Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table


We tell about the peculiarities of the three designs, pros and cons of greenhouses of different types and compare them in five important criteria.

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_1

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table

The selection of greenhouses for the site may be very difficult. There are many designs, each of which has a set of advantages and minuses. Consider the design features of different types and will understand which greenhouse is better: arched, straight-wired or droplet.

Compare greenhouses of different types

Greenhouse Arca


Liquid models

Comparative table and conclusions

Features of arched construction

The base of the architectural type greenhouse is metal framework arc, in factory execution they are most often covered with galvanized to protect corrosion. The arch is assembled from polycarbonate or durable film. Glazing is impossible for it. Installation of the system is very simple and does not cause difficulties. The type of fasteners and their number of different manufacturers may differ. Dimensions can also be different.

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_3
Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_4

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_5

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_6

In any case, the Greenhouse-Arch has many advantages, list them all.


  • Resistance to adverse weather conditions. The streamlined shape helps to withstand the strong wind gusts. She prevents the snow to go to the roof, it smoothly roll down. True, if there are thaws, ice is growing on the surface, which keeps snow cover. Then cleaning is required. It is also needed with heavy snowfall.
  • High strength. This refers to polycarbonate systems. When assembling a strip of plastic bend in the form of the arch. Therefore, joints and additional compounds that reduce strength, no. Polycarbonate in this case works as a coating and as a frame, gives additional rigidity.
  • Arched configuration Even on a small base area gives a significant internal volume. Plants are enough air, however, the ventilation system is still needed.
  • Good light. The light gets inside the construction from all sides. Close the light rays only arcs, but their area is small.
Inside such a greenhouse, there is enough space for two or three varnishes along the walls. Sometimes they make another end.

There is a greenhouse arch and shortcomings.


  • Under the inclined walls it will not be possible to plant high cultures. They will have to post closer to the center.
  • It is inconvenient to care for plants planted near the walls and equip vertical beds.
  • Difficulties in the improvement of ventilation. The main equipment at best suggests the presence of the vessels above the doors. For the full ventilation of this too little, so the doors also open. This does not solve the problem, since plants in such conditions are experiencing stress: too sharp temperature difference between the cool bottom of the greenhouse and the hot top. In addition, the draft dries the soil. The only exit is the arrangement of the window walls on the side walls. Install them is correct enough.

Cheap models may not be sufficiently resistant to snow loads. Therefore, they may have to refine. You can add stability by increasing the cross section of the arc or reduce the distance between them.

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Characteristics of greenhouse-droplets

It can be considered a variety of arched. Only in the context, the design looks not as an ordinary arch, but as a fitted one. Hence the name: "Arrow" or "Droplet". Her arcs intersect at the highest point at an angle. The similarity of forms sometimes contributes to confusion. Therefore, we will list the advantages of the structure so that it is possible to determine which greenhouse is better: arched or droplet.

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_8
Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_9

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_10

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_11


  • Increased resistance to snow and wind loads. Competently calculated design is much stronger than arched. At the same time, snow is not lingering on an elongated archer arc, it rolls down. Therefore, the droplet is recommended for locality with gusty winds and snowfall
  • Increased buffer zone. Due to the fit form, the distance between the roof and the tops of the plants increases. This favorably affects the microclimate, since in the heat heated air accumulates here. In addition, with an equal volume of the fitting and ordinary arch, the first design will be above 25-30 cm. What makes it possible to grow higher cultures.
  • Uniform lighting of all landings. Almost completely transparent building does not delay light rays. They prevent them from only the framework, but its area is small.
For the assembly of the rigged systems, a reinforced frame with double arcs and fasteners-crabs is used. It makes them even more reliable and durable.

We will analyze the shortcomings of the droplet.


