Useful placer


In the landscape designer arsenal there are plenty of money. One of them is decorative illega. These seemingly purely "technical" materials are able to decorate the garden and significantly affect his appearance and mood

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In the landscape designer arsenal there are plenty of money. One of the year-decorative illery. These seemingly purely "technical" materials are able to decorate the garden and significantly affect his appearance and mood

Useful placer

With the help of soft coatings from bulk materials, there are tracks and patio, decorated flower beds, mulch the priority circles around the trees, draw up reservoirs, alpine slides, rokaria. They are also used when laying drainage, to create sports and playgrounds or "dry landscape" in the Japanese garden. There are quite a lot of such materials, and each of them is specific, has its scope of application and features of laying and care.
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Useful placer
Useful placer

1. Massive granite slabs lie on fine-fucked ottopka from the same stone, and their combination fits well into a calm color color, where white is adjacent to silver and purple.

2. Bright surfaces create from glass "balls" or painted stone crumb, shallow chips. Working with them should be carefully, since the active color "sounds" in the garden is very loud.

3. The sidewalking tile of granite performs the role of large-factor skewlings.

Bulk palette

Smelling is customary to divide into organic and inorganic. The clerk group includes the bark of trees, chips (in the landscape designer environment it is called mulch, although other organic materials are capable of performing mulching functions), cedar nut shells, chevy. We use a pine or larch bark (by-product of the woodworking industry) - it retains his natural color for a long time and does not rot. It can be bought in building markets. Usually, the choice is offered by the bark of different fractions: 10-30, 20-40, 40-80, 100-200 mm. Wood chip is obtained by cutting it from branches, stumps or trunks of trees - and deciduous, and coniferous rocks. As a rule, the chip is painted. Colors are the most diverse, even very bright, but the unnatural blue or emerald material for this material will not like everyone. It is necessary to use such tones carefully, realizing that large sections of bright colors are able to "score" plants. Shell cedar nuts contains nutrients - lignin, phytoncides, flavonoids. It looks beautiful, but the remains of nuts in a fresh cedar shell can attract rodents. All organic materials are not so durable - on average they are capable of lying for 3-5 years, while it is required to update the top layer annually.

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Useful placer

4-9. The assortment of ottips is varied: bark (4), stone (5, 6, 9), glass (7, 8).

10. Tortured marble is a stone that, after processing on special technology, acquires a rounded form. Metal insert in the form of honeycombs is filled with pots with flowers and a dark stone.

Kneorganic (inert) materials include natural and artificial stone of different fractions (from 1 to 50-70mm), crumples, sand (this is the smallest crush), glass, as well as some exotic things - sea shells or painted bottles. There are several types of stone: gravel (or crushed stone), pebbles, stone crumb. They differ in size and shape. Crushed stone is a crushed stone with sharp uneven edges. It is produced almost from any rock (granite, limestone, marble, sandstone, slate). Sort crushed stone in fractions: 5-10, 10-20, 30-50 and 40-70 mm. Stone crumb is a very fine crushed marble, granite, quartzite or shungite (the fraction size is 2.5-5 or 5-10mm). Pebbles are rounded, deprived of sharp edges of rocks of rocks, rolled by marine waves or fluid water. There is not only natural, but also artificial pebbles. Its great dignity is the ability to imitate rocks, rarely found in nature or expensive (for example, color marble or serpentinite). Ceramzite is very easy, so it does not use it in open areas - after the first rain it will float. This material more often decorated plants lined in containers, although many believe that it is not very attractive. For the design of ponds, fountains, water bodies, cascades sometimes use marine seashells.

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11. Against the background of light pebbles, the plants look more convex than on the background of the lawn, and it is more convenient to care for them.

12. Flowers planted with embarrassing stripes resemble the waves on "water" from the shallow gravel crumb. The damp from the sand in such a composition, most likely depicts the shore.

13. Vigilan garden plant low plants - decorative bows of dwarf varieties, Alissaum Idr.

14. To lay out a scaly surface from pebble, choose some one kind of material - various types of pebbles in this case are not worth mixing. Pebbles should be flat. Stones impose on each other. So that they keep better, they can be mounted on a solution or glue.

Materials are sold in different volumes: bark - bags (price - 350-500 rub. For 20 dm3), stone crumb - kilograms (7-100rub. For 1 kg). The cost of rubble - from 12 rubles. For 1 kg. However, it can be bought in much larger quantities: about 3 thousand rubles. for the car.

