How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application


One of the best materials for finishing the balcony is the lining. We will tell you how to choose and apply the composition for its processing.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_1

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application

Than you can paint the lining on the balcony and why it is necessary

Raw materials for the production of this type of facing becomes natural wood. It is beautiful, durable and resistant to possible mechanical damage. In addition, the walls decorated with wood "breathe", which is favorably reflected on the microclimate. But at the same time there are a number of factors that are able to spoil the material. Therefore, it is important to know what to process the trim to protect it from destruction.

However, treatment not only prevents the premature damage damage, but also can change its appearance. The surface can be painted, toned, varnished, etc. To obtain a good result, several or alternately use several funds. It all depends on what I want to get in the end. It is easy to work with the materials, it is quite possible to cope with yourself, especially if you carefully read the instructions and explanatory photos.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_3

How to choose "Right" Composition

The decisive factor in choosing the desired substance should be the conditions in which the facing will be operated. Despite the fact that the balcony is located on the facade of the building, it can not be unambiguously attributed to the external premises. If glazing is installed, the cladding is reliably protected from precipitation, sharp drops of moisture and temperatures. In this case, it is possible to use solutions intended for internal work.

If there is no glazing or it is not high-quality, the surface is exposed to adverse atmospheric factors. They need to be processed only by drugs for external work, which have better protective characteristics. In any case, in addition to paint or varnish, impregnations that give the material different properties are used. For example, resistance to ignition, rotting, moisture, etc.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_4

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How to handle the lining on the balcony: choose paint

The use of paint assumes that wood texture will be hidden under a dense layer of coating. But the lining in the interior will acquire a new color. It can be almost anyone, as requires the design of the room. Also, using the coloring solution, you can disguise the defects of the base, but only small. To paint wooden slats, you can use three types of funds:


Made on the basis of vegetable oils, which determines their properties. Very well absorbed into the base structure. It does not close the pores of wood, which continues to "breathe" the same way as before painting. Effectively protect the tree from the impact of negative factors. The coating is obtained dense, quite elastic, not inclined to cracking.

Of the shortcomings it is worth noting a long duration of drying. It takes no less than seven hours, and licking to the hands of the surface can a few more days. Over time, dark colors can be fused under the influence of ultraviolet. You need to think about it before painting in bright colors on the sunny side.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_6

Alkyd denselyty

The basis of such funds is a natural or synthetic oil, so if necessary it is used as a diluent. The paint forms a moisture-resistant, dense, elastic coating that does not crack and is not deformed even at low temperatures. It is resistant to mechanical damage and impacts of various substances, including aggressive.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_7

After applying, the solution is pretty fast driving. From the disadvantages it is necessary to note the unpleasant sharp smell, so it is desirable to work in the respirator. It is very important to use alkyd compositions for its intended purpose. If the material for internal works is painted with an outer wall, the surface quickly yellowes and cracks.


This group includes different paints, the basis of which can be alkyd resins, water, polymers, etc. All of them are intended for only outdoor work. Forming a durable, fairly elastic and durable film. Well protect the base from adverse atmospheric phenomena. The main disadvantage in comparison with other types of materials is considered a limited selection of shades.

What varnish cover the lining on the balcony

The use of varnish allows to maintain the structure of wood and its appearance, while reliably protects against external influences. For this can be used:


Water-based compositions, so that there are no unpleasant odor, completely safe. They form a waterproof film that dries very quickly. The tool can be colorless or to give a tree a specific shade. A minus you can consider insufficient protective properties. For this reason, they are used only for closed rooms.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_8

Alkyd solutions

Produced from alkyd resins. After their application, water-repellent coating is formed on the surface. It is elastic, frost-resistant, durable and durable. Effectively protects the lamellas from dents, scratches and damage similar to them. The varnish is released transparent or with a light shade, which emphasizes the texture of the tree especially well. However, it has an unpleasant sharp smell, long dries.

