Construction in the winter season: pros and cons


Winter construction - the event is ambiguous, but in some cases inevitable. We understand in its merits and disadvantages.

Construction in the winter season: pros and cons 9895_1

Construction in the winter season: pros and cons

Winter is not time for construction. At least it is so observed, and therefore construction companies work seasonally, remaining in winter almost no matter. And this you need to use. It is now that you can choose a good brigade, to which the summer does not break through.

In winter, you can always clear & ...

Another nice feature is reduced tariffs for construction work. Outside the season, labor is falling in price. Here you can save or save, or choose a more qualified and expensive brigade. As a result, the cost of its work will be equal to the cost of average builders in the summer. By the way, it is important to choose the best, as construction during the cold season implies knowledge of winter technologies, with a violation of which the result will be deplorable. Assessing the scale of disaster to remain in the spring when the sun looks like and leaves the ice. There are no cases when there is no one to make complaints to that time.

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Winter - time to work hard. And it is appropriate to mention the minuses of empty work. First, given the unfavorable conditions and the minus temperature, the hired builders will have to provide warm housing and other household trivia, without which in the warm time of the year it is possible to do well. Whatever the builders would have been hardened, but in the frost they will be forced to periodically interrupt the work and heal in the room. This, naturally, can not but affect speed.

Light day in winter is much shorter than summer, therefore the duration of work will be appropriate. You can increase the working day using the lighting organization. But this is an additional line of expenses, which brings to zero the financial benefits of winter construction. Moreover, in the cold, labor productivity is significantly reduced. Weather conditions can also make adjustments to the scheduled schedule. After the snowfall, the construction site will have to clear, and with strong frosts to stop all the work.

Wet work

Work on preparation in the winter will require much more time than in the warm season. The dig of the riveted ground is the process of long. Even if the autumn was carried out preparatory work. Already at this stage it is important to observe the technology of winter construction. If the recovery is prepared with violations, the spring foundation and the design as a whole can lose the carrying ability.

The main reason for the death of

The foundation of the foundation in the cold is a rather complicated process and requires additional costs. In addition to using anti-massive additives that cost a lot, it may be necessary to heighten the concrete, which is still tangible increases its final cost. But prices for building materials are usually reduced at winter. And this is a plus.

Thermoblocks protect concrete from b & ...

Delivery in winter in some cases is more convenient due to the fact that the amusing soil does not differ under heavy technician. Thus, it is possible to preserve and plants that are in the amusing land under the snow. At the same time, snow drifts can be a serious obstacle. Then it will have to spend on clearing the road.

Roofing work in winter is not recommended. It is dangerous for both builders and materials. First, slippery surfaces and cold winds turn the installation of the roof into an even more risky event than in the summer. Secondly, working with polymer-bitumen materials, it is easy to damage them.

Additional plus construction

Erecting wooden houses

Unlike brick, construction of wooden houses in winter can be called traditional. It was in winter that the forest was harvested and chopped off. Today, many prefer to be built during the cold season, and this has a number of reasons.

Indisputable fact - wood

In winter, building material for the cut remains clean. In the summer, he is either covered with a layer of dust, or the desired land.

Wood for construction should be dry. With a winter workpiece in it initially lowered the level of humidity.

There are two options for developing events. Either the material is covered with rains and leave until summer, or used for construction already in the same winter. And in the same case, the quality of the design meets all adopted standards.

Unfortunately, it happens that behind the winter wood is given a forest, harvested at another time of the year. Her content can exceed 20-25% permissible. Building from such material in winter will be wrapped in large problems in the spring when all this moisture flashes and flows. First, it will be wetting the insulation and, most likely, it will be necessary to dry or replace it with a new one. Secondly, the quality of the design will suffer.

At low temperatures, wood dries very slowly, so shrinkage of the house is practically not observed.

In the summer, the sun dries part of the structure, the shadow side remains moist, which can lead to an uneven shrinkage. Winter sun is not dangerous for the structure. The design remains holistic, without the formation of cracks in brica.

If you cavalize the log house in winter, then in the spring, when the level of humidity rises, the brica is tightly closed, compounding the pass. As a result, there will be no cracks, and the house will be protected from winds and rains.

Of the minuses - the limited operating temperature. Working with a tree at temperatures below 10 ° is not recommended, and below 25 °, one can say, it is prohibited. The material becomes fragile. How he will behave in his work, is unknown. This unpredictability not only hits the wallet, but also is essential.

The construction of a church is half. Next Stage: Roof construction. And here there are some difficulties. Not every material can be used in winter. So, for example, it is recommended to refuse soft roofing options. The usual tiles is also not suitable for winter construction, as it becomes too fragile. You can organize a temporary roof, but the presence of constant provides the house even faster and uniform shrinkage.

Installing windows in winter

It is quite possible: the main thing is to ensure that there is no hoping ice in the window pass. In the process of construction, the installation of windows does not create special problems, whereas their replacement in residential premises can drag the unpleasant consequences in the form of heating. So in houses where people already live, replace windows better transfer to warm season

Construction in the winter season: pros and cons 9895_9

When complying with the necessary technologies, gathering a house in winter, in the spring you can begin to finish, and in the fall to protect the housewarming.

Konstantin Smirnov, Builder:

Konstantin Smirnov, Builder:

In addition to ready-made anti-corrosion compositions, other available funds can be used. If the thermometer bar does not fall below five degrees, the liquid soap will help. Its share in the total water volume should be no more than 10%. In terms of temperature not lower than the fifteen degrees, it is permissible to use sodium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium nitrate. In proportions from 2 to 4% of the total weight of the mixture. Up to -25 add Potash (carbon dioxide). It is enough 1-2% of the mass of the dry mixture. But he has a feature to accelerate the grasp of the solution. Sulphite-yeast braza will help solve the problem. The lower the temperature, the greater the percentage of additives in the solution. The temperature of the warm solution after the kneading should be 35-400C. It is allowed to warm up only water and backfill. Cement when heated loses its working quality. In winter, the order of bookmarking the components must be changed. To begin with, hot water is poured into the concrete mixer and there are several revs to warm up the aggregate. Significantly simplify the task of concrete mixer with electric heating. Then proceed to the knead. First of all, water is poured for a solution. Its temperature should be 70-80 degrees. Next follows sand and crushed stone. Fasting heat up to 40 degrees with special furnaces or heat guns. After stirring, cement is introduced.

The article was published in the journal "Tips of Professionals" No. 12 (2017). Subscribe to the printed version of the magazine.

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