Conservation of the swimming pool for the winter: what needs to be done?


Many summer cottages have a small outdoor pool. In the fall, you need to think about how to protect the bowl, pumping and filtering equipment from the destructive effect of ice and low temperature.

Conservation of the swimming pool for the winter: what needs to be done? 10399_1

Non-postal season

Photo: Astrapools.

The method of preservation depends primarily on the type of bowl of the pool and the method of its installation. The most popular ground inflatable and frame structures - we will start the conversation with them.

Canning inflatable pool

The inflatable pool (with a self-supporting board) is completely dismantled for the winter. First of all, water is drained, then disconnected, dried and removed into the house (shed, garage) filtering equipment. Please note: removal of moisture from filters, pumps and circulation pipes, dismantling of decorative illumination, stairs, fountains - a mandatory stage of the conservation of any outdoor pool.

Non-postal season

Photo: "Pavilions for pools"

Residual chlorine and algicides (means from algae) are not harmless to garden plants, so water should be left into the sewer, roadside cuvette or a downward relief outside the cooperative.

The prefabricated safety fence around the blurred pool can not be dismantled for the winter. On the contrary, you should make sure of its reliability and lock the watery leading to the water.

It is further desirable to process the bowl of complex (chloro-oxygen) disinfectant so that the walls are not started on the walls, rinse with a strong pure water and dry. Then the shell is recommended to collapse and remove under the roof, but you can leave, folding the envelope, in the open sky, if the mechanical effects on it are excluded (walking, drop from the height of large snow masses). The fact is that the bowls of budget pools are made of enemora-resistant PVC, which at minus temperatures loses elasticity and can crack.

Non-postal season

If you do not merge water for the winter, be sure to install submersible expansion compensators. Photo: Klever.

Preserving frame pool

Frame ground pool for giving manufacturers recommend to disassemble and hide under the roof, but practice shows that the design is capable of overwhelming and on the street. True, when storing under the open sky, the frame elements are faster than the rust are covered, and the PVC liner suffers from sunlight. Water from the pool is required to drain (you can leave only a few centimeters at the bottom), and the walls of the bowl - to handle the antiseptic and thoroughly wash.

Non-postal season

Prefabricated designs can be winter outdoor; Wooden boards preferably cover from rain and snow, but so that the tree can dry. Photo: Bestway.

The outlook stalled pool with rigid (plastic, metal) sides for the winter should be left filled. Without water, the cup will squeeze the frozen soil, it deforms and can give a crack. Still, the water level should be omitted, so that it is 10-20 cm below the slashing hole of the skimmer.

Non-postal season

Rolled bedspread will help protect the bowl of garbage. Photo: D-Pools

Non-postal season

Photo: Aqua Doctor

Specialists of most companies producing polymer bowls for swimming pools are strongly recommended to completely replace water before conservation, since the disinfecting chemistry destroys plastic. (Before the start of the bathing season, the pool is also drained and filled again.)

Non-postal season

In front of the preservation of the pool, remove the garbage from the bottom. Photo: Water Tech

In the fall, it is necessary to add a special tool to the water capable of long period to stop the growth of algae and protect the walls of the bowls from lime deposits - "Winter Pool" ("Markopul Kemiks"), "Puripul" (Bayrol), "Winterfit" (Chemoform), etc.

Non-postal season

Dismantle for the winter PVC liner is not necessarily, but this will noticeably extend the life of the pool. Photo: Azuro.

Non-postal season

Photo: Fresh Pool

Next, the compensators of the frosting water expansion are installed - closed empty plastic containers, slices of foam (better - pre-resistant polystyrene foam), etc. It is necessary to bind the load to compensate for about two thirds. The best option is to arrange along the sides, at a distance of 10-30 cm from the walls of the bowl, the continuous vertical range of the linked cable of foam plates with a thickness of 50-100 mm. In completion, it is desirable to cover the water mirror with a bedspread to alleviate the spring cleaning of the pool from the fallen foliage and other garbage.

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