8 things you need to throw away from the apartment to the new year


We offer right now to walk around the apartment and destroy everything you should take the next year.

8 things you need to throw away from the apartment to the new year 9984_1

1 Old Cheki

Check your pockets, bags, shelves in the hallway - for sure you will collect the pile of paper that you do not need. If you collect checks (for example, to lead a family budget), it is much easier to digitize and throw them out so as not to keep an extra garbage.

By the way, all useless waste paper - brochures, magazines, complimentary newspapers, flyers - too, should be sent to the trash.

2 broken things

A chair with a broken leg, cracked dishes, failed - all this we took the category of broken things.

8 things you need to throw away from the apartment to the new year 9984_2

If for some reason you have been difficult for some reason, it was difficult to part with these objects, now it's time to step up in the New Year.

3 Old Textiles

We advise you to conduct an inspection on the mezzanine, and in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The first to free from grandmother bed linen, which is not used, but for some reason is not the first year is stored. The second is from the closing normal view of the towels, tapes and even the curtains: sometimes windows can do without them, at least look like they will be better than in the frame of old and unsightly fabric.

4 Empty tanks

8 things you need to throw away from the apartment to the new year 9984_3

All sorts of empty banks from under shampoo, creams and household chemicals are to dispose. Enough to occupy the useful area!

5 spoiled Christmas tree toys

If last year something broke and you still did not fix it, it is better to say goodbye to the decoration and buy a new one. At the same time refresh the festive decoration.

6 overdue and spoiled products

Before the new year, it is not bad to conduct a revision in the refrigerator and storage room and throw everything too much. First, free the place for the products you need for the holiday. Secondly, maybe find the forgotten delicacy, which will have to be just by the way.

7 Unnecessary clothes and shoes

8 things you need to throw away from the apartment to the new year 9984_4

Not just a way to get rid of extra, but also the opportunity to make someone gift for the holiday. Just take the clothes and shoes to the item for collecting needy and make one good deal this year more.

8 things that you just don't like

If such else is in your home, enough to endure them! Enter the new year only with the fact that it really warm my soul.

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