What you need to know about gluewood: an expert is responsible


What you need to take that glue wood products served in your country house for a long time, tells the construction expert.

What you need to know about gluewood: an expert is responsible 9926_1

Today, almost all furniture, carpentry and finishing wooden products are made of glue and scrambled wood. Big and beautiful houses are made from the glue bar. What is the difference between "glue" and "scrambled" wood? Scrambled wood, which is connected and glued along the length. These are bars, boards, plinth, rails, etc. The glue is called wood, connected and glued in width. These are furniture shields, window sills, countertops, door Filins, etc. These names are pretty conditional, as the same furniture shields glue from the scrambled bars, and the spurbed bars in the joints glued together. Therefore, we will apply one term - "glue wood". A wide-applied profiled bar for a log house is a repeated and glued design.

At this kitchen countertop lunch & ...

What good glue wood

First, furniture and joinery look aesthetic. There are no sharp detects and ugly bitch. The adhesive wood is little prone to the charge and is practically not cracking. It makes parts of large sizes: countertops, staircases, window sills, finishing panels, etc.

Tabletop of working kittens

The glue wood is sold in the form of furniture shields and blanks of various sizes and sections. The most visual example of the use of glue wood is the purchase of elements of stairs and self-assembly. Today you can buy everything for stairs made of glue wood of various breeds: spruce and pines; From oak and ash, from larch and cedar and others. There is also a valid on sale, and steps with playgrounds, and pillars with balusters, and handrails of various sections and configurations. All - from dry wood and ready to use.

We ourselves collected this summer holiday ...

The humidity of dry wood in the premises should be within 6 ... 12%, and optimal - 8 ... 10%. With this moisture, wood is not exposed to temperature-wet warming and cracking.

Floors of scrambled glued fox

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What will not say sellers

Consider the dangerous moments of buying a cut from a glue profiled timber. To save materials and reducing the cost, manufacturers are used as much as possible and glue (spliced) even external lamellas (external visible boards on two sides of the bar). The customer often does not suspect that multiple "zigzags" from end splices of wood will be visible in the room. Therefore, when ordering, this question should be discussed in advance.

Table with a large tabletop from & nb ...

Reducing the cost, manufacturers save on time and quality of drying materials and on the quality of glue, which in the first months of operation appear cracks in places of gluing. This is especially visible on the ends of the bar. Cracks of glue timber - indifferent and progressive defect.

And finally, the quality of the wood used for making a glue bar from many producers, gently say, "leaves much to be desired." As a result, we have many smallest pockets, partially unreliable and even rejuvenated bits.

Construction of a house from a glue bar

By ordering a log set, make a reservation and secure in a contract or in annex to it (usually a technical task to the contract) All its requirements for glue wood are drawn up). It should be stipulated in the bitchings, for solid or scrambled outdoor lamellas, according to the absence of resin pockets and cracks, etc., and indicate a 5-year warranty on the quality of the church in the contract.

In the reception of the commission kit, carefully inspect the glue bars. Be sure to measure the moisture content of wood - needle moisture meters inexpensive and sold in many tool stores.

Doors with wide glued fillet & ...

Doors with wide glued panels after 10 years of operation. They are all NPIs!

Unfortunately, it is still not developed by GOST to the ram wall glue. There are standards of organizations that are regulatory documentation in the absence of GOST. For example, one hundred 77511573-01-2006 Bar wooden glue wall. Technical conditions. In this document, the rules of receiving timber at the factory are indicated - they can be applied during the reception of a bar at the construction site at the contractor. There is also GOST 20850-84 "Wooden glue designs. General specifications. " It also applies to cuts from the glue bar.

Countertop for Bar Rassell ...


What can be encountered when ordering and operating the tower of joinery and furniture? The most frequent defect - cracks in places of gluing lamellas and the warming of wooden products from glue wood. The typical cause of their cracking and warping is a poor-quality gluing, non-sacrificed and overwhelmed during the supply of wood. The humidity of dry wood for use in the premises during delivery should be within 8-10%. Higher humidity (as well as lower) can lead to temperature-humid deformation, warping and cracking. Therefore, when taking products and furniture from glue wood, carefully inspect them and measure the moisture of wood.

Require the supplier instructions for the operation of products and furniture from glue wood.

Oak table from furniture shield & ...

There is one controversial moment associated with the operating conditions of glue wood products - this humidity in the rooms. In wooden houses, air humidity is within 25-35%. This is comfortable for people living in it. In the CP Rules station 64.13330.2011 wooden structures. The updated edition of SNIP II-25-80 (with change No. 1) written the following: "It is not allowed to use glue wooden structures for the Operating class A1 (relative air humidity below 45% at temperatures up to 35 ºС)." These conditions correspond to the climate inside heated buildings with a dry humidity regimen on SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of buildings".

According to this rate, the use of glue wood for furniture and carpentry products in residential wooden houses is generally impossible. But in another regulatory document GOST 30494-96 "Buildings of residential and public. The parameters of the microclimate in the rooms "in clause 3.4 indicates the following:" The optimal and permissible norms of the microclimate in the serviced area of ​​the room (in the established calculated parameters of the outer air) must correspond to the values ​​shown in Tables 1 and 2. A in Table 1, it is indicated that the optimal humidity Air in residential premises 30-45%. That is, the above regulatory documents contradict each other.

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Even in the bathroom, a toilet table of a toilet table from glued wood serve us with faith and true

Some contractors this contradictions justify their poor-quality work. To avoid the consequences of such a contradiction of the norms, before the conclusion of the contract for the manufacture of products and furniture made of glue wood, measure air humidity in your premises and indicate the actual air humidity in the contract under operating conditions. This will scare off pricing, and "high-quality" manufacturers will not be news and an obstacle to work.

Personal experience

We have been using furniture and various products from glue wood (doors, windows, tables, etc.) in our country house. Air humidity extremely rarely exceeds 35%. And there are practically no cracks and warming of glue wood, except for certain cases of cracking of self-made glue furniture shields for wide tabletops. But we immediately revealed the reason for these cracks - this is a hurry when they are manufactured using insufficiently dry boards stored in the barn.

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The fact is that the moisture content of wood in unheated premises reaches 15%, and if they glue the shield from such boards and leave it in a heated room - wood dry up to 8-10% and will give a shrinkage. And the crack will definitely appear on the glued junction. If you have them to withstand them in a heating room at least a week - cracks will not appear.

The article was published in the magazine "House" No. 12 (2017). Subscribe to the printed version of the magazine.

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