage and often helps reduce costs. The first planning method allows to create an architectural project in a single style and save on insulation due to the presence of capital walls. But in such a hallway it is important to consider ventilation, additional heating or a thermal veil. Between it and the rooms must be partition or staircase, if there is a second floor.

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There is another way to protect the residential part from wind and dampness. It is often implemented together with the veranda. We are talking about double doors to the main building. One of them is metallic, the second is made of array or MDF (preferable, so have greater resistance to moisture). The optimal distance between them is 40 or 50 cm.

Dimensions Input zone

The depth of the room should be at least 1-2 meters. The minimum width is equal to the width of the door + 0.3 meters. The point is that you can go to the house, close it for yourself and only then open the inner door. It is advisable to stay at least for another person. If you plan to put furniture, equip storage systems - you will need 3-4 meters and more.

  • Porch to the wooden house: Tips for creating and design (35 photos)

Materials for construction and wall decoration

Ideally, the design is erected in whole or in part from the same material as the rest of the house so that in general they looked harmoniously. But this requirement is optional, besides, different buildings can also be beautifully combined. For example, a house of concrete and a completely glazed input zone. We list, from which the walls do most often.

  • Polycarbonate and panel windows of plastic. Suitable for cold and warm tambouries. Advantages: efficiency, strength, transparency, excellent wind protection, simple installation. From polycarbonate you can make a semicircular building.
  • Brick. It looks good with brick cottages. Pros: Often, the interior decoration does not need, the design is durable and well covers the living part from the cold.
  • Wood. Wooden extensions look beautifully with the same buildings. This material can be very decorative: carving, decor, interesting coloring. Minus - additional processing and repair will be required after 10-15 years or earlier.
  • Glass. The glass entrance area is most often found in the form of a veranda. The project will no longer, but it will look very beautiful. The disadvantages include the labor-intensive process of cleaning glass.
  • Siding. Another budget and practical option for finishing the premises. It is easy to work with it, there are different colors and textures on sale, including under wood and stone.

Some options can be combined with each other. For example, glass and wooden frame or glass and brick, wood and metal decor elements, tile. See how a vestibule in a private house may look, the photo in the selection is illustrated by a variety of projects. On them you will also see how you can equip a porch if the walls of the extension are not closed.

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There are two more important points in the external design of the input zone. One of them is a roof. It is best to do a single or duplex so that snow and rain can be delayed on the roof. The second point is lighting. In old projects, the extension was often eutest. It is inconvenient, so it is recommended to think about the wiring device and the number of lamps or leave the opening wall in the wall for the window. But in this case, you need to take care of their high-quality insulation. In this regard, the buildings of polycarbonate or glass are very successful - they skip the maximum amount of light.

Now you know than to separate the room outside. Let's talk how to arrange it from the inside.

Tambura design in a private house: how to create a beautiful and comfortable space

The main task of the input zone is practical, but why not make it also cozy? Registration The inner part is equally important both with aesthetic and from a practical point of view.


The hallway is a place in which the dirt is focused, dampness and often the temperature difference occurs. All this must be considered when choosing a finish. Mostly it concerns gender. The surface must be wear-resistant, easy to clean and not slippery. Such characteristics have a coating of a porcelain, ceramic or stone tile. More budget and almost the same practical material - linoleum.

The laminate and the board in the design look beautiful, but they are faster than wear, require additional processing (impregnating with antiseptics, moisture-resistant grouts).


  • To decorate a vestibule, select a few tile colors and put it in the form of an oriental pattern or chessboard.
  • Choose a dark grout for seams, light quickly contaminated.
  • If you decide to use linoleum finish, buy a commercial or semi-commercial with a high class of strength (32-34).

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Walls and ceiling

The easiest way to transform the walls is to paint their latex or acrylic paint. Dark or neutral pastel shades are suitable. White color seems to be a good solution for small rooms, but it will quickly get drunk, and the interior will become slurry. It is also not recommended to use bright colors if the room is small.

An uneven surface with scratches and cracks can be masked with patterns on it. You will need a putty, waterfront paint, color kel, spatula, tools for creating texture.


  • Prepare the wall: Remove the wallpaper if they were crooked, moisturize the previously painted material.
  • Get a wide scotch to the plinth so as not to spoil it.
  • Spatula, short movements, apply putty. The layer must be thick - 1-1.5 cm.
  • Create a drawing, applying a plastic film, sponge, brush, roller or any other item to the wall, which will help make the lines you need.
  • Wait until everything is dry and paint the fur roller or tassel.

The photo cream below has several variants of decorative color.

What else can be used as a cover:

  • Plastic panels
  • Tile
  • Fake diamond
  • Toned lining

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Wallpapers are not the best option for wall design near the input zone. Due to the temperature difference, they will quickly disappear, due to moisture, they will look inactively.

The ceiling is most often covered with plaster or protective compositions, if it is from a tree. In rare cases, tension structures are mounted.

When all surfaces are prepared, you can go on the final stage of the Tambura arrangement.

Furniture & Accessories

If the room is quite spacious, think about installing a closet for clothes. To save place, pay attention to the corner structures. In a small room, store things harder: usually there is enough space for hooks and shelves under casual jackets, scarves and caps. Alternatively, you can consider the mezzanine under the ceiling. They will not interfere, but a little exempted a house from tools or canned food. It is advisable to choose furniture from MDF or chipboard - they are more resistant to moisture.

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In addition to the cabinet, a good addition to the interior will be the bench or chairs. In a small hallway, you can put folding models.

Convenience in any room depends on the little things. In the hallway, on the veranda, in the Seine, the stand under umbrellas at the entrance, shelf and dryer for shoes, additional lighting with a convenient location of switches, a mirror, crossbars for hangers and hangers themselves are always relevant. Next to the street door bed mat from jute or cane. They are stronger than ordinary rugs, they are easier to clean them. For storage of things, it is convenient to use signed boxes and containers.

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For decorating space, you do not need high costs. If the place in the extension is enough and there is insulation, put one or two flower. Especially beautiful looks a large plant installed opposite the mirror. It will be reflected in it and create a window effect. Create a comfort can be using additional lighting point lights on the ceiling or sconium on the walls.

If the input zone is a veranda, arrange a seating area with a table and a sofa. Select beautiful textiles for them. For a rustic interior in the style of Provence or Shebbi-Chic, make dry bouquets from herbs and put them in a vase or tie in bundles and trees to the walls. At the same time, it is desirable not to overload the space details. Choose no more than two decor items.

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Does the Tambour need in a private house, if you want to increase the energy efficiency of the building? Check out the video with a detailed answer to this question.

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