Time to warm: choose rollers for comfortable autumn and warm winter


With the onset of cold, people are more and more spending in their homes. Did you think how well your cottage is ready for autumn and winter? If this question has led you to confusion, our material is for you.

Time to warm: choose rollers for comfortable autumn and warm winter 10302_1

Time to warm: choose rollers for comfortable autumn and warm winter

Maintain a comfortable temperature in the house even in the most severe frosts help modern protective structures from the Alutech group of companies - shutters from the thermopropil AR / 41T, with increased heat transfer resistance indicators - 0.29 m² * ° C / W (taking into account the air layer between the window and roll). These systems are installed on window openings and allow to reduce heat loss at home by more than 30%.

What makes them so warm?

First of all, impressive energy efficiency is achieved due to the quality and density of foam filling, which significantly reduces the thermal conductivity of the structures. In addition, an air layer is formed between the rolling web and window structures, which slows down heat exchange on the principle of thermos. And this advantage has rollers from a standard profile.

The key feature of the "warm" profile is a silver thermal stroke with a large number of aluminum particles, which is applied by one side of the product. The coating has an increased heat transfer ratio, which also allows rollers from the AR / 41T profile to hold heat.

In addition to increased thermal insulation, the thermofilm "Alutech" is distinguished by durability and long service life. Due to the use of high-quality aluminum tape and the use of dense foaming, energy-efficient profiles are well tolerated wind and shock loads. In addition, installation Rolls provides additional sound insulation at home. The noise level in the rollers decreases by 2-3 times, which will become a useful advantage for those who have sensitive sleep.

The aesthetic appearance of the rolling profile "Alutech" provides a two-layer paint coating with polyamide particles. The special composition makes the surface of the rollstable on the appearance of scratches and scratching, cracking, as well as temperature drops and the effects of ultraviolet.

Time to warm: choose rollers for comfortable autumn and warm winter 10302_3

New faces comfort

Reliable and functional rolling systems "Alutech" are already due to the synonym. However, to make the process of operation of protective structures even more conveniently called by the "Alutes" electric drives, after the installation of which the owners will disappear the need to spend time on the opening and closing the rolllet manually. Using the remote control or wall switch, you can raise or lower all the designs or only one. Moreover, you can combine them into groups, for example, close rollers on one side of the house.

By the way, the holding offers comfortable single-channel consoles - the optimal solution for small objects, as well as multi-channel consoles with the possibility of separate control to 15 devices in rolling mode.

The range of the Group of Companies also has a motor with an already built-in radio - this solution allows you to save time on automatics. And in case of a sudden turning off the electricity, the engineers "Alutech" provided in the electric drives the mechanism of emergency manual lifting. In addition, the Group of Companies offers compact motors for the automation of rolling systems installed on small opening widths from 505 mm.

So, if you decide to prepare a house to the approaching cold for all 100%, do not hurry to look after the heater is more powerful. For practical hosts who want to make their dwelling with a real fortress, which even the strongest frosts are not terrible, the Alyutekh GC offers a truly "warm" solution - reliable and durable thermopillery rollers.

To obtain additional information about Alutech Rollent Systems, contact the nearest representative of the group of companies in its region.

Time to warm: choose rollers for comfortable autumn and warm winter 10302_4

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