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15-17. Mulching materials: Bark (15), chips (16), straw (17).

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18-20. Stone of different shades: Motley gravel (18), painted in black crumb (19), white crushed stone (20).

Kilograms of contract

Mulching is the main scope of applying all organic ottips. NEVROPE None of the urban commission will take a planted tree if during the landing did not conduct the mulching of its priority circle. Mulch also fall asleep in the aisle beds and flower beds. She is beneficial in many ways: supports the optimal soil microclimate (in winter protects the roots of trees from supercooling, and in summer - from overheating), prevents the seal and weathering of the soil, preserving it loose, suppresses the growth of weed herbs, creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of rainworms and useful soil Microflora. The normal thickness of the crust layer is 7-10 cm. It is falling asleep, retreating from the stalks of plants for a short distance. The radius of the priority circle around the tree is 0.8-1m. So that the grass does not sprust the grass, geotextiles are often used when mulching - it is plated. The plot to be filled with mulch is zonied by a plastic border ribbon to designate its borders and prevent the material to prevent the material.

Opinion of a specialist

Mulching materials are especially popular with chips, bark and mulch made from thin (up to 2 cm in diameter) of trees branches. The branches are crushed into a branch of 5-10mm fractions. Such a mulch can be pouring into the rolling circles and aisle. Wooden bark in color and texture is well suited for coniferous, rhododendrons, azaleas, peers and ferns. Sweeping from the bark, for example, combine several conifers to the general group - fall asleep the area of ​​the free form, with the pleasant of the strain curves and turns, which will cover all selected trees and shrubs. The phenomena of the soil roses is hard enough to pour the soil, and here the squeeze out of the bark is also relevant. Under the layer of cortex on the ground, black geotextiles is laid. However, the last in the flowerbed with a bulbous prevents germination: the bulbs of the lilies are "shoot" in the most unexpected places, and tulips are often shifted. Some perennial cultures that breed the sockets (Cide Code), will not develop from the bark on the litter.

Maria Bakhmutova, Landscape Architect

The mulch enriches the soil with useful substances, but at the same time slightly changes the composition of the soil, on which it lies: it is in one way or another slightly whines it. Once a year (usually in spring), the smells are updated, adding a fresh layer with a thickness of 1-2 cm. The lower layer in 3-4 years turns into compost. Punching mulch can also be used and externally less decorative peat, hay, straw.

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21. The combination of three different surfaces (wooden, lawn and covered stone) is a good solution for a small garden: it allows you to make a variety and at the same time avoid excessive varnish.

22. The track is fragrant, which in the garden markets is often referred to as the "Moscow region" - this is a mixture of stones of several colors at once: gray, beige, brownish. The splashes of the fractions of light gray and white colors are echoing with white hydrangea inflorescences and a light edging of the leaf of the becklet of a volatile.

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23-26. The tracks are the lines specifying not only the direction of the garden movement, but also the "route" of the view. In regulatory garden, they are usually strict, straight, and in the landscaped - loop and bend. In the second case, the track must have a natural look as close as possible to natural, so they choose materials suitable for such an image: the incomplete color of gravel, the bark, chip. The general rule states that for solar open seats requires bright material. Dark dumps "quench" sunshine and even create a feeling of a shadow area.

Organic ignitions are used not only for mulching - they can also be coated for minor tracks and paths. In this case, they are placed in this way: on the bottom of the trench, a geotextile with a depth of 15 cm, a gravel layer with a thickness of 5 cm poured, and from above - chip, shells of walkers IT.D. On dense soil, the backfall can be entirely made of shell or chips. Near the reservoirs, it is better not to make sucks from lightweight materials - during the wind the air flow picks up a chip or a bark and it falls into a pond or a stream.

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27-32. Materials for filling tracks: Gray gravel (27); Light gray flat (28) and bulk (29) pebbles, pebbles "marine", in which the glued stone is mixed with small and medium fractions of different colors (white, gray, ohlogen, red-brown) and forms (some rounded, other oblong) - It looks like this mixture is very "south" and therefore it is well suited for imitation of seaside landscapes (30); broken brick (31); Large red-brown pebbles (32).

