5 effective cleaning facilities that are easy to do


Do not want to spend money on domestic chemistry? From funds that are in any house, you can make effective cleaners. We share the best recipes!

5 effective cleaning facilities that are easy to do 10562_1

1 Universal flavored cleaner


Photo: Pixabay.

To bring stains from clothing, carpets or upholstery furniture, use the flavored acetic solution. It is best to store it in a bottle with a pulverizer and use as needed. In apartments where there are small children, such a need arises very often.

For the preparation of the solution you need to mix 1 part of the white vinegar with 1 part of the water and add citric crusts and rosemary sprigs. The number of the last two ingredients remains at your discretion - than them more, the more fragrant means.

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2 Deodorator


Photo: Pixabay.

Soda is an excellent smell absorber. If you need to cope with some unpleasant aroma, for example, in the refrigerator, use it. Just mix 4 tablespoons of soda with 1 liter of warm water and wipe the surface moistened in this solution with a rag. Plus - Soda is harmless to shells and stainless steel, so it can be used for cleaning them.

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3 Means for removing tracks from water

Trail from water

Photo: Instagram TheedecisiveSketch

Traces that often remain from wet glasses, easy to withdraw. To do this, mix the usual white toothpaste (not gel) with soda in proportion 1: 1. Using a wet rag, add the resulting cleaner on a stain and wipe it. Then wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

Alas, use this tool on wooden and lacquered surfaces that are more often affected by white spots, it is impossible.

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4 Steel cleaning means

wash the windows

Photo: Instagram Imperiaokon

Aqueous vinegar solution is often used for washing windows, because it does not leave divorces. The only problem is that the smell of vinegar is not pleasant. We found an improved recipe.

Mix 2 glasses of water, half a cup of apple vinegar and a quarter of a glass of alcohol (you can use half a cup of vodka). Add a couple of drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Voila - the fragrant means for washing windows is ready.

For a better effect, spray it not only on the glass, but also on a paper towel that will wipe them.

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5 Tool for washing dishes


Photo: Pixabay.

From the mustard is very easy to make a means that will help to play with fatty pollution. For its preparation you need to heat in a liter of a liter of water, add 2 tablespoons of mustard powder to it and stir the solution before the formation of foam. In it, you need to wash the dirty dishes, and then rinsed it - under running water.

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If you want to cope with those who have fallen pollution, mix the glass of heated water with 1 tablespoon of mustard melting and beat the wedge. Then add to the mixture to the soda so that Cashier turns out. This tool will have an excellent abrasive effect.

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