How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes


Almost any kitchen can see this technique. It is fond of functionality - you can prepare food, and defrost products, and even heat the dishes, and still sterilize it. It is especially important that in this way you can prepare food without a large amount of oil - given the fashion trends of the right nutrition, it is important.

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_1

What happens when technician is often used? It inevitably loses purity and attractive appearance. Today we will tell how to wash the oven - household chemicals or using folk recipes.

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_2

  • Select the oven: 6 parameters to pay attention to

What types of technology are?

First consider the types of household devices. Progress does not stand still, and today there are devices that ... in principle, do not wash. Is it so? Let's see.

1. Self-cleaning furnace

They are also called instruments with pyrolytic self-cleaning. Their distinctive function - NAAR and food residues are converted into ashes at a certain temperature (up to 500 ° C). At the same time, the door remains cold - no more than 55 ºC. If you are shocking the cleaning temperature, you can be calm. To burn and cause damage to yourself or children in the process it is impossible - the door is blocked automatically at this time. And after cooling, it remains only to wipe the brass chamber with a wet sponge or napkin.

By the way, to wash the camera, you do not even need to remove the grill and the baking sheet. Of course, this is a convenient and effective method of cleaning - no need to think about how the device will remain after cooking. But pay for this function will have a lot.

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_4
How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_5

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_6


How to clean the oven from fat and nagar: traditional ways and 12 folk recipes 9936_7

2. With continuous cleaning

You can also meet the name - catalytic. In the oven chamber, a special internally coating that is not contaminated. And catalytic cleaning occurs due to the chemical process. If briefly, the fat falls on carbon, water and organic residues - oxidants on the walls act on it.

By the way, the gas, and the electrical household appliance can be found with catalytic reactions. And the function can be included during cooking - and the electricity can be saved. But, unfortunately, the catalytic panels do not work equally well all the time. Resource - 300 hours. The porous enamel covers only the side parts, less often - the bottom of the brass cabinet. But the door will have to wash himself.

Technique with catalyst eyes

Technique with catalyst cleaning

  • How to wash the gas stove to the state of the new

3. Not self-cleaning technique

Although manufacturers call them "with hydrolysis cleaning." Wind cabinets need to be cleaned with their own hands. But this option is chosen almost all - the price advantage and low power consumption seem more profitable than constant purity.

For ordinary oven need rights & ...

Over the ordinary oven requires the right care.

And you still need to wait for the cooling of the device to wash the inside.

Since if the owners are such a majority, they inevitably face the problem of a dirty oven. Keep it clean - difficult. But thanks to our advice, it is possible.

How to clean the oven from fat and nagar with the help of stores?

Side parts of a conventional oven - smooth. And should easily wash. If the wardrobe is new, enough after each cooking is to be wet sponge - try to take the usual dishware to wash. But the solar Nagar will have to reproach for a long time and mutually. And without household chemicals, it is unlikely to do.

Act the following instructions.

  • Remove the shelves and babysitters from holders, and soam them separately in water with a detergent - it will turn out to cope with pollution quickly and easily.
  • Spray the tool or apply manually on the inside of the cabinet. But try to avoid entering the fan and heating devices - after cooking it can settle on products.
  • Turn on the slab for 10 minutes - it softens the old dirt.
  • Wipe the inner part with a rag or sponge rushing it with water.

Do not forget about rubber gloves so as not to damage the skin of the hands.

How to get rid of toxic smell?

After household chemicals, there may be an unpleasant smell. How to get rid of it? The easiest way is to ventilate. But there is a folk recipe - for example, put water with activated carbon inside and boil a few minutes. Or take lemon juice and vinegar, and prepare a solution. And after - wipe the sidewalls and bottom.

How to cleaned the oven inside from the old fat with the help of household chemicals?

The most popular and effective review - "Shumanit". But he has one of the most caustic smells. He is unlikely to fit pregnant and families with young children.

Household chemicals type Sumanita de & ...

Household chemistry like noise is really working with a bang. But note that the unpleasant smell will pursue long

The tendency to eco-cleaning led to the fact that new compositions appeared, without aggressive chemistry - look for those from manufacturers frosch or synergetic.

By the way, the acid in the composition of the detergent can destroy the surface. Pay attention to the labeling and carefully read the manufacturers on the packaging.

If you for some reason against chemistry, or you are allergic, we suggest to remember what methods our grandmothers used. They are absolutely natural and harmless. As for the effectiveness, the frozen fat can clean, but the solar gale is unlikely. Although it is worth trying!

