5 unexpected ways to turn cleaning on holiday


Want to love cleaning just as we love her? Then take advantage of one of these ideas.

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5 unexpected ways to turn cleaning on holiday

1 Find the correct motivation

If you endure can't clean, because this occupation seems to you routine and meaningless (still wiven a week later), first of all review your relevance to the process.

For example, think about the fact that the cleanliness in the apartment you first show respect for yourself and your health. You do not stop brushing your teeth due to what you need to do every day? Cleaning is the same important hygienic procedure.

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The authors of some modern cleaning techniques are also seen in it a deep philosophical subtext. So, Marie Condo believes that order in the house leads to order in his entire life, harmonizes the rest of the spheres, helps to get rid of extra. Think about it: when an action becomes a serious meaning, it is much easier to perform it and more pleasant.

Another option is to just come up with a promotion after cleaning. Invite friends to the evening, schedule a pleasure event or leave a piece of cake and promise that you get the award only after the apartment will be cleaned. Motivation will immediately become stronger!

2 Turn cleaning to the competition

Clear together with someone already more fun. But what if you connect to the process and spirit of rivalry? Divide the apartment to equal in labor costs of the zone and try to remove your faster enemy. Invent a reward for the winner is also not superfluous.

3 "Play" in cleaning

With a good mood any sk & ...

With a good mood, any boring lesson will become more fun

A good option if you arrange cleaning with a child or love to have a chance with a partner. Make the game like Sharad: Write the tasks for cleaning or zone in the apartment, which should be removed, and mix in the hat, and then pull out the task. Ideally, the game should continue until the hat is empty.

4 Make cleaning part of spiritual practice

Multiple is not really necessarily only in the lotus position. Meditation is a state of awareness, presence in the moment. And it can be achieved in the process of routine affairs, like washing dishes or disposal of the kitchen plate.

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Practice to be in the moment during the longest and vigorous tasks, and there before Zen not far.

5 Use the right tools and tools.

Cleaning will never be pleasant if in your arsenal old rags, smelly sponges and ineffective means. We advise you to start updating the contents of the business cabinet: buy cute cleaning items and get the tools that will accelerate the usual operations. We also recommend familiarizing with modern tools for cleaning - many of them remove pollution much better outdated analogs.

How do you motivate yourself for cleaning? Share experience in the comments!

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