9 rules of a healthy microclimate in your home


Immediately sneaking winter - a weighty reason to think about creating the right microclimate in the room in which you will spend more time with the onset of cold weather. We tell how not to overdo it in the heating season and even get closer to nature.

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9 rules of a healthy microclimate in your home

1 Do not ignore regular ventilation

Clean fresh air - a prerequisite for creating and maintaining a healthy microclimate indoor. Remember regular ventilation, as well as about household appliances and devices that help to make air cleaner (air conditioning with filtration system, brizer, ventilation valve for double-glazed windows, air washing, etc.).

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  • 9 plants that clean the air and improve the microclimate in the house

2 Prefer natural materials

If you surrounded yourself with low-quality synthetic textiles and non-ecological furniture, it is not necessary to talk about a healthy microclimate. Try to bet on the most natural and safe materials for humans and nature.

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3 Do not skimp on indoor plants

Indoor Flowers - a simple and inexpensive way to improve and save a healthy microclimate in the house. In addition, many plants in the apartment - the current trend.

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4 Contact domestic assistants

Modern manufacturers offer many household assistants who can significantly simplify maintaining a comfortable microclimate in the house. Air washing will reduce the amount of dust and increase the level of humidity; The air conditioner will establish a comfortable temperature, and many models - also carefully filtered air; The robot vacuum cleaner will help in maintaining cleanliness.

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5 Support cleanliness

By the way, about cleanliness. Of course, a healthy microclimate is possible to create only in a clean room. Try not to forget about regular cleaning, including the guidance of order in "hard-to-reach" places on the cabinets, shelves, plates, under sofas and beds. Remember that dust accumulates on the eaves and the refrigerator, and doors and furniture handles need regular washing.

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6 Attention on "Dust collectors"

Textiles, soft toys, mattresses and pillows Many are called the capabilities of "dust collectors". Such elements of the situation really accumulate dust, but it does not mean at all that it is urgent to get rid of curtains, carpets and decorative pillows. They only require regular care - as, however, all other furniture and decor items.

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7 Do not get carried away open storage

Open racks, shelves and even clothing storage systems are currently in fashion. But you should not be too involved in a similar organization of space: get rid of dust with such a situation much more difficult.

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8 Light

What is the comfortable microclimate without good lighting? If your home does not boast of sufficient solar light, refer to the techniques for enhancement (light, glossy, glass, mirror surfaces) and add sources of artificial light.

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9 Consider the features of the climate, premises and lifestyle

Relieve yourself in creating a healthy microclimate from climate features, premises and your own lifestyle.

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If you live in the center of the megapolis or in the extremely dusty region, the Council more often open the windows. You are hardly useful - it is not necessary to do without a filtering system, air conditioner and other household units. If in your region is increased humidity, the air washing will not only improve the microclimate in the apartment, but, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation. Well, if you have a dense, rich schedule, regular cleaning and care for home plants can not fit into it, cassto and phytosta with a fiber optic and a robot vacuum cleaner.

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