Means with polyurethane

Possess many advantages. Forming a moistureproof, durable and frost-resistant coating. It is elastic, not prone to cracking. May be painting, in this case wood acquires the kind of noble breeds. Lack of material - toxic substances included in its composition, which give the lacquer extremely unpleasant odor. After drying, he disappears. For this reason, it is better to choose this option for outdoor work.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_9

Acrylic varnish

For such drugs, the basis is acrylic. They are safe, effectively protect wood from ultraviolet, do not burn out and have a wide range of colors. The cost of them is small. Alcohol or water can be used as a solvent. Treatment The solution is carried out in two stages. The first layer is protective, the following gives the basis of color. This somewhat increases the solution consumption.

Impregnation for lining on the balcony: best options

A distinctive feature of impregnating materials is the possibility of deep penetration into the structure of the tree. Due to this, they are better than other drugs protect the tree from various influences. In addition, there are impregnations that give wood certain properties: resistance to ignition, the effects of microorganisms, etc. To process lamellas, it is best to use such impregnations.


The name combines a group of impregnation based on water, alcohol, alkyd resins, acrylic. They are made in the form of powder, paste or ready to work liquids. In any case, the drug has antiseptic properties, gives wood water-repellent properties, emphasizes its structure. Colored simulators slightly tinted the basis. Choosing a suitable one, you need to consider that the compositions are produced for outdoor and for internal work. The first contain substances that protect against burnout.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_10

Preparations with wax

It is well protected by wood from excess moisture and temperature drops even in difficult climatic conditions. After applying, they form a thermal protection film quite elastic film, the surface of which can be glossy or matte. Prevent the development of mold and fungus. Compositions can cover outdoor designs, they are not afraid of ultraviolet.

What to treat the lining on the balcony from the sunny side

The choice of material for processing is complicated if the room is on the sunny side. This means that the intensity of ultraviolet irradiation will be higher. In addition, the cladding will be warm much stronger than the one that is located on the northern side. Selecting the composition, you need to pay attention to the resistance to UV rays. If it is low, you should look for another solution.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_11

For sure, you should not paint the lamellae with oil paints, they quickly burn out in the sun, can crack. Well "feel" in such conditions wax impregnations and acrylic varnishes. This is perhaps the best solution than to cover the lining on the balcony on the sunny side, if it is not necessary to drastically change the color of the cladding. Otherwise, it is worth picking up one of the means for painting facades.

Communicative work technology

The use of even the best composition does not guarantee a good result, if the technology of application is not observed. We begin with an attentive inspection of cladding, especially if it is painted and need to repair. The coating came into disrepair, we remove the cracks and chips. If there are darkens or plates of mold, they need to be whiten by peroxide or oxalic acid preparation. Correctly calculate the proportions of ingredients, according to the wood breed.

After whitening the drug is sure to clean. Sunflowed base with sawdust and fine dust. It is best to rinse it with soapy water. After drying, we apply a suitable antiseptic drug. Let him dry. If you need to process not only the walls, but also the floor, we do similarly.

How to paint the lining on the balcony: the choice of material and the technology of its application 9980_12

It is optimally painting work in a warm windless day, so the tool will dry evenly. On the glazed balcony, open the windows so that the room is ventilated. We pour the remedy into the appropriate container, we are well stirred and proceed to apply. We start painting from the corner, then moving around the perimeter. If there is a shelter or storage box, they also stain them.

You can work as an inkopult, brush or roller. The first option gives the best result, but it requires special equipment to implement it. Therefore, such processing is easier to order specialists. Alone is usually applied by the drug with roller or brush. We assign the first layer, we wait until it dry, whirl the base. Color the surface is reused.

Correctly choose a means for lining is easy. It is necessary to make it taking into account future operating conditions. A competently selected coating reliably protects the cladding from moisture, temperature differences and other adverse effects, significantly extended its service life.

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