The technical pillow of sand or rubble with a thickness of 15-20 cm is required and any track of inert materials. Most often for this, a stone is used (you can also rubble, only less decorative). In this case, the layers of the upper decorative and lower materials are separated by geotextile so that they are not mixed. All layers are thoroughly tamped.

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33. Pine or larch cones can be gained in the forest - this material is at all at hand. They are difficult to fall asleep a plot of a large area, and a small decorative corner or a trail from scattered smokers scattered at a short distance - it is absolutely not difficult. Under the cones make a sand pillow.

34, 35. Sweeping of a stone next to Zucubai (stone bowl with water) in the Japanese garden helps to disguise the device feeding water and the water receiver. Beautiful combination of bluish hostes and gray stone leaves (34). Algae and mosses, which throw a cobblestone, help him to scat out naturally (35).

36. Ships, scattered around the lantern, does not allow the soil plants to grow and enclose on its base.


Choosing a stone, remember that on the tracks created using the material of the large fraction, it will be difficult to roll a garden trolley. Any gravel track in winter is uncomfortable to clean from snow or ice, so the main highways are usually raised by tiles. We care about bulk materials do not make parking for cars and cycling paths - transport on such a coating can be stopped. The marble crumb is not worth using in raw and dark places - here it is quickly covered with moss and algae, darkens and loses its decorativeness. Acute gravel or crushed stone is dangerous where small children are (for example, on the playground), it can cause injuries. To create tracks, rubble is generally good - he has too sharp edges capable of damaging shoes.

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37. To create a pattern that imitates the movement of the water surface, use special rake in Japan, and we are replaced with a wooden tool with large teeth.

38-43. Materials used in the Japanese Garden: pebbles - flat gray (38), midjective yellow (42) and large gray (43); Stone crumb (39), painted stone (40), sand (41).

Decorative potential

Smooth homogeneous horizontal squares streamline the chaotic landscape, become a good background for landing. By creating a group of conifers with juniper open shape or with a pine mountain, it is better not to land under the trees and shrubs of the lawn - in such conditions, it is extremely inconvenient to mow it. It is appropriate to make a sinking of the crust: coniferous plants will be comfortable, moreover, it is preferable as a background - green on brown looks more spectacular. On the plot where the sun rarely happens, dark places when sinking with light materials look more attractive. At a very dry area, the ignition will help to reduce the area of ​​the lawn, and therefore, and the care of herbal coating will become less burdensome. Lawn grass in this case is good to search by the "islands" of beautiful outlines, and the space around them is fill in with the swelling.

Opinion of a specialist

Useful placer

In the Japanese garden, bulk materials usually mimic water. The most important thing in the arrangement of "dry reservoirs" ("streams", "rivers", fragments of "lake" or "sea") - to withstand the horizontal level of the surface of "water" and its homogeneity. On this plane, waves are drawn or diverging circles - their lines smoothly repeat the abis of "reservoir" or accent stones, symbolically depicting islands, mainland or even animals and birds. Flat rounded stones embody calm, silence, slow water. Rough, unprocessed have a sharper and energetic look, they are used when creating a rapid "mining flow" or "rocky shores". You can put the lane from the darker material on the light of the lace or gravel - and then a feeling of the depth of the "dry stream" will appear. The antisy river with picturesque shores is depicted by a gray pebble strip, which is framed with a monster of Lo-Yellow Sand.

Yana Korobova, landscape designer

Dry landscape in the Japanese garden can not be performed without applying. When creating a "dry stream", the technology of styling the stone is the same as for the tracks, only the pillow can be made without a crushed stone - there is no intensive movement here. Such a "stream" needs to be put in order annually - only then it will look beautiful. The flow of the season should be regularly removed the fallen leaves and other vegetable garbage, and the pattern, simulating the waves on the surface, or give wooden robbles. Sometimes crushed stone or pebbles need to rinse: it is either out of the hose right on the spot, or they are collected from the surface, wash, and then scatter again. Skenets are combined with each other: "rhyme" gravel various shades or two different stones - for example, a smooth coil with a large pebble. Combine two unequal material, drawing with their help "Pictures", playing smooth and rigid lines on the border of the otp. Materials separate from each other plastic ribbon or tin strip so that they do not mix.

The editorial board thanks the company "four seventh" and landscape architect Maria Bakhmutu and landscape designer Jan Korobov for help in preparing the material.

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