Eco-friendly "folk" recipes

1. Using abrasive washcloth

Using this method, you can hope to get rid of the old particles of food and nagar. But be careful - so easy to scratch enamel, and it is almost impossible to fix it.

  • 20 steep lifehams for eco-bleed without chemistry

2. Using soda

Soda - "Universal Fighter" in your kitchen. True, to carry out cleaning effectively, it will have to wash for quite a while. Experienced hostesses say that with the help of soda, you can save the glass from the plaque and soot. Pour it on the surface, slightly moisten and leave for 40-60 minutes.

Soda - Universal Assistant & ...

Soda - universal assistant in the kitchen

3. With vinegar

They need to moisten the wall and door of the oven, and leave for several hours. After - clean the surface.

4. Using vinegar + soda

Sodium walls and bottom, and after sprinkled by soda. Splash the surface with acetic acid. This method helps to effectively extort fat.

Video: instagram

5. Using lemon juice

Slit juice of one lemon, mix with water and wipe the dirty cabinet.

You can prepare the other mixture - to the container with water to put lemon slices and pour any detergent. And after - to put inside and warm up to 100 degrees. Couple will flush dirt and tag, and after you just wash the walls with a sponge.

6. Using a mixture vinegar + soda + lemon acid

So, first warm the device for about 20 minutes. There are enough 50 degree temperatures. While the heating occurs, mix the soda with the powder and add vinegar in dry ingredients. The resulting mixture will help solve the problem - it will simply come from the walls.

7. How to clean the oven for fat composition vinegar + soda + soap

Economic soap mix with the above-mentioned products. Cover the walls, door and bottom, leave for 2 hours. Thus, you can wash the surface from brown plaque.

By the way, the homework will help to update the bass, grille and handles. And the agent is perfect for enameled surfaces - it does not damage them.

8. Just soap

Stir in hot water washing gel and the household soap in the bowl, after placing the mixture inside. Mandatory condition - heating up to 100 degrees or a little more. To improve the effect, wait half an hour. Wine dirt will be much easier.

9. Ferry

If you have an enameled oven, it is easiest to wash it with steam. To do this, place the bowl into the bowl with a solution of the detergent gel for the dishes, heal it and leave for 30-40 minutes. Couples will fall and "gather" dirt and food remnants. After easy it will take off all fat.

10. Using the ammonia alcohol

We all know that food can burn. Get rid of Nagara will be with the help of ammonia alcohol. Moisten the walls and leave for the night.

Another way is to heat the oven with a bowl with water inside. Then take another container and pour a bit of ammonia there. When the temperature inside is rising, put the ammonia on the upper shelf, and the bottom is water.

11. Using a dough breakdler

Imagine - even such a penny product will help to make so that the plate sparkle. To do this, wet the insides of the equipment and sprinkle the bundle. If you leave the surface for several hours, remove the residues of food will not be completely difficult.

Video: Instagram uborka_protry

12. Using Salt.

Pour the walls and bottom, and after heating. When the salt will become brown, remove it, and spend ordinary cleaning with soap.

A few more useful tips

  • It is strictly recommended to use direct water pressure - for example, from a flexible mixer. And also refuse to use steam (not natural evaporation, but a straight jet).
  • An injaliated side of the slab can be wiped with a cloth dipped in water. And also use substances for cleaning windows to the surface of the glitter.
  • Refuse abrasive pastes of the "Comet" type - leave scratches.
  • Switches panel can not be washed with aggressive means - there is a risk of flushing all the designations of the switches.
  • Some nurses can be washed in a dishwasher.
  • Perhaps the process will be easier if you disassemble the technique on the part - remove the door.
  • Any household chemicals can only be used on a cold surface.
  • Light bulb and fan wash only with soap solution.
Check out the video to find out some more cool ways.

We draw conclusions

Of course, it is much easier to buy a self-cleaning oven - and no headache. But if 30-50 thousand rubles in your budget is not too unnecessary, you will have to look for the methods of cleansing the oven.

If Nagar is big, and how much he lasted on the walls, you do not know - and it happens when they enter the removable apartment - it is better to use proven household chemicals. The chemical market for cleaning is simply huge, for every taste and wallet. And if you are accustomed to care for the technique regularly, from the moment you bought - quite enough of the remedies. Especially if we wash the equipment immediately after cooking.

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