  • A large number of components. This increases the price of the structure and complicates its assembly.
  • It is impossible to land from the walls of continuously growing or high cultures. It is inconvenient to care for landings near the wall, the arrangement of the vertical variety is difficult.
  • Like the greenhouse arch, additional ventilation is required. Therefore, gardeners are better to buy models with side drives so as not to embed them on their own.
  • The most vulnerable area is galvanized horse. If the item is laid incorrectly, water will fall under it and fall into the cells of the polycarbonate.

  • What kind of polycarbonate for the greenhouse is better: choose 5 criteria

Description of direct structures

These include all facilities with vertical walls. They are installed at right angles to the surface of the Earth. For capital all-season options, the foundation is preliminarily laid. Lightweight spring-autumn models can do without it. The roof is of different shapes. Most often it is a double, that is, its highest point is located in the center.

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_13
Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_14

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_15

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_16

There are single-table models when the highest point is transferred to one of the walls. Such greenhouses are rarely independent, they usually attach them to the house or the economic building. Polycarbonate, glass or tight film can be selected as a cover for long-wing structures. Frames put metal or wooden. We list the advantages of greenhouse houses, as they call the dackets.


  • Strength and resistance to loads. The design is well withstanding the snow load. Steep slots do not give the snow to accumulate on the roof, so it is unlikely to consider it. The strength of the building largely depends on the material from which the framework is collected.
  • Large internal volume. It is more than other varieties. This makes it possible if you wish to place vertical beds from the walls.
  • Comfortable height. She is more than a droplet or arch and the same in the entire area of ​​the construction. Therefore, tall instances can be placed not only in the center. In a high building, people are comfortable and working.
  • The possibility of independent design and assembly. This reduces the price of the construction. Another plus - the project is easy to make changes. For example, embed an additional window, put the partition or transfer the door. All this can also be made independently.
There are also consists of minuses. List all them.


  • Buildings are quite cumbersome, occupy a lot of space on the site.
  • A large number of joints and connections. These places can lose weight over time.
  • Scope planes from polycarbonate or films under long load can be saved.

Single-piece structures have another drawback. Landing in them are worse than illuminated. This is explained by the fact that one side of their side is attached to the wall of the building. Diva do not have such shortcomings, the lighting in them is good.

Which greenhouse is better: arched, droplet or straight-wired? comparison table 10341_17

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We choose which greenhouse is better: arched, bartal straight wedge or droplet

To visually see all the advantages and weaknesses of each design, we collected them in the table.

Parameter for comparison Arched Droplet Double
Stability to loads Average. Very high. High.
Light Sufficient. Sufficient. Sufficient.
Useful internal volume Middle. The minimum, part of the useful space "eats" the stroke arch. Maximum.
Convenience of plants Little space for high cultures, they are planted in the center. Uncomfortable to care for landings by the wall. Vertical beds can not be. Tall instances are located closer to the center. No vertical ridge. The landing at the walls is difficult to access. Garden crops can be placed as convenient. It is possible to arrange the vertical variety. All landings are equally available.
Need to clean snow After heavy snowfall and thaws, when the snow sticks to the roof. Not. Not. Subject to sufficient steepness of the skates.

Let's bring a brief summary. According to the reviews of which greenhouse is better: straight-wired or arched, it can be concluded that the inner space is more efficient in a greenhouse-house. If there is a place and the ability to build it, it will be the most convenient and roomy option. However, it is more comprehensive and, perhaps it will cost more.

Arched structures attract simplicity of assembly and low cost. They almost do not have joints, that is, their sealing will not need. The arch is well dispelled the light that favorably acts on the landing. On convex surfaces, less condensate is formed. Due to the shape of the walls, it flows down, and does not fall on the plants. This reduces the likelihood of burns and fungal diseases.

The droplet retained all the advantages of the arch, but it also has its own. According to Dachnikov's reviews of what greenhouse is better: a droplet or arched, the first is better than others suitable for locations with snowy and windy winters. The stroke design is perfectly coping with high load. True, it has a minimum internal volume. But if you correctly choose the size of the structure, there is enough space inside for all cultures planned for landing.

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