Moving is not worse than the fire: 7 modern ways to simplify it


Our advice and recommendations, how to make the relocation did not scare you and passed easier.

Moving is not worse than the fire: 7 modern ways to simplify it 10299_1

Moving - how to organize it correctly

1 Start in advance

Yes, let's start disassembling things a few weeks before moving. We did not get sealed - not to collect, but to disassemble. Moving is a good way to free apartment from unnecessary furniture, technicians, dishes, clothes - yes of any things.

But what to do with unnecessary things - to solve you. There are several options: to give those who need it. Place an ad on social networks - in groups of your LCD or District, you will certainly find those who need an old writing desk or a children's bath, which is no longer needed and costs without a balcony.

As for furniture and technology - you can order the withdrawal of unnecessary things for free. For example, through the service "Dolka" - for Muscovites. Service staff will be taken, and sell things themselves. And you get rid of unnecessary. If you want to earn money, deal with the sale. Perhaps wishes will be on "Yule" or "Avito".

Old furniture and equipment

Old furniture and equipment

  • 6 ingenious techniques for packaging things during the move to transport everything at once

2 Take advantage of the Moving Services and Storage Warehouses

Transport companies offer services not only for the transport of things, but also packaging, and assess their quantity. Decide whether you will delegate tasks to specialists, or still decide to fulfill the task yourself.

By the way, it is not necessary to move with all things - some seasonal can be sent for temporary storage. Not so long ago, companies that offer storage of things in small cells (2, 4 sq. M. m.) In warehouses - so convenient to contain sports equipment: for example, a snowboard that you use only in winter, or The same New Year tree. Among them is the warehouse "Mobius", "Inbox", "Ciffusion" and others.

3 Bursting Accessories for Packaging

Forget about plastic bags that you store in the Package Package. They only complicate the move - do not make many things there, but fragile items and suppressed. Follow cardboard boxes, crafting paper, air-bubble film - for glass and dishes.

Things first fold into vacuum bags, and after - in the boxes or the same Baula bags. So they will take less space in the end, and you will pay less for transportation.

Fold things into vacuum P & ...

Fold things in vacuum packages

4 Take pictures and sign

Follow the following scheme: Take a picture of the contents of the box, write down in notepad or notes - what enters this box and assign her number. And the number - write on the box, preferably from several sides. So it will be easier after finding the most necessary first of all, and not face the problem "where the toothbrushes and towels" on the first night on the new apartment.

Sign boxes

Sign boxes

5 Do not spare crappical paper and film

Use it for packaging fragile things and techniques. Technique - in bubble paper, wrap completely and wrap a scotch. Screens protect especially strongly.

6 Check for movers where to carry boxes

So you will speed up the process and relieve yourself from the transfer of boxes in the apartment in search of the right place.

Moving is not worse than the fire: 7 modern ways to simplify it 10299_7

7 Decide in advance where and what will be located in the apartment

So you also simplify the task and yourself, and loaders - furniture and boxes immediately put in the right room.

Decide where and what will be in the apartment ...

Decide where and what will happen in the apartment

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