Build a country house in winter: what works can be done and how to do it right


Winter time - no reason to postpone the construction of a country house. Touch how to perform basic work to enter the finished house in the spring and deal only with its interior decoration.

Build a country house in winter: what works can be done and how to do it right 9906_1

Build a country house in winter: what works can be done and how to do it right


Earthworks are recommended to carry out in the warm season, as it will be very difficult to pull the pit in the growled earth. If this event is still planned for the winter, before the onset of frosts it is necessary to conduct preparatory work, which will eventually make it difficult to make it easier for the task. Their essence in lowering the water saturation.

First, around the portion of the future, you can pull the trench for drainage. Another option is the so-called "salinization" of the soil. For this, the salt solid is thoroughly shedding the place of earthworks. If the weather stands rainy, you can simply scatter salt on the surface and overpass the soil with a conventional cultivator. Thus, the thermal conductivity of water in the ground and the land remains sufficiently loose even in the frost.

The harrowing of the soil is also an effective way to maintain soil looseness. At the same time, the process of moisture penetration into the lower layer of the soil is disturbed, and the air layers formed between the communes of the Earth serve as good thermal insulation.

The effective option is to lay the thermal insulation layer on the surface. It can be minvat or mulch from sawdust or other materials. The main condition for the effectiveness of this reception is to protect the underfloor material from wetting.

If the street is already in the street, and it is impossible to postpone the start of construction, it will have to use one of the ways to warm up the Earth, which are available in the Arsenal from professional builders.

When carrying out earthworks & ...

In large objects, various methods are used, for example, electric reflector furnaces, horizontal or vertical electrodes, steam or water needles use. In private construction, attracting this technique is very expensive. Here, most likely, the idea of ​​burning fires will come. But you need to understand that no cubometer of firewood will leave for the heating of the soil. This method is the solution only when it comes to two-three small pits. As a more affordable alternative, you can consider the chemical method of soil warming. To defrost the soil in this case, it is necessary to drill the sheets and pour into them a warm sodium chloride solution, it is also technical salt.

  • 4 important points that need to be taken into account when building a house for year-round residence

    Concrete works

    The construction of the foundation in most cases implies concrete work. Is it possible to spend them in winter, if the concrete need to achieve the necessary strength are positive temperatures? For these purposes, there are special anti-corrosive additives that need to be added to the solution. It is important to comply with the temperature recommendations of these additives. Another way is to prepare a warm solution or insulate the formwork. You can also use special blankets for shelter and heating already flooded foundation.

    Since concrete gripping

    In winter it is worth using high marks cements. They harder faster and distinguish more heat at the same time. It is necessary to increase and the time of the kneading is almost half. As experience shows, all these ways work. They can be used both individually and in the complex. These measures are relevant at temperatures below + 5C.

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    The process of winter masonry itself does not differ from summer. Specific preparation requires a solution. Despite negative temperatures, it should remain in working condition for quite a long time from the moment of kneading to immediate use. In addition, after laying a brick, he needs to have time to dry before the freezing of water becomes. Otherwise, shrinkage will begin when thawing. The main problem is that it happens unevenly, and this can affect the carrying ability of the structure.

    It is possible to make a solution suitable for work in winter, heating it by analogy with concrete. But besides this, it is necessary to ensure its heat insulation until the application and after the setup is made. It is recommended to prepare a solution with small portions that can be used for half an hour, and cement for it to use high grades.

    Also use special additives. These are anti-corrosive industrial additives. At night, the laying must be closed with heat-reflecting material. The length of winter masonry should not exceed 20 m, and the maximum recommended height is 15 m.

    In the spring, when the sun starts to harvest, the southern part of the design is closed with parchment and periodically moistened to align the shrinkage.

    Installation of the roof must conduct

    Which houses can be built in winter

    Without special additional efforts in winter, it is possible to build houses from thermoblocks. And although this technology implies the "wet" work, namely, the preparation of concrete, the thermal insulation properties of the base allow you to create the necessary conditions for drying the concrete natural way.

    Also, without any seasonal features, it is possible to build a "dry" method. This, for example, the construction of buildings based on metal structures. Unlimited buildings from sip panels.

    For the construction of wooden log cabins, the winter is considered to be the preferred time. Winter logs give a smaller shrinkage, as a result - less cracks. It is desirable that the wood harvesting is also produced in the cold. This ensures the natural protection of the material from the appearance of fungi.

    One of the advantages of the workpiece of the material and the construction of the house in the winter season is the highest possible natural protection of the tree from biodivers. At low temperatures, microorganisms and insects are almost completely deprived of activity, so do not harm wood

    At temperatures below -10С, any carpentry work is not recommended. The moisture contained in the wood is freezing, and the material becomes fragile. Even a clogged nail may cause damage to him. Maximum, which is permissible - cutting down cups. If the temperature drops to -250c, the joinery must be stopped. The preparation of the material is better to spend in warm time. For the winter it is advisable to postpone the collection of prepared elements.

    Maxim Starostin, Builder:

    Maxim Starostin, Builder:

    Build a church in winter allows you to spend construction work without rains. Even if wet snow or ice rain goes, wood at temperatures below -50c remains immune to moisture. The same applies to the frame houses. In the warm season with unstable weather, the boards begin to black. Often, even antiseptic impregnations are not saved. Air humidity in winter is lower, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the designs. How not to buy a fake to distinguish the winter forest from the summer unprofessional will not be easy. But there are several signs that give out low-quality material. First, buying a forest in winter, starting from January, when summer material is in most cases sold out. Secondly, the material should be clean and without cracks. If it dropped to sleep with iodine, a blue spot should appear, as in the winter material there is a lot of starch.

    What to take into account when winter construction

    • For impregnation and painting of outer walls, materials with a sufficient number of plasticizers and polymers are used in winter. If necessary, components that increase the frost resistance are added. The sealing of the joints can be carried out at any air temperature.
    • The construction team at low temperatures may refuse to work, and the short day of construction will still drag the construction time. Therefore, the winter building requires an additional lighting device and a warm premises for the residence of builders.
    • It also practically does not have restrictions and construction of frame houses in winter, especially if the foundation has been flooded earlier. Since most often components for the construction of a frame house are delivered in a protective film, construction work for this type of construction can be carried out even in the snowfall.

    The article was published in the journal "Tips of Professionals" No. 12 (2017). Subscribe to the printed version of the magazine.

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