Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video


Owners of plastic doors often complain about their performance. Usually the problem appears during operation, it is not related to the factory marriage and is solved by adjusting the mechanisms.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_1

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Cases in which you need adjustment

The disk of the door frame always leads to unpleasant consequences. Sometimes it is necessary to cause a qualified specialist to eliminate them. But in the overwhelming majority of cases you can cope on your own. Therefore, we will deal with how to adjust the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands. But before you give step-by-step instructions, we list the most common faults:

  • Cold air passes in the platform.
  • Door handle is tight or not fully closed.
  • To cover the cloth you have to apply great effort.
  • Prior frame clings for the box.

The elimination of these problems takes no more than half an hour, so it makes no sense to postpone the work for later.

If a little time has passed since the construction of the design, and it is warranty, adjustment is better to entrust specialists.

All nodes of the balcony door Regul & ...

All nodes of the balcony doors are regulated by hex key number 4


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The main elements of the adjustment mechanisms

To avoid confusion, explain the meaning of special terms that will be used in step by step instructions:

  • The loops are hinged elements in the upper and lower parts of the frame, rotating around which it opens.
  • Tsazfy - cylindrical sleeves from the end of the door frame located along its perimeter. They move when opening and closing the handle.
  • Response (presser) strips - metal limiters. They are located on the box and engage with pinges.

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How to adjust the plastic door on the balcony yourself

First of all, it is convinced that the cause of the problem is to violate the work of the mechanisms. The faults described above may arise due to the failure of the rubber seal. If in the winter it is about the frame, and you sharply jerked for the handle, damage cannot be avoided. Therefore, we visually control the integrity of the seal. If necessary, change the gum to the new one.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_5

If the problem is in the mechanical part to ensure access to the adjusting screws, remove the decorative lining loops.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, hexagon number 4 and the cross screwdriver is sufficient. It is less common to be needed hex key number 3, asterisks, pliers or flat screwdriver.

Before starting work, we recommend paying attention to the mutual location of the canvas and the box. This will avoid unnecessary actions and set items to the correct position. To do this, we close the frame and delineate it with a pencil around the perimeter. The resulting circuit must be parallel to the inner faces of the door frame. If this is not the case, you need to perform Adjusting plastic balcony doors on their own.

Let's describe the procedure for common faults.

The canvas kept and clinging the threshold

This problem is typical for wide heavy designs with double-chamber glass. Additional loads can create heavy bags hanging on the handle, or children who love to ride on the door flaps. Often it is after that they begin to see.

Lower the leaf allows the lower loop. Insert the hexagon and rotate into it:

  • clockwise - raise;
  • Counterclockwise - omit.

It helps with uniform savory. If only one angle is cling, it is necessary to eliminate the skew.

To do this, use the side adjustments of the upper and lower loops. Rotating the hexagon of the screw: when turning to the right, the canvas moves towards the key, to the left - in the opposite direction.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_6

In the correct position, the outer contour of the balcony door and the inner box should be parallel.

If the movement range is not enough adjusting screws, the PVC-frame geometry is corrected by lining under the glass package. This work is better to entrust qualified specialists. They dismantle the strokes and according to the scheme will install calibrated wedges. If technology fails to comply with the technology, the glass load is unevenly distributed, and it can burst.

The canvas hurt the edge of the box or loosely covered

With such a problem, you can encounter in the autumn-winter period if the fittings have been maximally all as possible from the angle. The frame is slightly deformed and comes in engagement with the pin. To eliminate the problem, you need to move the sash horizontally. It is important to do it evenly and prevent skew. The mechanism is adjusted in two places: on the upper and lower loop.

Before How to independently adjust the plastic door of the balcony, you need to open it completely. This will provide convenient access to mechanisms.

Consistently rotate the screws of the upper and lower loop. Control the moment when the trough will stop cling to the door frame. After that, the adjustment can be stopped. But it is better to achieve a position in which both edges of the sash will be equal to the inner face of the installation box. It is easy to control, circling a pencil circuit of a closed canvase.

Please note: the head of the upper adjusting screw can be from the corner side or above the door web.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_7
Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_8

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_9

Adjusting the top loop with a screw from the end of the door canvase.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_10

Adjusting the top loop with a screw above the door cloth.

Through the closed flap blows cold air

The first thing to do is to identify the place of loose fit:

  1. Hold a sheet of paper in the opening.
  2. Close the sash.
  3. Pull the paper.
  4. We repeat the operation, moving the sheet around the perimeter.

This allows you to determine the density of the clamp. With proper adjustment, the sheet should be equally straightened at all points. If it goes freely, you will need to adjust the gap by turning the aus. On the one hand there is a label: a slot or a footpaded point. In factory state, it is directed up.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_11

To make the fit tightly ("Winter" mode), turn the hexagon to the hexagon or a screwdriver in the direction of the room. If you need to weaken the door, turn the mechanism in the opposite direction is a label to the street.

Modern accessories allows you to additionally change clamp with the help of the bottom loop. If you look at the opening when the canvase is closed, you will see the screw on the front. Rotating it, you can achieve the necessary clamping in the loop area.

Sometimes it is impossible to achieve the desired effect. This means that the cause of the malfunction lies in the deformation of the design itself or violation of the installation technology. You can temporarily eliminate the defect, by reclicing the response bar for a couple of millimeters towards the street. But it is better to call for the repair of qualified specialists.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_12

Pen plastic balcony door dangling or tightly closed

The handle is attached to the canvas with two screws. Over time, they are smalleled. To pull the mount, 90 degrees turn the plastic plug, which closes it and tighten the screws to the screwdriver until it stops.

The glamorous screws rest in a decorative cap and interfere with its turn. Therefore, pre-pull the handle on yourself.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_13

If the handle closes tightly, not to the end or accessories moves with a creak, the cause of the malfunction is the incorrect hook of the pin with the response. In the spring and summer period, the frame may slightly deform in connection with warming. Therefore, the problem solves the rotation of the pin to the "Summer" position - the label towards the street.

Sometimes the defect appears after adjusting the balcony door. In this case, we look at how the mechanism comes into engagement when closing:

  1. In the field of opening on the fitness, there is a petal that blocks the handle with the open position of the sash. Press it and lower the handle to the "closed" position.
  2. We cover the sash so that a slightly visible to the pin.
  3. We put the mark on the door frame opposite it.
  4. At risk, control the engagement with the clamping bar.
  5. If necessary, reinstall it so as to ensure complete and unimpeded engagement.

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_14
Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_15

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_16

Tsamp and a retaliatory plank must engage tightly

Adjusting the plastic doors of the balcony with their own hands: Full guide with photos and video 9944_17

Petal on accessories, blocking closing open sash

If the listed methods did not help, then the problem lies in the ribbon mechanism of fittings. Repair better entrust the qualified installer.

For clarity, we suggest familiarizing yourself with the technical moments, looking at the video.

How to avoid adjusting plastic balcony door

How often it is often necessary to adjust the positions of the sash, directly depends on the state of the ribbon mechanisms. In order to extend the term of their trouble-free work, once a year it is necessary to carry out preventive service. This avoids faults and prolongs the life of the product.

You need to perform three operations:

  • brush to clean the surface of dust and larger mechanical pollution;
  • process with silicone lubrication sealing gum;
  • Lubricate ribbon accessories with mineral oil.

Points of lubricant are marked on the product with symbols "drop" or "Maslenka". After processing all the nodes, we open 3-4 times and close the mechanism to distribute the composition over the entire surface.

Now you know how to regulate plastic balcony doors And you can quickly eliminate the malfunction.

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