45 bright apartments with colored floors


Bright floor - not too frequent phenomenon in modern interiors. And in vain! We have collected for you examples proving how effectively looks like a colored floor covering.

45 bright apartments with colored floors 10147_1

45 bright apartments with colored floors

Brave red

Decide on the red floor of the floor may not everyone: this tone is pretty active and for its use in the interior need a certain courage. That is an unexpected it looks in the setting, giving it a special charm and making making the original.

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Life-affirming orange

Another rarely used version is a life-affirming orange tint. Especially stylish and appropriately such a floor will look in a restrained interior built on calm, neutral colors: in this case, orange will become the main color accent.

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Bright yellow

Yellow - a win-win way to fill the situation with a solar mood and make the space visually warmer.

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By the way, the shades of yellow are perfectly suitable for interiors of the bathrooms. By the way, it was in the bathroom, many willingly give free color and are solved on bold design techniques, including accent floors.

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If bright yellow seems unnecessary, you can turn to slightly less active shades or combine this color with neutral tones and natural textures.

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Natural green

The green color is associated with nature, plants and fits perfectly as a bright accent into many interior styles.

In addition, from all active shades, it is green that can be the most neutral: it is almost not comicing and rarely can be unpleasant.

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Surminating blue

Another relatively neutral color of a bright palette is blue. Like green, it is quite often found in the interiors and rarely comes. Most people converge: shades of blue - calm, peaceful, and, if your setting lacks a nominal such mood, feel free to contact them.

Well, the floor in blue tones is a non-standard and spectacular way to bring the desired color to the interior palette.

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Space purple

Despite the fact that, according to Pantone, the tint of ultraviolet is the color of 2018, it is still not so often used in interior design. And in vain, because with the help of violet and lilac tones, you can add a few sophistication space, mysteriousness.

In addition, unlike many other bright shades, purple in the majority representation is not at all associated with a palette for children's and game rooms and will not "forgive" the situation.

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Actual pink

Pink has already been sufficient for a long time in the list of current trends and, apparently, will not pass the position. Moreover: starting the "invasion" into our apartments from delicate pastel and sophisticated dusty shades, gradually this color has expanded its presence and more active, saturated tones.

Why not arrange in a pink floor? It will look great as a bright accent and will be the original, unusual detail of the interior.

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If possible associations with Barbie doll and excessive "girls" are embarrassed, equaline it with neutral white and contrasting black.

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Combination of several bright colors

If you want a greater and atmosphere, it is strongly lacking for bright tones, you can use a bold move - to place the floor in several active colors. The main thing is to choose a harmonious palette and do not rearrange.

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Bonus: 4 good reasons to use in the interior bright floor

  1. Obvious accent. The colored floor can become the main bright "spot" in the interior.
  2. Displacement. Accent surfaces distract attention from room dimensions (relevant for small rooms) and disadvantages of space configuration.
  3. Zoning. Color is an easy way to visually separate one functional zone from the other.
  4. Designer reception. Color sex is not the most common solution, which means so you can add a highlight setting.

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