Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children


Accessories from our selection will help turn ordinary, boring and not quite pleasant household procedures at a real fascinating adventure for kids.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_1

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children

1 pillowcase coloring

Does your baby have obvious creative inclinations? So, the pillowcase, which can be painted to taste, will have to do with him. By the way, after washing it will be like new - and you can begin first!

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_3

2 Funny Organizer for Toys

Just take a look at this organizer in the form of Pelican! It is created specifically for storing toys with which your baby loves so much. Upon completion of the aquatic procedures, the crumb folds all the little things in the beak of pelican, and water flows from them directly into the bath. Is it really great?

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_4

With such an organizer, to learn the crumb to remove the toys will be much easier. By the way, Pelican is not the only possible option, modern manufacturers offer similar organizers in the form of a variety of creatures. Some hang out on the side of the bath, others are attached to the surface with suction cups - choose that it is more convenient for you.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_5

3 night light - soft toy

Get a nightlight for a nursery - and please the baby with a new toy: yes, yes, kill two hares in one fellible, if you stop the choice on an unusual soft toy, glowing with soothing soft light. By the way, some of them even know how to create the projection of the starry sky in the dark and relax with relaxing melodies.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_6

4 Watering can

Make a swimming process is much more pleasant and fascinating for the kid will help an unusual wage for the bathroom - for example, in the form of a whale. With such an accessory, you can water the crumb of warm water, evenly distributing its stream and turning everything into an interesting game.

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5 dishes of an unusual form

It is no secret that many crumbs are not delighted with the process of making food: what tricks only do not come parents to feed the child! We offer to refer to children's plates and cups of an unusual form - for example, in the form of a car. Perhaps it is from such a dish that your baby will have with special pleasure.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_8

6 Original Storage Boxes

Another way to fascinatingly teach the baby to order - get the original storage boxes. Take a look at these inserts for the popular IKEA rack: remove toys with such accessories much more interesting.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_9

For the smallests there are even more unusual options for boxes:

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_10

7 bubble calendar

Remember how we all liked in childhood bubble polyethylene, in which fragile items are wrapped in transportation? Imagine: There is a special calendar offering every day to burst a new bubble with a dates hiding under it. The smallest idea will definitely have to do (by the way, you can embody it in life yourself).

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_11

8 Lestenka - Seat for toilet

"Peread" a crumb from a children's pot on an adult toilet will be much easier if you purchase a special ladder-seat. By the way, usually such a design collapsible: over time, we will gradually refuse the staircase, leaving only the seat.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_12

9 crane nozzle

Another useful fitting for the bathroom, which will enjoy the croching - nozzle for the crane. There are options of various shapes and colors. In addition to the decorative function, such an accessory has both practical: in case the kid during swimming randomly will hit the crane, the nozzle will soften the blow.

Pillowcase coloring, pelican for the bathroom and another 7 smallest things for the house in love with your children 9953_13

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