Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism


The apartment is withstanding in a romantic spirit, white color prevails in the design. The expressiveness of the interior gives a dynamic pattern on the floor. The apartment has three bedrooms, a living-dining room and a small kitchen.

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Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism

Estimated owners of the apartment - parents with daughter (student of primary classes) and grandmother. According to the authors, combine three generations and take into account the tastes of all family members will be able to the situation, aged in the spirit of classical romanticism.

The image is created using traditional attributes: stucco, elegant furniture with Filöncated facades, lush drapets with floral pattern. At the same time, the elevated texture of wooden surfaces and modern details indicate the stylization of the interior. So, for lighting, the chandeliers are actively applied to geometrical forms and built-in lamps.

Each family member is allocated personal space. For family trapes and receptions of friends there is a living-dining room, equipped on the place of the previous kitchen (its area of ​​21.3 m2). The main part of the kitchen "deployed" in a niche formed on the place of the bathroom, and the remaining equipment was installed opposite it, along the wall of the corridor. In a large room (where the living room is traditionally located), it is proposed to arrange a bedroom of parents, but in such a spacious room there is no need, so it was divided into a bedroom itself (closer to the window) and a walk-in dressing room.

Hall, kitchen, living-table ...

Hall, kitchen, living-dining room and lounges form a public zone, accentuated using a single finish: patterned flooring, plaster on the walls, as well as decor. The family library, which, according to the design of designers, was collected by several generations, placed in the lobby, in a closet with glass doors.

Living room

At first glance it seems that the time has stopped here. But the active zigzag pattern on the floor, made of large-format porcelain tiles, introduces modern rhythm, energy and dynamics in the "sleepy" public zone.

The clear geometric lines of the floor covering are balanced by the amorphous outlines of the sofa, curtains, stools with rollers and lamb lamp. During the receptions of the guests, the mobile coffee table can play the role of serving.

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To organize a spacious living-dining room, the kitchen after dismantling the partition was transferred to the place of the bathroom. It turned out a small passing space with a weak day lighting. The lack of natural light compensates the backlight of the table top. Despite the fact that the kitchen has good natural ventilation, it is desirable to provide a comfortable microclimate to provide a powerful extract.

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Hall library

It is proposed not to arrange to

It is proposed not to arrange books in different rooms, but to collect them in one place, in the custom-made closet library. It is perfect for its installation. Expletively suited hall. In the glazed cabinet books are better saved and not dust.


The floor pattern combines the hallway and the public zone and sets the trajectory of the movement. Round lamp lusters made of translucent glass give air and ease space in the depths of the dwelling, where natural light does not penetrate.

The facades of the wardrobe and the chest, as well as the hanger "dissolve" on the background of light walls. An elegant sofa with a hint of coffee with milk focuses on itself the attention of those included in the apartment.

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Room grandmother

Classic bedroom design - metal bed, high mattress, large number of pillows. Textiles with vegetation drawing makes a variety of color and setting interior.

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In all bedrooms and dressing rooms, the floor covering is made of massive boards, white, and the walls are separated by acrylic paint white and coffee colors.


The daughter's room is decorated based on "Alice in Wonderland." There are enough pairs of details so that the child felt in a fairy tale: the headdress of the hatter and the white rabbit figure is suspended to the ceiling.

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Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_10

Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_11

Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_12


At the entrance to the parents' room there is a passing dressing room with closed cabinets. Thus, the bedroom is free from the bulky furniture - even in the chest there is no need. So, there was a place for things optional, but creating a feeling of well-being and comfort: for example, beautifully draped bedside tables, as well as biocamine, the design of which imitates the tipping furnace.

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Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_14

Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_15

Snow white apartment for three generations decorated in the spirit of classic romanticism 9886_16


The initial successful planning gave the owners of the apartment bathroom with a window. At the same time, the window posted two shells at once - parents or grandmother and granddaughter will be able to wash at the same time.

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Bathroom gathered a large amount

The bathroom assembled a large number of decorations: colored porcelain tiles, a mirror in a carved frame, a bunch of designer lamps. The design of the room eats the kitchen interior. The space over the installation of the toilet was sewn to the wall with the wall, handling the hatch for communications and the boiler.

Strengths of the project

Weaknesses of the project

Do not affect the supporting structures.

Transfer of the kitchen to the place of the bathroom can only be coordinated for apartments on the top floor.
Arranged bedrooms for parents, baby and grandmothers and two bathrooms. Insuitable insolation in the kitchen.
After the cutting of the kitchen, the bathroom managed to highlight the living room combined with the dining room. The working area of ​​the kitchen is very small.
There is a dressing room with a bedroom of parents.
The editors warns that in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the coordination of the conducted reorganization and redevelopment is required.

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Alderadire: Stepan Bugaev

Designer: Varvara Chesnokova

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